[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Annoyed and unamused.

It stormed like crazy tonight! I was in bed by 9:30 and a freak Summer thunderstorm swept through at midnight! I've been up for the last hour freaking out about my car!

I was praying that it didn't hail. We only have one garage and it's like a spare room, so all three of our cars are sitting on the driveway.

Stupid Tropical state. Always raging thunderstorms come this time of year.

Wouldn't mind so much if my car was locked away and safe. >.<

Whoever falls asleep peacefully during a thunderstorm either doesn't have a brand new car, or if they do, they have a garage to put it in. =(
Mood: blah. Going to go to school now and have yet another shitty thursday :sad3: By the end of the day I will most likely be tired and of course I will be hellish bored unless I find something useful to do. Finishing really late is something I hate with a passion :rage: Class starts in an hour and I am still here.. shucks... At least tomorrow is Friday :ryan:
Mood: Excited

Work shouldn't excite me this much but I finally feel like I'm on a breakthrough of something. I've finally decided what I'm going to write my dissertation on, and I only have till April to finish it so I should be all set. Going into work tonight to hopefully pick up where I left off last night!
Mood: Blah!

Reason: I've practically wasted my day on the PS3 and stuffing my face with food. I couldn't be bothered to go out, my back's still playing up and now my mum's ill as well as my dad. So that's got me a bit stressed out and worried. Ah well, least I'm going over to my dad's for the weekend to stay with my stepmother and sister. Things will be relaxed there, so I'm sort of looking forward to going.
Mood: Knackered

Reason: Had a massssssssive dinner and it's made me proper sleepy. early night is so on the cards tonight. had a great time with the girls though, we spent half the time in giggle fits. ordered one of my mums xmas prezzies off the internet as welll. Shock horror another diary. every fucking year she asks for one :rage:
I'm kind of bored, but anxious at the same time

hitting up a club tomorrow, guessing it's pretty much going to be the highlight of my week. Hopefully it'll get my mind of some the stressful shit I've been thinking about.
Mood: Calm

I had a lot of work outside to do, so I took my Yamaha BW200 out for a good spin today, which helped me clear my thoughts plus riding it helps calm me down. It's a very fun bike, more durable than a dirt bike and more manly than a scooter. Currently I'm just winding myself down with a good beer :yawn:
Mood: Relaxed... (After this post, Annoyed)

Perhaps too relaxed, but never mind. I think I deserve this relaxation, however exaggerated it may seem to anyone else. After all, for the entire year since school began, I've barely had any time to actually sit down for an entire day with nothing to do, but play, play, and play.

Now that the major examinations are over, surely I should have my personal rest?

At least, it makes school bearable. Compared to not even having a single fucking time for relaxation... Though, on second thought, if I do fail this major examination, which determines whether or not I progress onwards to the next level of education, I definitely won't stay in this fucked up institution. I'm not at all happy here, and I do not really have many good friends here.

... So why stay? The only reason I can imagine is the fear of having wasted one whole year in here only to achieve nothing.

Which annoys me. This school is really fucked up. An institution for learning? Shouldn't it motivate the interest, the curiosity of students in it? Shouldn't the true motivation of students be the thirst for knowledge, to learn, to experience?

Here, I tell you. I assure you. The only motivation is fear. The fear of failing. The fear of getting retained. The fear of being superannuated- and what a stupid term to use; what this means is that you're sort of 'expelled' because you didn't perform well enough during the promotional examinations, which I've just finished.

So there, so many stupid things. So many uninteresting lessons that I must go through before I can finally get something of interest?

