[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Bit better

Throat is still sore and every now and then I'll have a coughing fit, but not as bad as this morning.

Just came back from a wedding and it was lovely.

Very nice and simple.

Off to a mates house later on for drinks. Hope I feel a bit better by then and not worse.
Mood: Fine

Despite my examinations in less than 2 days, I've just rushed through and completed Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. After having played through the storyline now, I can tell you for sure I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan! Lol. Okay, maybe not that extreme, but I have a lot more interest in the series than before.

Well, the character that struck me most in the game was Aqua, especially the ending. I shall not reveal any spoilers, so I'll just say I'm really indignant about the ending. Can't wait for Kingdom Hearts III to right this wrong.


Be that as it may, my examinations are just less than 2 days away... But I ACTUALLY FEEL PREPARED. F@#%!

How could that be?! I only get more terrified realizing this is what I am feeling. How can I actually be prepared? I am still ultimately of the sentiment that I'll fail, it seems. Never mind. I'm ready for what is to come. Tch.

Headache and bad stomach are horrible combinations, I feel really hungry but I just can't stomach anything, certainly nothing heavy. It doesn't help I've had a lack of sleep either with my flat mates deciding to try and wake me up at 1 in the morning because they've nothing better to do. :rage:
Mood: Disappointed

I was so excited for a trip I had coming up but because of work I can't get the time off so now I can't go. On the plus side though I get to celebrate Halloween!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been up since half 7 in the morning, had my 9 til 1 shift at work, saw my dad at the hospital 3 while 4 and went out to the pub at half 7. So it's been such a ridiculously annoying day. The highlight was obviously going to the pub and having fun, but it's a shame I've got a sore throat now. It's my own fault for shouting lol. Whole body aches, but I'll be off to bed soon. If I don't sleep well, I'll catch up with sleep on Tuesday. Or maybe Thursday. Urgh. :rage:
Mood: Bit Seedy

Well after the wedding last night we were meant to just come home and stay home.

But then our mates asked us over for drinks and omg, I really got drunk.

I had so many drinks and then me and my friend tried to watch Season 3 episode 7 of True Blood but I can guarantee that I missed a few things.

So we're watching it again next week when I'm sober. >.<

Anyway we ended up crashing at theirs and I felt so seedy at like 5am and got up, luckily I didn't get sick. Went back to bed and then Steve and I got up at 10:30am and hung around a bit before coming back home.

Having a shower when I got home was the biggest highlight of my day. I hate not having a shower as soon as I wake up. I just feel icky. >.<
Mood: OK-ish

Reason: Well, I won't be able to spend all day today relaxing, since I have some seminar work to be getting on with...will probably do that once I log off here.
Still, most of my day will be occupied by my book, Powerglove's new album, God of War 3, the internet, and maybe a film. So I'm content. Nothing overly taxing. xD
I'm a bit disappointed, though...I sent someone a message last night, it took me nearly four hours to work up the courage to do so, and I was really hoping I'd have a reply waiting for me this morning...its not really helping my confidence very much ._.
Mood: Yah Good

Feeling a bit better now.

I've been watching The O.C. Season 1 all afternoon. It's probably the 12th run through of the series now that I've watched. XD

I'm up to episode five and loving it. <3

I have so many other boxsets that I've yet to take out of the wrapping and here I am still going back to The O.C. <3

Sucks it had to end after Season 4. All because Mischa Barton wanted to quit. =(
Mood: Meh

Reason: Sitting in front of the compy with a Lucozade and jumbo packet of crisps, and another one of each on backup. I'm greedy today. However, my voice is going, and I can see myself reduced to whispering by the weekend. :gonk:
Mood: Okay. Meh I was supposed to ger Lt colonel on Halo Reach yesterday night but Somehow I just preferred sleep xD. Oh well I am VERY close and maybe I can do it before the party. Not so sure though as I need to get ready and all that. I am up really early :gasp: Not like I need to leave yet though.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I was out like a light last night, at half 9 no less as well, but I had a fucking weird as fuck feature length dream and I'm bastard knackered still.

Also, was gunna start mydiet today, but chocolate hobnobs and chocolate buttons said otherwise. Tomorrow. FOR DEFO. All I've done is go on a mass scoff recently, need to get it back in check, I need to lose a stone :rage:
Mood: Still sick

Ugh my head is pounding and my throat aches which is causing my ears to ache as well.

My nose is being a bitch and I can't breathe.

You'd think this would be a good enough reason to stay home. Nearly called the boss but I keep thinking how it wasn't so long ago I had my last sickie.


I should go to work so that she can see how sick I really am and believe me and feel sorry for me when I ask to go home today or have another day off this week. =/
Mood: Slightly pissed off

Reason: I had an alright weekend, but then ended it badly.
I left my £35 shoes in my room and now they're pretty much lost forever, which is a bit annoying since now I have to replace them RIGHT away.
Still ill as well, got a banging headache and I'm coughing so much... go away sinus infection :sad3:
Mood: Reflective

Reason: I don't know really. I've been thinking about so many things lately. It's been ruining my weekend by taking away hours of sleep. :lew:
4 straight days of waking up at ungodly 6 am in the morning -- can't be good for the health.
Mood: Mixed

I'm still happy because my new PSP is doing me good so far. On the not-bright side, I'm procrastinating and really should be studying for my Economics test this Tuesday. Considering I'm one of the best students in the class, I don't want to risk losing that title.
Mood : Blah.

I can't sleep, yet I'm totally shattered. Luckily, I only have one class tomorrow, and it's only an hour long. I have to go down to the bank and whatnot in the afternoon though. So, it's shaping up to be a boring day. Just my luck, I'll be bored shitless and totally knackered. ._.
Mood: YUCK!!!

I'm sick. I feel so icky, yuck, yuck, yuck! My throat is scratchy, my head aches and I have a cold. It'll probably go away by tommorow, but I still feel gross.
*Sobs* I wish it would go away now...
Mood: Tired

Reason: I was up past two in the morning doing work I couldn't do earlier and struggled to get up this morning. I've got two classes today as well with a three and a half hour gap. Bleh. Then my diet and exercise regime begins today. Ah well, guess I'll fill some of the gap by going gym for an hour and bring out my laptop for the remaining time at the uni. Going to be quite a boring day until my second class. Dorothy's an evil little midget.
Mood: Determined

My Economy test is tomorrow and I have been studying my ass off all weekend. It's supposed to be one of the few hardest tests we will get the whole school year, so I think I'm well prepared, but I will still study tonight hoping to get a perfect grade.
Mood: Good

Reason: Crimbo shopping has been started. I'l have this done by November I hope. My gum is abit sore today though, which is grim, an inspection in the mirror reveals a rather angry red swollen looking area, at least its on the opposite side though... ugh, fuck you wisdom tooth. Fuck you right up the arse with a rusty pole

Also, the worst thing about being a parent, is nits. I'm sick to the back teeth of nit spray, I fucking hate it. Though, we always seem to have our best conversations while shes being sprayed. Why it can't just be simple drops on the back of the necks like I do with the Front line when the cat gets fleas :rage: