[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Dead

It's nice, knowing that I've barely slept any more than 5 hours, yet, I'm still fresh, awake and all. The power nap I decided to take on impulse paid off indeed. Nevertheless, I suppose this little sleep is insufficient, no? I need to continue staying alive, afloat and all, academically, as always. (Lol at the constant usage of words with the initials a)

Though, I can already feel the deadness rising. I better get on with work before I crash. Best use this Sunday to turn in early for a good start tomorrow.
Mood: Pretty good

Didn't spend any money this weekend which is good. More for my savings account.

Had the best Tacos for dinner and watched Legally Blonde today. I'm really considering going blonde...

If it wasn't for the fact that I hate dying my hair and knowing it would be a pain to have to maintain the roots I would do it this week. >.<
Mood: Happy and relaxed.

Reason: I don't know. I think all the planets lined up just right.
Mood : Good.

All moved in to my Uni flat, it's quite nice really, if not a bit bland. Looking forward to this week, should be fun :jess:
Mood: Screw It

How can I still be awake at this time? The examinations are a week away, and I'm not revising?! HOW CAN I NOT BE?!

Oh no... This examinations must be screwed. I'm still wasting my time doing a project that will never end. Some of the group members have already escaped, but here I am as the group leader. Granted, certainly, that I didn't put in that much effort, I suppose. I beg to differ, but whatever. It's late. And I'm still awake to waste my time. How saddening.

Goodbye. So this is goodbye...
Mood: Ill

Reason: I have a bad case of what is commonly known as 'man flu' aka a bad cold but I feel sorry for myself. I've got a training course coming up next weekend and I know I won't be over it by then, my colds last for about 2 weeks, so I'm gonna have to go on this course coughing and sounding like someone's pinching the bridge of my nose.
Also, it's made worse by the headache, because I have bad sinuses anyway a cold makes them worse and that means my head aches like a bitch -_-
Ahhh, school tomorrow as well, I can't miss it because I'll lose £30 EMA :gonk:

Mood: Icky

Musta been something bad in the food we ate last night.

I've had such a restless night trying to sleep and then I got up at 5:30, way before my alarm clock went off. :gonk:

Didn't help that I was having nightmares all night as well.

Hopefully today goes quickly so I can come home and have a nana nap.
Mood: Busy

Reason: So many assignments this weekend and I'm just losing track of what I have to do and when to get them done by. It doesn't help that the college newspaper is being very demanding for articles again. Now I'm having little panics remembering that I haven't done this or I haven't done that and whether or not something's in for tomorrow or Tuesday. At least I have something to look forward to tomorrow though, in Manchester. Even if it does take up the entirety of my Monday night as I kind of need it for work.
Tomorrow'll probably not play out too well, I really need to look for a placement and the teacher won't be too happy that i've not got one yet. So I need to go out and find one, it's just DOING it. D:
Apart from that, all is well except being a tad thirsty. :8F:
Mood: No better. Today infact just got worse. So this day was even worse than the one yesterday... It sucked so bad. I did manage one accomplishment though. I got Captain grade 2 in Halo Reach. All I did today was sit on my bed paying Reach all day while hell was unleashed in the morning through noon. It got worse later also. It just sucks to be here but ugh It is all better now I think? Hopefully it is. I just want freedom which isnt possible when arguments are going to the max. Anyway let me just chill here and hopefully Ill forget about it all..
Mood: :jtc:

Reason: Fuck you facebook. That is all, oh wait, can we say it again please? Love how people use Facebook as a weapon. Today my wife lost 2 coworkers because one person who works there (hair stylist mind you) has a small misunderstanding with a few folks and then distances herself. So in her mind, she thinks people are out to get her. So today, she takes advantage of the Facebook Nuclear Weapon option (I exaggerated, there is no such button, but it's a huge metaphor), and reads only facebook statuses that she didn't comment in to the owner of the business, that was about the owner of the business. How gutless do you have to freakin be? I wanna call this slap a bitch day.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I was annoyed I woke up at half 8 and didn't mean to be up until 10. Had my first lectures today and they weren't too bad. Learned that my tutor for two of my classes for the first semester is ill and won't be back until mid-November at the earliest. But the replacement tutor isn't too bad and she's had writing experience, having already penned an episode of Doctors. So it was interesting to get some tips and hints from her. Joined the gym, so I'll be hitting that tomorrow. For now, I guess I'll try and relax. It's been a loooong day.
Mood : mercy me.

Judy because drink is cheap doesn't mean you should buy it. I can't remember the last time I was theis drunik. Fab nkght out though. Even the ex wasn'rt the mega butch I though she would be. Faaab time.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Decided to have a lazy day since I've not really had chance to have one in the past two and a half weeks so far. Didn't get ready until about an hour ago and I've been scoffing my face. Good times. Though on the other hand, I'm starving for something PROPER to eat. Might make that cheese sandwich in a bit. Going to be pretty much gaming for the rest of the day and chatting to friends online. After the hectic day I had yesterday, I damn well right deserve it. :mokken:
Mood: Tired, but great.

Reason: Manchester was awesome last night. A little group of us was just wandering around Arndale Centre, a little afraid of wandering too far away from the theatre in case we got lost. A few of us played a few pranks on each other where we leave one of our members behind in a shop, so that was fun. The Dr Faustus play itself was really good, though long. The effects they used were rather impressive, including the use of actual magic tricks. I think we all enjoyed it, bar perhaps one of our members of staff who had to dart around looking for a missing group just as we were about to head back. It's just too bad that we got back late only to be told that for the purpose of making the college look good on inspection week, we all had to turn up for our first lesson.
Mood: Fehhhh

Reason: Feeling sorry for myself today. Not even sure why, I'm just abit down in the dumps. Actually, it's not helping that Im still in pain, and I'm not sleeping well because of it. I also need the help of someone that can write an impressive email for me. I need to get a placement in a school :sad3: Ive been meaning to do this since yesterday, but my motivation is off somewhere on holiday. SO ive ordered myself a pizza (2 for Tuesday) and Im gunna get fat whilst watching DVD's/gaming with the kid
am alrite

not really doing much of anything other than sittin on this site and chattin to folk.
Dunno why but im in a really talkative mood.
Got no plans for the rest of the nite, got a bit of a sore head actually, probadly with all the shite ive been speaking today. Work 2moro, will prbadly have a fairly early nite just sos i get a decent sleep. Midlle of the week tho, the weekend int far off.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I've had today off, so I've spent it doing...nothing. I don't have any work to be getting on with just yet - I'm still finalizing my dissertation question, so I can hardly get started on it yet - so I've been playing God of War (I have no idea why, I just got a random craving to smash things up), browsing around online, finishing off Queen of Sorcery, and trying to beat my high score on Tetris...and failing. Oh, and watching Stargate in the afternoon. I don't get up to much when left to my own devices. XD