Oh wait, that's life. Heh. Haha. What a world.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I'm just waiting for Megavideo to hurry up with its stupid limit, so I can resume watching The Vampire Diaries. Currently on the fourteenth episode and hope to finish the season off soon, so I can get on with the second one. Wasted half an hour of the limit time shopping at Tesco around the corner and picking up the letters on the way back. Going back home in two hours or so, still looking forward to it as much as I'll miss being here.
Mood: yay. It is finally the weekend :awesome: So I am happy to be home now. Also might play something else other than Halo Reach today. Maybe some of my rpgs that I am awaiting to pass. Overall it was alright today I guess. The 2nd bus pissed me off as it was late :hmph:. Looking forward to having a good weekend.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Just basically am, really. The train ride home was horrendous and felt so exposed with so many people standing around me. These are the times I hate the train companies for not putting on so many carriages onto their trains. I'm also relieved that Dad's back home from the hospital after nearly two weeks. The idiots wanted to keep him over the weekend. Urgh. Mum seems to be on the mend as well. Shame about work tomorrow ... well, in the morning at 9 til 1 in the afternoon. Yay. :hmph:
Mood: Exhausted

We had a pep-rally today, and I think my energy is drained from all of the cheering that me and my friends did. We (seniors) won the spirit trophy, we won the shout out, and the tug of war. We did a lot of screaming. Heh. But since I got home, I got in a major sugar rush, and then I took a small nap, and when I woke up, I felt myself unenergized ten-fold. I may make some coffee after this.
Mood: Stressed

Reason: I. Hate. This. Not even half a day after that my dad got out of hospital, he's in AGAIN. He blacked out 2 this morning, surprised I didn't even hear the ambulance coming. Not ate much today as a result, but thankfully managed to get through work without shouting at customers. I also only got six hours sleep last night, so I'm all agitated and stressed out. Urgh, I honestly give up sometimes with life. >_>
Mood: Tired and yuck

Still sick after two weeks.

Sleeping doesn't seem to do much but make me even more tired and sick so why bother.

Steve was sick tonight too for some reason. Spewing his guts up outside just before. Dunno what made him sick. He ate the same for dinner as I did and I didn't get sick.
Mood: Fuck

I'm about to start work on something that I so absolutely abhor that I'll rather not be doing it. This is a piece of shit that I'd gladly dispose of if not for the obligation that binds it to me- not me to it- and removing it involves self-mutilation. Academic self-mutilation, to be precise. So, because I cannot compromise my own marks, I have to, well, force out a smile, and take it like I like it.

Whether or not that is being true to myself, or not. I guess that's the way things work. You suppress your truest emotions. You project the fake. You're not as real as you would like to be, and you'll pretend to like it.

Which is the nature of this piece of shit I'm about to start on. 'What a fucking waste of time'. It's a phrase repeated so often recently- by myself. And I'm not going to deny this any longer. It's no more an opinion. It's a fact. A fact so true that the retarded administration would be damned.

One whole year to do it? Yeah, sure. One whole year to fuck us.

May I say that I gladly appreciate that? Why, thank you so much.
My Mood is Cynical

That is my usual mood to be honest. I'm not one for optimism and I tend to be stressed out, or working on something. Which is what I've been like for the past few months. I find it very hard to relax, and when I'm having fun I find it is very short-lived.

That and I feel that having a constant guard up, and not acting bubbly or talkative, keeps me out of unwanted emotional damage. Just something I have tested throughout the years.
Mood: Drained

Reason: People who drink alcohol quite a bit.. are irrational, and by quite a bit, I mean every day. I love how folks think it's so easy to just confront someone about their problem, when doing so means 1) denial 2) extreme distance 3) emotional stress that leads to physical stress. I've been confronted by multiple sources that say I'm the only one who can do something about it, but it's a bit hard when twisting words is all it takes to demonize. So you wear the shoes, I effin dare you. I'll just take the punches, tis what I do best, hoping for a sign of when to act. Otherwise I'll let it run it's natural course.
Am feeling pretty good today. Was out last night and had an awesome time :ryan: I didnt even get drunk either, i had a few drinks but stuck to my resolve of not getting bleezin and here i am sunday morning fresh as a daisy :gasp:
Gunna have a fat day. Chill out in the house with good food and some dvds. Get myself prepared for the approaching monday morning =_=