[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: bleeh

I have a weird headache for a few days now and my eyes are still extremely tired.
At school I can't function normally because I'm tired.. It sucks..
And now my group at school are in a fight because our opinions are different. And one girl says that we shouldnt be that negitive when someone expresses an idea while she does it herself (dont think she knows it) so other people cant deal with her anymore. Hope it wont be war tomorrow, we have to talk about it then at a meeting with our tutor.
Mood: I've been better.

Reason: Do you ever get the feeling that you're invisible? If so, then you know how I feel. Honestly, I should probably just keep my mouth shut. I'm not really sure what to think. It's just very unsettling.

Just sat here chilling (makes it sound like it's all I ever do xD) and listening to some music, deciding how i'm going to tackle the rest of this FFIX Vivi only game. :rage:

I also think i'm forgetting something else... something important... :hmmm:
It should come to me soon enough, whatever it is.
Mood: Bleh. School was alright but I just got to say that Humanities class is just really fucking boring. I was sleeping during the first 2 hours of class. The film really made me go to bed xD.. Now I think I will play some Halo Reach. The mini laptop isnt that bad xD it was actually going faster today.. So I guess it is pretty good for pass time at school.
Mood: Eh.

I'm alright, I suppose. The last few weeks have been really weird, it feels like they're dragging but they're going by so fast at the same time. I worked my ass off this month, and it feels like it's going fast, but it's only the 21st. =/ I wish I could work even more to save up more, but eh... I've already been working so much, and I just feel drained. Maybe that's why it feels like days are dragging by.

Work's been weird. Nothing else I can say about it. It's just been... weird. =/

Reason: Live Nation and CITI bank have just decided to fuck me over. I was gonna go see a certain concert that I was totally looking forward to this weekend, but now I can't. Apparently, CITI bought out Live Nation, so now in order to buy tickets from Live Nation, you have to have a card with a CITI logo on it, which I don't have. :rage:
Mood: Decent

Reason: Finally Amazon has delivered to me the books I ordered. Now I can at least get a move on again with my History Extended Project Qualification even though I have absolutely no idea when it's due in. The day wasn't too bad at all, even though nearly half of my friends appear to have caught a bug and are sick today, so I've been slightly lonely at college. And uh oh, my iPod earphones sound like they're on their last legs now. Are they that fragile?
Mood: Excited

I decided to take a day off of work tomorrow so I can relax and have fun. I think if I can bare it I might go to the salon to get my hair done but I might chicken out because I always chicken out. Besides that I am going to lay around the house and eat junk food and watch tv and play video games
Mood: Horrible

Dropped my first class ever: Calculus. Seriously, I was headed for an F in that class since I could barely concentrate due to some personal issues and more stress and pressure from both my Chinese class and my Architecture classes. This week has been total destruction, so much work and so little time to do so, I'll be glad I freed the time for Calculus up to concentrate on my actual major. This has really been a horrible, horrible week. :ffs:
Mood: Relaxed

I had a chance to sleep in today which I haven't been able to sleep in in about a month. I dont have to work today and I don't have school so I have an entire day to do what I want. So far I did yard work this morning, but I think later on I'm going to work on some GFX and eat junk food and watch movies and relax
Mood: Monged out

Reason: If I carry on popping these paramols I'm going to die. I'm convinced. This fucking face ache is drivingme bonkers. Am back off to the hosp tomorow to see if it's just healing slow as fuck, or if it's infected :gonk: Off for dinner with John on Friday as well, so hopefully I'l be able to fucking eat! Baking my mum a cake the weekend as well, just coz like. I've also got another idea in my head about where I want to go job wise, so that's me job centre bound tomorrow, well, the Job centre is poo, il see if Jo or Irene are available and talk to them about it. Think I'l have to go to college or summat. Why I always get y ideas in my head when its after the start of term.. oh well, wont hurt to enquire

fucking TEETH. grrrrrrr. Half an hour til more pain killers :rage:
Mood: not bad. I kind of just wasted half of my day off by sleeping. I thought it was still the morning but wow I had no idea it was the afternoon. I better do something to make up for this lost time. Wow what a piss off and tomorrow is old boring thuursday :sad3: I think I am going to start putting alarm clocks now :rage:
Happy, anxious

Happy because college went great and i've had a generally nice day (although I can see something smacking me in the face before the end of tonight).

Anxious because my assignments start next week, and I really need to get a work placement, it's just getting one. D:
Mood: Yikes

Reason: So finally after all these years, there is finally a buyer for my great-grandparents' land in the Philippines (used to be around 70 hectares, but now reduced to 54 hectares). The land would be shared among my great-grandparents' 4 kids, one of which is of course, my grandma. Under her tier, it would be split among her 7 kids, and then to the grandchildren. However, my grandma's land title is missing. =/ That sucks. There's some speculations that someone may have loaned it to the bank or whatever, but now there's some great family fued, lol. Ah well, I doubt my dad would have contributed his shares to his children though. I guess no benefit for our side of the family.

And then I found out also that my grandma's hysterical because the house that we all grew up in at the Philippines...well, the land title's gone as well. I believe there were 4 land titles: my grandpa (deceased), grandma, my uncle (first born son), and my dad. But my uncle and his girlfriend (who does some illegal hocus focus) sold the land titles. One of my cousin (from my uncle) had sign some papers to seal the deal, had no idea what was going on, and now there's a big mess in the family as my grandma furiously yelled at him over the phone last night. But my aunts and uncles are all wondering why she's so pissed because apparently, my grandma had given a thumbs up to the deal back in 2007.

It's a good thing I'm not in L.A. right now. I'd hate to witness my grandma's agony. =/
Mood: Horrible

I feel sorry for myself. :lew: My throat is killing me, and my nose even hurts 'cause it's so stuffy, which sucks 'cause I always breathe through my nose, so I had the most horrible sleep before work ever.

Just messing in Photoshop, actually just finished with that. I'ma just chill out and listen to music I think. :gasp:
Mood - Eeeeeeeee.

I'm just like a little kid the night before Christmas. I'm totally exhausted... and yet, I can't sleep at all. It's quite pathetic really. I'm just hoping beyond hope that everything goes off as planned, throughout there's been problem after problem after problem, so I'm hoping that the big payoff is hitch-free.
Mood: Tired but alright

Reason: I've been going to bed at reasonable times lately, but I broke that habit yesterday and stayed up until 2 am doing some work and playing the PS3 -_-
I regretted it this morning when I woke up... i can't wait until the weekend where I get my first proper lie-in in a couple of weeks :gonk:
I'm also doing alright in 6th form, adjusting to it better, the only thing I'm struggling with is maths, but it's solid :gonk: I think I'll do alright in the end though, I found the maths hard last year and ended up with module grades of two As... and an E, but I know why I failed that.

Not had a bad week, but not a particularly good one either... just average.
Mood: Could be better..

Reason: I recovered from a rather heated argument with a friend yesterday. We haven't spoken a word to each other since, nor have we made eye contact with each other whatsoever. So whenever we pass one another in the corridors, we're invisible to each other. I won't go into why we had the argument. All I can say is that it started off petty and I kept adding more wood to the fire. Even though we've quietened down, it still feels horribly tense. I'm just hoping we can reconciliate soon.

At least the weekend is coming up so I can wind down and get things off my chest for a couple of days. And on Monday I'm off to see a late night play performance, which should be something to look forward to. :hmmm: