[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Alright. Well I woke up around 9 something but then I just went back to sleep for another 3 hours. I think It did me some good. Plus I stayed up very late last night so I needed it. Now I got to finish writing my report and type it up. I will just multitask.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Moving into the new flat yesterday was quite tiring and had its funny moments. We got lost when we reached Bolton, only to discover the accommodation was right across the road. It was exhausting packing and then unpacking, but glad I got it all done. I was ready to drop off a fly in bed last night. Went shopping last night and did the other half this afternoon. I'm currently relaxing until I go out to the Meet and Greet event at my student union's bar in a few hours.
Mood: Good

Reason: I had a pretty relaxing day, just making the most of the calm before the storm, since this week is going to be hell for sure. I played Einhander once I got home, until my fingers (and temper) couldn't take it anymore. :rage: One of these days I'm going to beat that stupid game. :hmph:
a bit sickly

i had chinese like....an hour ago or seomthign and it tasted so bad...like really really bad.
I was starving though and i ate it anyway =_=
kinda regretting it now as i can feel it wobbling about in my stomach :hmph:
thats what i get for being greedy when i shouldve just threw it in the bin :rage:

Yes, i'm chilling, it's a mood. :mokken:
Got nowt to do for tonight, college tomorrow but I only start at half nine so extra half hour in bed, epic.
I was playing on Dissidia but I seem to have left it on standby for a good few hours now.
Apart from that all is good for now.
Mood: Pretty good, but shattered

Reason: Been on my feet all day, but it's been quite good, I've seen looooads of people I haven't seen in ages!
Like, people kept coming up to me and going 'Charlotte! Long time no see! How've you been?' and it was really nice.
That's the problem with having friends that live ages away, you hardly ever see them :gonk:
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: I don't want to see another research and essay task for a long time. I spent much of the day trying to look everywhere on the internet for a certain topic to write about for my English Language class, and I'm just going to be embarrassed to even hand the text I've managed in. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for a couple of important books to come from Amazon and I've been informed that they're delayed for some reason, so that isn't really helpful. I can't be arsed to do anything tomorrow. D=
Mood: pfeehI dont know what the f*ck is wrong with me but I have enough from everything. My mom especially, homework, me being tired. Jesus it ruins everything. Oh and my Internet sucks. My mom pisses me off so much because she just never seems to accept my health condition. I am tired as hell the whole day,can barely stand on my feet. had done homework for a while, barely could concentrate. so I'm answering pissed at some questions and saying I'm in a bad mood because I'm so tired and my mom says again, that I'm tired of doing nothing. STFU WOMAN. I seriously start to hate her. And now I'm going to bed with a headache and my neck hurts really bad....fun...
Mood: ................eh.

So our football team lost.... damn......
But I got to spend time with my cousins and my cousin's boyfriend (who calls us "the Clan") and they're always fun to be around.
But then they left and I'm bored again. I'm kind of just sitting here staring at a huge pile of unfinished homework on my desk, and I need to finish it all by Tuesday, I have to stop procrastinating. Seriously.
Mood: Fine

Reason: Was a good night last night, not too bad. Bit boring, mind, but I still enjoyed myself. Got a decent sleep as well, but it was annoying I heard Nicole and Ruth at quarter to four this morning. Oh well. I'm off out to the university to check if I have to print off and hand in some form. Also off to the Loft to get spudded. Gooood times. :ryan:
Mood Okay

I hate this life. >.> But I'll be okay anyway. I doubt I'll be able to pass my Promotional Examinations coming within two weeks, but nevertheless... I'll be fine. Won't die because of that. I'll live through the pain. Get on with life. Move on. I'm not the toughest, but I'm tough. I won't stop now... So, bye, old me.

I tell ya who ever reads this next I am on top of the fucking world.
I just feel great, every thing is great..........Im just waiting for the other shoe to drop, thing cant go this well with out some thing going wrong lol

Chilling out after a day of college, sorting out all of the basic course details and what we're planning on doing for the next year and so on.
I was a little late to class... again, but only by a minute or two so the teacher shouldn't really hold me up to that. If she does I won't be impressed, but she seems decent enough. :hmmm:

Apart from that everything went great, so i'm sat at home now monging out for rest of the day. :mokken:
Mood: Tired

I finally got through yet another busy weekend and quite frankly, I am mentally exhausted. Nearly every weekend ever since August started, I have been to some sort of long and tiring event. Then I got another 2 weeks of events coming up, one of them being my brother's child being born, then the holidays will be starting soon after. Who would have thought 2010 would be such a busy year?
Mood: Alright. Just been busy today. I woke up early and started finishing my write up. Now I just got to type it later and I will be all good. I finished the campaign of Halo Reach last night and oh boy. It really is a sad story :sad3: Really dissapointed tht there isnt a legendary ending though. I will still take it on sometime. School tomorrow :sad3:

had a good quick day at work and im full of energy for some reason. I had a pretty crappy day yesterday so its good to have everything sorted today.
On a music binge at the moment. Listening to lostprophets...go figure :ryan:
But aye its been a good day :ohoho:
Mood: sick and eager... I'll explain

reason: I have been nauscious all day so I just want to lay down and sleep. However, I hate doing absolutely nothing so at the same time I want to get something accomplished.
Mood - Nervous-Excited.

Well, Thursday's the day! I'm like, really excited, but very very nervous too. I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.

Luckily, I have stuff to keep myself occupied with until then, since like, I move out on Sunday and still haven't bought all the things I need. Honestly, who knew it would be so hard to track down a decent set of crockery. The set I liked in Argos was cracked all over :rage:
Mood: Feh

Reason: Just not feeling it at allllllllllllllllllllllllll. Supposed to be on some shite course today. Can't be fucking arsed. I should really ring them and tell them Im not going actually. Crap. Il do that now,,,it'd be nice if I could find a number...fuck sake, its in my phone. Grr. Ok, that's them rang.

Just generally in a foul fucking bastard fucking mood.
Mood: urgh.

So, I went to bed at 6pm because I was exhausted. Told Gran to get me up at midnight so I could do my homework, which she claims she did, though I didn't roll out of bed 'til about 1:40. I start doing the work, which includes watching a movie on youtube. Movie wouldn't load, I struggled with that for a while, then finally got it going. I figured I'd just watch the movie and then go back to bed for a few hours, but nooooo. I'm nearly done with the movie, would've gone to bed in 20 minutes, and Gran comes out and tells me I need to babysit tonight, and I'm already 40 minutes late. raaaaaaaaage. Now I need to finish that movie, and it's too late to go back to sleep, 'cause it'd only be for two hours if I went RIGHT now, and I want a shower. Rage. -__-