[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Tired

Reason: That's how I've been feeling most of this week. I've just been SO busy going out and having a good time that I'm falling behind on my sleep. Fortunately, my student card has come through at home. So now I can rely on that next week for anything. Unfortunately, one of my dogs is getting taken away tomorrow and I'm very upset that I won't get the chance to see him before he goes. It pisses me off because this is the second time we've had to have a dog taken away. >_>
Mood: Relieved

Horrible week is over. I wasn't online all day since I pulled an all-nighter trying to get my eighth inch model art gallery in order. I don't think I've slept in over 36 hours, but I'm going to hang in there until my normal sleep time of 11 pm so I don't mess myself up over the nice long weekend. :griin:
Mood: Ugh. Really today was a boring day. I also noticed the internet connection is very low in my Visual communications class so I had to keep reconnecting to it. Everywhere else the connection is good. I mean it wasnt that bad today but still it was hellish boring. Only fun part was when I was on break without shitty connection. Tomorrow is Friday :ryan:
Mood: Blah!

Reason: I'm in a mixed mood today. I'm ecstatic because something amazing has happened and upset because I'm going back home to work and no Golden Labrador. I've just spent ten minutes crying my eyes out because I love that dog and there's nothing I could do. I suppose this is going to be the fourth thing on the list of things I can't forgive my mother for. Going home in about 5-10 minutes as well and I'm trying so hard to keep myself together. But it's going to be hard when I get in the house to only see Molly. >_>
Mood : Tired but great.

Well, everything's happened without a hitch, which is fab, I'm just totally exhausted, I couldn't sleep at all last night. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day. Down to the Uni, then over to the bank, then back here, then back to the Uni... :rage:

And then I move out on Sunday too, so, fun times ahead :gasp:



Does anyone still not know about the subject that we were forced to take here in Singapore, Project Work? Let me place emphasis, once again, on how ridiculously stupid and pointless this subject is. However, I also realize it's there to ruin your academic future, as well as to bring out uglier sides of people.

My group member, well, is just as ugly inside as she is physically. Not only is she below average academically. She also happens to look rather ugly, by my personal opinions, and is extremely, undeniably, stupidly, curious. No, don't get me wrong here. Curiosity isn't always a bad thing. But when you're asking stupid questions that you can actually find out yourself?! I wouldn't be so incensed if it were questions that cannot be easily understood by oneself. But... Fuck. And not just once. It comes in loads. Truckloads even. The stupid questions are as abundant as the smoke emitted before an eruption.

That, and she's eternally selfish. Right. Granted, there are times when she goes out of her way... But never mind those. More often than not, I realize she tends to do things in her favor. Human nature? I think it's her ugly nature.

Oh. And her views. Her fucking views. Who cares about it?! FUCK. We go to a place to discuss our project. This place is cooler, and quiet too. Quite a nice place. Then, this BITCH goes," NO, Let's go back to the afternoon place"

'Afternoon place'. How creatively stupid.

She goes on to whine like the spoiled brat she is. She isn't rich... But then again, I doubt that somehow. Bitch. To be behaving this spoiled? I am starting to have my doubts.

But never mind. The truth of things is as such. And I've came to accept it then. I'll just accept this ultimate realization. She is a bitch. Not human. Bitch. All I'll do is to feed her with her rightly deserved. No more than that, with high probability of less. I'd say fuck her, but unfortunately, I realize anyone who really does that might die trying. So, good luck.

Yes. 8(
Had a decent day at college, tired as hell though and not had dinner yet, shop bound soon too to pay something off because dad forgot to pay it when he went shopping earlier. :rage:

Apart from that, good day is good. :andry:
Mood: Fine

Reason: I was pleased to see that Charlie was still at home, but only until Sunday. And now my mum is reconsidering giving him away altogether. So I'm doing everything I can to emotionally blackmail her by saying things like, "He's so attached to you" and, "Molly just loves hanging around him." It's sort of working so far, looks like I'll up my game from tomorrow. Here's to hoping he won't be going after all!
Mood: Tired/bleh. I almost got no sleep yesterday so I just slept for link a good hour and a half now. I just randomly felt like I got sick right now. My stomach hurts. Maybe I just need to eat. That should do it. I also got to study this weekend. I got my first WC Test on tuesday so I better be prepared. Almost to the rank of captain in Reach. It is taking an age to get there :sad3:
Mood: Tired/good/tired

Reason: Considerin all the time Ive spent in bed this week, I'm knackered, I've mostly just dozed. Stupid fucking face ache. The tooth was taken out last Thurs and it just was NOT settling down, so went back yesterday, had it flushed, and summat put in it to plug the hole to stop it bleeding constantly and to stop shit clogging it. It improved almost immediately, though, the numbing stuff, which i swallowed and made my throat numb, helped. Weaning myself off the painkillers and abusing the bonjela in its place

