[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Pissed Off :afromad:

I got a fuckin police citation today :banghead: for something stupid that I won't go into too much detail about, but all I can say is, it was unfair. They even sent two cop cars to come out after me too. All I can say is the area I live in can be anal-retentive at times. But it's whatever..... :hmph:
Mood:F!@#$ing Great!

No real reason its just good to be me right now.......:srsly: A good nights sleep and lots of work done puts you in the mood for just relaxing, or is it just me?
Mood: Alright

Reason: Slept well, didn't wake up in the early hours and I feel quite fresh. can't say I was happy about getting caught in a down pour on my way to school mind. But whatever, I'm home and showered now, will have to make sure I go out equipped with my brolly when I head into Ashton later. Only thing what's annoying me, is I seem to be a couple days ahead of myself. Wishful thinking, I think. Roll on Friday
Mood : Discombobulated (sp?)

I can't even think straight this morning. Put on unmatching clothes today, and I might have been able to pull it off if my shirt was inside out and backwords. Took 2 wrong turns on my way to work this morning and I walked into the utility room thinking it was the bathroom.
Mood: Happy
I only did two days worth of studying for my Economy test - at least 3 hours worth, and I passed with a 93 (I don't like anything under 90 in the class). Plus, it was an open note test and I don't take notes because I never get enough information from the power points. But I'm passed that now, and now I have math to worry about for the rest of the week.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Been at it all day and now I'm finally home to kick back and relax. Been to sort out a surprise present for my friend with her boyfriend, visited my gran, went off to the hospital to see my dad, went back to my gran's for dinner and headed back here again. Just going to chill out by gaming and that. Might have an early night since my feet are hurting and my back's still sort of hurting as well.
Breathtook, breathtaken... is that even a word?

Yeah, anyway, just seen the new movie 'Buried', and boy, I was on edge all the time. Hooray for half days and holidays :D Not looking forward to the amount of homework though D:
Mood: good. I am doing good overall and tomorrow is my day off and no school Friday so thats all awesome in my book :ryan: But I need to study and such for Thursday. I have a quiz for Badminton class (Health part) Humanities class was fucking stupid today. It was a whole fucked up class. Debates were coming out of nowhere(like usual) The teacher also got really ticked off. Overall shitty class like usual. Only thing I need to worry about now is my quiz on thursday, My visual communications Journal assignment which is due November 4th. Also need to attend a conference on thursday and write a short report about that. Extra 5% for me :ryan:
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: I just want this week over quickly. Half term can't come quickly enough and I need some breathing space. I'm left with two pieces of coursework drafts to finish for Friday and over 20 Politics overview questions to tackle as well as the rest of the draft for an essay contest I didn't enter by choice. So paradoxically I also don't want the week to fly by because I need time to get all that done. Right now I'm just exhausted from the coursework and from my weird sleeping patterns.

At least I have my new DeviantART account set up though, Whether or not I'll use it much I'll see.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Despite only just getting short of eight hours sleep because there was a loud party going on in the flats behind me, I'm pretty relaxed at this time of the morning. Since I haven't got lecture today, I've not made a move to get ready or do anything, really. I was considering going to the gym, but my back's still playing up as per usual. So I guess I'm just going to have sit tight and relax for today.
Mood: Good

Reason: Shoppping allllll day, spent too much... Im already bloody skint. It's been a laugh though, trying on fucking wedding dresses and im not een getting married, i dont even have a man! Got a job interview tomorrow as well (y)
Mood: Uneasy

Well, so far so good. I got most of my make-up work done for my math class and I only have one part of a quiz left to make up later today. Then I have to finish the other half of a test I took yesterday, but I'm not sure if I studied enough for it. Tomorrow is our midterm and I'm going to be up late.
A bit annoyed. Got home to find out the showers leaking water thru the roof and its gone into the kitchen. its not coming from a burst pipe so its obviously getting in thru the cracks in the sealant around the bath. My mums in mega panic mode about it, just trying to tell her itl be fine. The guy from british gas is coming to fix it 2moro and ive told her il pay for it so not to worry but shes flappin like mad.
It would have been better if it was a bloody burst pipe, that way the insurance woulda covered the cost. I could probadly fix it myself tbh if it is just the sealant round the bath =_=
Mood: Sore

I had to move around a lot of lab equipment today. Getting ready to set up all my aquariums for all the aquatic plants I'm studying. Those suckers are big and heavy. That was nothing compared to the DNA analyzer which we dropped twice. We ran a diagnostic on it and it says it's working fine. Tomorrow we get to put in the fridges and freezers
Mood: Shattered, but relieved

Reason: The workload this week is unbelievable. Still, I'm getting through it I guess. Having to do around 30 overview questions for Politics class. I got it all done though and it was one of the longest marathons of writing I ever had to do for a long time. That's out of the way and I'm exhausted. I never want to see another Politics textbook for a week at least. And tomorrow it gets better, My two drafts of History coursework demand to be done and I've barely started on one of them. Around 4000-5000 words for both. Wonderful. Anyone would think there's no next week or something.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Been a pretty good day today. Just relaxed and did whatever. But I've got a friend coming over tomorrow for the day from the nearby Uni, so I should go to bed in the next hour or so. Surprised that I'm not tired for someone who's had six to seven hours sleep after ranting about someone having a party behind my flat last night. xD
I feel kind of complacent, but anxious at the same time.

I ran into a girl I really liked in High School today, she still looks amazing. I've apparently been working with her brother for quite a while, it's still hard to believe I didn't even know or see the resemblance.
Mood: meh. I just got back from seeing the movie "The Social Network" Which is the movie they made about faceboook. I thought it was a pretty good movie. It really keeps your full attention I guess. Last day tomorrow but it is a shitty thursday. Meh I am sure it will pass fast and now I need to open my book for badminton and study the health part. On a side note I still am pretty sick with this fucking bad throat and a little bit of a cold.