[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Tired

Slept in until midday, then got up and did some mowing.

After that we went to the shops, came home and had a late lunch at around 4ish.

Then I spoke to mother for half an hour, then went over to my friends for dinner and to watch the latest episode of True Blood.

Got home around 10ish and then watched Animal Kingdom with Steve and now it's 12:45am and I'm dead. v_v

Off to bed.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Today was a very looooong day indeed. Had to get up at 7 to babysit the brother, had work 9 til 1, came home for half an hour for lunch, was off at 2 to see Dad in hospital 3 til 4, came home to help around the house when I got back and then went to pub from half 7 til half 11. Knackered, but I can't sleep because of the caffeine. I'll just have to wait until it goes away.
Mood: Apathetic

I'm still sick from a few days ago (some of you may have read) and I know that I have a lot of makeup work to do once this weekend is done. Plus, my ACT testing is a week from now so I'm a little edgy about that. On the bright side, I ordered a new laptop - a Dell Studio, since my old Compaq broke and I've tried multiple times to fix it, but there was no hope for it, so I'm done with that and just getting a new laptop.
Mood: Good

Just woke up and it's only 9am. We're off to Macca's for breaky in a bit and then off to buy a new bar freezer from Big W.

This means I can make larger batches of food for dinner and then freeze the leftovers and eat them later! Which equals hardly any cooking! :gasp:

We do have a freezer, but it's packed with frozen veges, ice cream and what not. No room for frozen dinners. >.<
Mood: fehhhh

Reason: Not been a bad weekend really, just not sleeping well AGAIN. Stayed at the mothers last night as well, so Ive been on abit of a munch. Still skint as well. Roll on a week on Tuesday -__- Actually, roll on Friday when Im kid free for a bit. Need a breeeeeeeak
Mood: This sucks

So, school's starting tomorrow. It sucks, really. Tomorrow,the entire day would be revolving around one stupid subject that anyone who've been following my mood posts in this thread here would already know- Project Work.

<Begins Rant>


<Ends Rant>

Well, I haven't got the time to rant now. It's close to 12 midnight, and I ought to sleep. I've to wake up at 6am, and slog my guts out for about 6 hours before I get a momentary respite... And then a likely return to work for the rest of the day.

Damn. I really lack time. There's no such thing as a holiday until December this year... And even then, because of obligations, of which I'm not at all willing, I'll probably be just as busy as I was in my normal school days at the time too.

Damn. Damn. What exactly is there to look forward to? It gets a little difficult to keep going like this. I guess I better start finding something to motivate myself.

The only motivation I can find, and is abound all over in this place, is fear. What is this? Some dictatorship? Oh, really, I think it is. But never mind. I'm just a youth. Just going to defer. Subservient. Not going to question authority. Heh.

Bleh. I'm better off dead... If I'm still going to stay up! But well, dead's what I am now, around here. So I guess that makes no difference?

Good night.
Mood: Out of It

Reason: Woke up this morning and could barely tell time pass by. Eyes were hazy and I stumbled around a bit 'til I made it to the laptop. :lew:

Hopefully this goes away soon. I have some projects to commence.
Mood: alright. It is really quiet today which I like. I wish it could be like this all the time. I have been playing Halo Reach like usual to do the challenges everyday. One of them is glitched so now I am thinking to play something else. I want to play Infinite Undiscovery but the game freezes when I try and go further. Errmm maybe Ill just play a different rpg. Like Magnacarta II or something :hmmm: This is the kind of day I like. No arguments in the house. Just me all alone doing whatever the hell I want :ryan:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been working all afternoon and didn't sleep very well last night, so that equals a very knackered me. Going to relax tonight, watch some TV, spend time with my gran and sister. My gran's around because my mum and her partner have gone to a Bryan Adams concert tonight and I've stayed home instead of going back to my Uni flat to help look after the dogs. I hope I get enough sleep tonight. Lecture, gym, then another lecture. Urgh.
Mood: Busy
I've been studying my Economy textbook since 3:30 PM (it's currently 6:47PM) to make up for the days I've missed studying. There's a test this Tuesday and if I can't postpone it for my past absences, then I really need to prepare. This is the longest I've ever studied in one day in my life, and quite frankly, it hurts.
Mood: Pissed off

Someone did a very mean thing to me today, posted embarrassing pics of me because I wouldn't cave into his demands. At least no ones siding with him. Most see him as a huge jerk, but I would have never thought that he would stoop so low as to try to hurt me. I guess I can be glad his plan backfired in his face but when is it going to end?
Mood: Tired

Reason: Yeah, still feeling it. I didn't get much sleep again last night. I swear, I'm going to sleep for at least ten to twelve hours tonight. I feel so exhausted. Travelled back here this morning and I was lucky since I just got to the train with seconds to spare, too! Damn traffic was annoying. Got lecture at 1, but need to finish this homework first. I've been neglecting to do it ever since I got it. :hmph:
Mood: Fine

Not feeling anything good or bad in particular. Today was rather relaxing, to some extent at least. I didn't actually work my brains to the maximum possible potential or anything, so I guess I got through rather easy today. But, as a matter of fact, I, for reasons that I'm wondering about now, offered to help my group members write the entire script that we will present in our upcoming presentation.

And well, being lazy, or in more positive terms, 'appreciative', they 'graciously' accepted this offer of mine. I guess it's too late to take back what I said, though it is still possible to ask of them to help me... I hope. I do know there will be some I'm better off not asking because they might, really, just make things worse for themselves- not me, by the way.

Oh wait, why am I so considerate now huh?

This case gets only more curious...
Mood: Crappy

Reason: My lower back is causing me grief and I can't walk very far. I struggled to walk to Uni, although it was pointless since all we did was read our 500-word stories and discussed them. Struggled even more when I started to walk to McDonald's. So I bought some food, rang a taxi and got back to the flat. It only cost me £3, which isn't too bad if you consider the distance. I'd rather have paid that than suffered twenty minuts of agony. >_>
Mood: Anxious

When is this rain going to stop? Like seriously. It's been 2 weeks and it's been gloomy all the time. I haven't seen the sun in more than that since it had been foggy a week before all the rain. It's getting really depressing.
Mood: VERY busy
Why? I have been absent from the last two days of school, and already have 3 pages of makeup work to do. That and I also have to make up a quiz, do a whole page of listed pages to do for a midterm review, the midterm is this Thursday, I have two tests tomorrow, and these are all for the same subject. I have this much work for math, and I hardly have any makeup work for my other classes. This is ridiculous as fuck.
Mood: rofl

Reason: Mums locked herself out hahahahaha. made my night, she's such a balloon :lew::lew::lew:

Also finally bought all the shit i need for my halloween costume, managed to put it together on the cheap as well

Annnnnnnd, Im child free for a whole week come Friday :andry:
Mood: Meh. I have a bit of a cold and it is pretty annoying. I am just glad I only have 2 days of college this week as Western Civilization is cancelled on Friday. So after that long shitty thursday Ill be resting nicely. I also need to study a bit this week. Mondays off are nice but I just wish it were more quiet >.>
Mood: alright

Reason: I feel reaaaally tired and run down, despite having slept for a load this weekend, but I think it's just because I'm still not really used to being at school :gonk:
I've got a week off soon though, which will be niiice :ryan: 4 days left and then half term, can't waaaaait.
Mood: Tired but I woke up early for some reason

Went to bed reasonably early after a 12 hour shift but I just woke up and it's 5:30. I never wake up at 5:30. 0_o

So can't wait for the weekend. Hope it's sunny so we can go to Dreamworld and White Water World.