Went for dinner with John today (Ellies grandad) gunna go again next Sat too, it's been six weeks since Anne died. It seems like a life time ago, yet at the same time, 6 weeks already =/ He seems to be doing ok anyway, and we had a reyt good scran out today, ive not eaten since. The most amazin chicken fajitas EVER. and its cheap

Also, applying for jobs like it's goin out of fashiiiiiiiion today. I'm fucking determined to get summat. Also emailed a school that had a 6 hour position going for midday assistant, sent an app and also an email asking if it could be considered to bump up hours to 10 (on a voluntary basis) so I can get on the teaching assistant course I want

Also, fuck ME I just farted and it smelled like I just shat myself

I better go check

.... :andry:

Off out tomorrow as well, so need a night out. Even if we are slummin' it down Bridge hahaha, Can't wait
Mood: Shattered

Reason: A lot of work has come down on me at once - including writing a couple of articles for some local paper - which isn't exactly lifting my spirits or wowing me with excitement. At least I can put behind all the UCAS things then. I've officially finished it all. Personal statement, all my personal details, my choices outlined, money paid. It's all looking good and I'm so glad to get past that phase while it's still rather early. All I can do now is wait and hope for the best.
Mood: Bored

We went out this morning to Smash Repairs to get the bump on our car looked at, then we went to buy some more fish for the fish tanks.

After coming home at around 12:30pm we ordered fish and chips (looking at all those fish in the pet shop made me hungry. =P) and then watched Season 2 of True Blood. I swear it's like the third time I've seen Season 2 now. >.<

Now Steve is playing a game and I've ventured onto the internet for what feels like the first time in days. Don't really miss coming on here strangely. I don't really have anything too much to catch up on or do but it's good to go on when there isn't anything else to do. =)
Off out tomorrow as well, so need a night out. Even if we are slummin' it down Bridge hahaha, Can't wait
hahahah :wacky:

im hungover and very tired

its 10 minutes to 8 on a saturday morning. I went out last night and i swear i didnt drink that much at all and i didnt mix drinks yet i still feel rougher than a badgers arse and im still up at this insane time haha. I think today il need to go shopping at some point. I really need new clothes and shoes so a trip tae toon will be in order i think. maybe pick up a subway aswell :ohoho:
Subway is freaking awesome. :ohoho:

Mood: Tired

Reason: Slept 2 hours last night to wake up early enough to watch Manchester City vs. Chelsea on ESPN at 4:30 am. :monster:
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's basically been a tiring day, really. Been up since eight this morning, went out to Ashton with the mothership and brothership to the market and everywhere. I was starving, so I got McDonald's for breakfast. Mum was moaning, but eh. Went to Toys R Us and spent twenty minutes waiting to see if they had this toy in. They didn't. Idiots for wasting our time. -__-

Went off to the grandmothership's and glad to see her, actually. It's always fun at hers. Had work this afternoon and it was absolutely shit. Worked my arse off, stressed out at having to be on till every five seconds and then I got milk splattered all over me during an accident. Oh, lovely.

Got back home, washed the uniform and showered immediately. The stench was unbearable it was that big. Just been relaxing this evening and trying not to do anything to tire myself out. I'm even going bed early tonight, I need my precious sleeeeeeeeep. :gasp:
Mood: Chuffed

Reason: I'm going to Florida at the start of October, then MCM Expo at the end of October for the whole weekend, annnnnd now I'm going New York with my college on February, fun times for sures. ;D
Mood: Not good. Honestly kinda pissed off of this day. I am not feeling well and I am pissed. It is not a good combination at all. Just want this day to pass. I played Halo Reach the whole day. Advanced to Captain grade 1 and I would say that is the only good thing that happened today. Ugh fuck this day... I honestly really hate the ways of PEOPLE sometimes ...
Mood: I just woke up..........

Im kind of confused,late nights and all, I wonder what there is for breakfast?

Fucking Saints and Magpies drew in the AFL Grand Final...........they play again next week.
Mood: Good

Reason: No hangover 8( I'm not sure whether I should feel gipped, what with how much I spent last night, AND I was on the shots, but aside from waking up with a sore jaw, I'm fresh. Saw my brothers mate last night and he has absolutely no recollection hahaha, he's rough as toast this morning lol. Just booked the extra night in Glasgow for December as well, woop woop. can't waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Immense birthday will be immense. Fun night was had, think it's night in at mine next weekend