[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Blah!

Reason: People can really piss me off sometimes. I hate when you're in this nice little perfect world and then people come to take over, bringing you out of that bubble. I'm in a bit of a mood now and I've got this shitty laptop taking its time in posting and doing anything else I wanna do. You'd think it'd work nicely since I haven't used it in two days. Oh well, woe is me. >_>
Mood: Great. Well Halo Reach is so damn awesome and I got it yesterday and not today :ryan: Just got to read a little article for visual communications class that I forgot about. Going to play Reach first of course. Oh and I got to study the book of health for badminton class a little bit. Well tomorrow is the god damn hated thursdays but at least I have Reach now. The only thing that sucks is that I have a bad cold that I totally wish can fuck off now. Also cant forget about my event report due on the 23rd..
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Mood: Satisfied

I just made the best chevaps, sour cream and chives mashed potato and veges covered in cheese sauce meal ever. :gonk:

It could be better but it was still awesome. >.<

We're going to watch Ferngully in a minute. Run out of True Blood sadly until I get Season 2 on DVD. =(
Mood: Cold and a little annoyed again

Reason: It's freezing today, and with the constant spells of rain and wind, I'm not surprised. I had to wait 20 minutes for the bus home in that weather. 20 minutes by the usual bus stop with the shelter taken down recently for some unknown reason. Then three buses turned up at once just as the rain stopped. The whole area appears to be surrounded by roadworks now that I wasn't surprised that buses came so late. It's bringing traffic to a standstill nearly and I'm pissed at the sheer lengths of time needed to complete the roadworks. They just love taking their sweet time.
Mood: Blah!
I'mma snatching yer moodz :mokken:
Yrly :hmph:

Mood: Blah

I am really in a "can't be arsed" trip. Someone I really care for can't be completely honest with me so instead of opening herself and telling me what she really feels she insists on hiding it while sharing it with her friends. So I get to know from a third person what she feels but she isn't willing to admit it, and I can't face her with the proof I have because she would think her friends betrayed her or something among those lines.

Back in the past, I could feel anger and rage. But now I am pissed for five minutes and then I go straight to "don't give a shit" mood.

Oh and I am sick, this fucking cold is driving me nuts. On top of that I walked to home and it began to rain badly, so I expect this cold to become "queen bitch" soon. :hmph:
Mood: Cold

I am freezing. I'm sitting here with 3 sweaters and a vest on :lew: It's 5pm, I still need to take my shower before work at 7PM, which I'm, dreading 'cause then I don't wanna get out of the shower period. So damn cold. :wacky: I could turn the heating on, but I can't be fucked to, it's been off all summer. :8F: I'ma break a record. Might just skip the shower, wash the hair, get the shower after work, and dive in to a warm bed. :ohoho:

That sounds better. :lew: Oh well, off to work soon.
Kira.........very interesting.

Mood: Ecstatic!

Yeah my gf got back from holidays after2 weeks apart.......I spent the night with her,
no funny business just happy to have her back + l hurt my neck and its feeling better.
Mood: Overwhelmed

I have a lot to do before the weekend and I just don't have enough time to do it all. I'd have liked to do the SOTW but I don't even have enough time to work on it unless I can do it tomorrow night before bed. I rented movies a couple of days ago that I have yet to watch. I have homework to do, research for work, gotta find time to fix my car. I just don't have enough time to do everything
Mood: stressed and tense

Reason: I have no idea where my life is going at the moment and I wonder if a deicsion I made about two weeks ago was the right one. I have practically made myself sick with worry.
Mood: Fine

Reason: My mood significantly improved in the afternoon, but I'm kinda pissed off that my student debit card has been cancelled. Firstly, I didn't even cancel it and the bank isn't allowed to do it without my consent. Oh joy, it'll be lovely visiting them tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I've been gaming all afternoon and been left alone by everyone else, which is fine by me. Just going to waste the rest of the night with more gaming and other stuff.
Mood: Good

Just about to head off to my parents for dinner and such.

Should be okay. Haven't seen them in a while.

I need to really buy that Zumba DVD/game whatever it is so that I can start exercising more, along with the Wii Fit.

I am so scared I'm going to get love handles and all the rest if I don't start exercising more very soon. >.<
Mood: blah. All I got to say is that thursdays are always my worst. I still got a ittle bit of my cold so that sucks. Got to leave in 35 mins or so to school. I am really not in the mood for physical education clss and then 3 hours of visual communication which we practically do nothing. That said Ill probably bring the mini laptop so I can come on here whenever I have free time at school.
Mood: Is sick a mood?

Why: My stomach is screwed up so I didn't go to class this morning, but I've got a lab tonight that I can't miss. This seems like it's going to be a great day. Oh, and a bizillion things to do on top of that. Being sick in college is hard.
Mood: Full

We just went down to 7 11 and bought $1 Thursday food. >.<

We got a million cornettos, a million chocolate milks and some yummy pies. <3

I'd already eaten at mum and dads but I was still hungry when I got home tonight.

Going to go and watch a movie soon too. <3

One more day till the weekend!
WoW they have that I could have made out with 100's of donuts!!

Mood: Nicely toasted.

I timed it perfectly for going to sleep...........Im just now getting dopey, Im gonna watch this episode of SG1 and mosey to my bed and 8 hours of quality sleep, looking forward to work tomorrow after 2 days off with a stiff neck.

Yes very dopey..........
Mood: Monged out

Reason: Had my other wisdom tooth out. As soon as I walked out the room I was eating the paramols in anticipation of the anesthetic wearing off. Im still numb as fuck. Bought a new skirt today as well. LiKE I needed a new one... but it was nice, and on sale... I also bought my FIRST EVER COAT. I'l probably never wear it like, but still....

I can't wait to go to bed. I wish I could have a cup of tea...

Gina came round last night, man drama. Fucking men. Grrr. We went out for dinner esterday/today made tea last night, got a film and ate loads of crap. bouGHT WINE that we only had one bottle of as well, between us! it'l keep for another day

Also. he text me out of the blue yesterday, hi, how are you? So im like...eh, confused dot com
Mood: Relieved

It's basically the weekend. I have to work all weekend but I'm basically done with all my school work till next week, and I actually get to get some sleep tonight, read a book, eat desert. I am good
Mood: Okay

Had the most delicious veggie soup tonight, so I'm rather happy about that. Made the Paramore club to rant about my favourite band :lew: And I just made a tumblr. =) Shiny background is shiny.
mood: tired :rage: (Plus the rage, yes)

I couldn't get to sleep, so I decided to post on here for a bit which I haven't really done for awhile, just been thinking about stuff which is.. nice I guess. :lew:

Gonna try and get to sleep soon though, I have to. I have class in the morning. :hmph: