[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: mellow

I'd say the reason is purely because I had a good nap, and here I am fresher than a glad bag :wacky:. Honestly, Idk why I'm this relaxed, but it's not like I'm going to argue with it :lew:. I have a good day planned, and nothing will get in the way of that happening :rage:.
Gunna have a fat day. Chill out in the house with good food and some dvds. Get myself prepared for the approaching monday morning =_=

Haha I've had 'Fat Days' just about every weekend lately. >.< Due to the weather and me being sick, all I've done is laze about eating chips, biscuits etc whilst watching DVD's/boxsets. >.<

Mood: Energetic

Well it's actually quite strange. At about 10pm I was ready for bed. Had a lay down but I knew that there were still dishes to be done from dinner and I really did not want to wake up to a mess to start my Monday morning off.

So I got up, had a nice hot shower and then did the dishes.

Now I'm awake and this glass of coke by my side is going to help keep me up for a while too.

Really shouldn't have caffeine before bed but I felt like a glass of coke so badly. >.<
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: After a long day, I've been unwinding. Just been watching some TV and got the radio playing on it right now. Travelled to work, worked, travelled back, packed and came back to my Uni flat. Sunday is essentially the longest day of my week. Going to relax by listening to music, chatting to friends, maybe do some gaming and drink some Coke.
Mood: Pretty Good

I feel better than I have in weeks.

My cold has pretty much left me alone now and I can function normally again.

The weather has left me feeling pretty miserable though. Don't like the rain at all.

I'm not one of those people who can sit inside and enjoy listening to the rain whilst watching T.V. or anything. I hate the rain. It is so unsettling for me. I keep thinking it's going to cause a branch or something to fly at my car. <_<
Mood: alright. I am alright I guess. Didnt go to bed really late last night as I like enjoying my Mondays off. Now I decided that I will play my RPG games and just do the daily challenges of Halo Reach everyday. Since the ranks wont be lifted for awhile I might be able to pass at least 1 rpg game. Most probably going to alternate between them. So that means I will be playing reach just for the challenges and then straight back to my rpg games :yay: Also for Humanities class I really need to start reading the main course book sometimes. It would help me do better in class..
Mood: Could be better.
Today was Senior Skip Day, but because so many seniors skipped school today, the principle decided to announce that our senior privileges were deducted for the whole week. Which means we have to get out at the same time every other student does (we usually get out 5 minutes early.), and that means I have to beat the influx to the bus home. That and I have to study for a new chapter in Economy, which I had started today but should have started last Friday.
Mood: Anxious

In a good way though. I have a lot of stuff that I've been trying to do and it all has to be done this week. Don't know how I'm going to do it, but we'll have to see. I've also just taken my midterm and I hope that I did great because I really studied hard for it over the weekend
Mood: Nyeh

Don't know. I keep feeling like I could clean the house better than it already is even though I can't do much more to it.

I really would love to move all the furniture away from the walls and paint.

But there's no point seeing as I'm renting. Screw fixing up someone else's house and wasting my time and money.

I would love to go and buy some new furniture and make each room look nice and modern, but there is no point because the furniture might not look so great in the house we intend to buy.

*sigh* I need to get this buying a house business sorted!
Mood : Relaxed.

I'm getting into the swing of things at Uni now, and I'm really enjoying it. I love how easy my timetable is for the first half of the week :ryan: Going out tonight with some friends, which should be fun. Although, I'm slightly annoyed that I can't stay out too late, as they've hijacked my free day by forcing us to do some library induction thing -__- so I have to be over at the library for ten tomorrow morning D:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Just relaxing until I set off to see my dad at the hospital. I've got to catch a train and then two buses, which is just lame in itself. That's all I'm doing today, but it'll completely knacker me out. It did last week and with going to the gym on top of that, so I've left the gym until tomorrow. I should have a day off here and there. If I want to exercise, I'll just do some stretching exercises here. It's also a sunny day, so hopefully it'll keep my cheery mood going!
Mood: Tired

Stayed up late again.

Just finished watching Piranhas. Disgusting movie. It upset me watching what those little f*ckers did to the humans.

It makes me sick to think that any animal could do that to a human. It's just not right. We're meant to be at the top of the food chain, not some fugly little fish.
Mood: happy. I passed my first Western Civilization test :awesome: I did pretty well also so yep that made my morning xD. The sucky part is that after this 2 hour break I have Humanities class and It is so fucking boring. This time I checked and it isnt cancelled. Most probably going to fall asleep like usual..
Mood: Ill
So our senior privileges are revoked for the week because all of the seniors skipped school yesterday, so I'm a little bummed about that. Plus, I'm starting to develop a cough/sore throat out of nowhere. I wasn't out much this weekend and none of my relatives are sick, so it came out of nowhere I believe.
Mood: Still ill.
So the sore throat that I was starting to get this morning has official became a struck throat. It hurts to swallow and everytime I rise up from lying down it feels like there's stomach acid rising up my throat. Can't tell if it's just loosely flowing or if I'm about to vomit. But I have no idea why I'm sick. Hardly anyone was sick at school today and nobody's ill over here.
Mood: Motivated

Been working on homework and work, and a couple of GFX pieces and I am on a roll. They're not turning out the way that I would like them to, but at least I'm following through and completing everything today
Mood: Relaxed.

Reason: For some reason, I have managed to strike a chord with my inner peace. While it probably won't last for long, I'm enjoying it for now. I wonder how long it will last.
Mood: :gonk:

Reason: The fucking money that's flown out of my account recently, i f it wasnt my ban details I'd screen shot it just to show how much a devastating blow it was. There's just this mahoosive list of transactions and it's proper depressing. I'm so on the breadline for a fortnight. Bad times. No spending for Kelly. Oh well, on the plus side, I've nearly finished my Xmas shopping, and the train tickets to Glasgow have been bought, so at least I'm skint over things I needed rather than clothes and/or alcohol......

It's killing me knowing I need to reign in the spending til a week on Tuesday :gonk:
Mood: Pretty Good

My savings account is going up again finally.

So many bills of late.

Everytime I save a fair bit, I have to take it back and pay off loans and such.

Have a massive headache right now and I have to get up early for work in the morning.

Early as in: 4:30 ready to start by 5am - 5:30am.

I have so much work to catch up on. The store room is overloaded with Christmas stock and you can't even walk into the pen.

It's so frustrating!

Once that's all done then I have to do MY work. My intray is so full of paperwork it's not funny. =(
Mood: Fine

Reason: Despite the ridiculous time I was up writing my review for today, I got a decent sleep. Could've slept more, but I had to get up and start listening to a radio play we're discussing in lecture today. It's quite interesting so far. Can't wait for the cleaners to leave the flat. I want something to eat and feels like my stomach's going to eat itself up.