[V3] What's Your Mood?

I feel...Buff right now XD

LOL, just kidding. But I did join a gym tonight, and that is pretty exciting, because it's probably the only way I will get off the few extra pounds I'm trying to get rid of. It's good because, instead of going out to eat for like, a lot of money per month, I can have this gym membership for what you would pay for going out to eat twice O_O And, it's better for me, and I can still spend time with the husband because he joined with me, so instead of going out to hang out we can actually do something more productive now. Also, with the breathing problems I've been having lately, this might help get my lungs and heart in better shape, which would be good :hmmm: Especially since the doctors can't seem to figure out what's causing it, hundreds of dollars later :jtc:
Mood: Happy.

Reason: I was blue a little earlier and it seems to have phased out on its own. Now that I got that over with, I feel a little happy. Strange how emotions work sometimes.
Mood: Fine

Reason: Had a pretty good sleep and now my friend from the nearby Uni is coming to see me today here. We're going to go off shopping and then come back to the flat to do whatever. I haven't seen her since my twenty-first birthday, so pretty hyped to see her.
Mood: Weird

Right, I don't feel too well. It's been like this for a whole day now, but strangely, it feels like the world is spinning... Well, it is. But, it's like, worse for me. It started my day in a personally amusing way.

I got off my bed, and moved like some drunkard? I actually lost my balance standing upright...? That was one instance. Later in the day, it was, sit still, and I see my vision spinning. Great. It isn't so bad now, but it feels like I'm mentally drained. Like, playing chess seriously for several consecutive hours...

But it makes sense. Look, for almost a week straight now, I've less than 7 hours of sleep. Explainable?

I think it's time to pamper myself with a little sleep, even if it's not going to pay off... Aye. Night.
Mood: Somewhat giggly

Reason: I have absolutely no idea. For no apparent reason, I've suddenly become quite content with things - and I've got two miserable hours of lectures tonight - and I keep smiling and/or giggling. I think its probably because I've been playing Robot Unicorn Attack for the last hour or so...

I'm also quite excited: I put a bid in for a copy of Zettai Hero Project: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman (seriously, the name alone makes it worth buying. xD) which I'll find out if I've won tonight...it'd be nice to win it, but I don't I'm not too fussed. I'll just buy it straight up the next time. I love bidding for stuff. Its exciting waiting to see if I've won it or not. I know, I'm a freak of nature. xD
Mood: Nervous

...Meh. Hospital appointment tomorrow. Just not looking forward to it at all, at the same time I'm glad I was able to have it put this soon. It would have been worse if I had to wait longer than 2 weeks, 'cause I would have just been worrying myself sick. As soon as I know I gotta go, I wanna get it over with. But... =/ Ugh. I should get some sleep, but I just got it on my mind too much...

Oh well, at least I don't have work tomorrow, so if needed when I get home after the appointment, I can get some more sleep. Gotta be there around 2:00PM tomorrow, and I'm just hoping it all goes well.
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's been a long day, had fun with my friend. Might go bed soon since there's practically nothing keeping me up right now, except for the strange smell coming from the kitchen. I should find out what it is. I can feel myself drifting off now, actually. I'm hoping that the flatmates go quiet as the night goes along, they were screaming like maniacs before and I wasn't impressed. It felt like my ears were bleeding. >_>
Mood: Hungry

Haven't eaten all day and I just got out of work. Decided to stop at McDonalds and pig out on all kinds of food. I must have enough for 3-4 people and I'm going to eat it all. Had a headache because I went way too long without eating.
Mood: Pissed

Reason: After all the plans and hard work (calculating the total expenses, finding the place, inviting friends, etc.), my vacation with my colleagues will be flushed away like shit in a toilet bowl. Thank you very much.. tropical storm :hmph:
Mood: Still not great. Throat still hurts but the cold has gone thankfully. Also I dont have to wake up for class in a few hours as it is cancelled. So I just stay home :ryan: I am so happy that I dont have to run around tomorrow for just 1 class. Fridays should always be cancelled as they are clearly worthless. Today wasnt so bad. Got my conference report all done so thats a start.. Now I just need to plan to do my VC assignment next week.
Mood : Relaxed

Got a much needed 12 hours of sleep last night, and feel great for it. Especially after the long dragging day that is Thursday. Friday is easily my favourite day at Uni too, and I'm of out with some friends tonight :ryan: good times all round.
Mood: Amused.

Reason: I'm trying to stop and see the humor in life. Some of the most boring things can be funny when you think about them. We seem to program ourselves to not laugh unless something is a joke. But then again, maybe that's better, or we might end up like certain video game characters.
Mood: :andry:

Reason: I got a job :andry: I can't believe how quickly that just hapened, applied on Weds, interview yesterday, got the job today :wacky:
Mood: Prettu drunk

Reason: I
wasn't meant to go tou to my mates tonight but they called at the last minute after talking with Steve and invited us over at the last minute.

SO exiocted and I went out.

Watchjed Ture Blood and was so happy to see what Sookie is!
Mood: Pleased

Reason: Excellent. I have next week off. Not that it will be a very relaxing week off of course, but it gets me away from college for a short while. It gives me time to relax and let off for steam, that's for sure. The past few weeks have been nothing but coursework, intensive workload and draining UCAS application processes. And I'm now anxiously waiting for any university offers.

Right now I have two cousins around in the house. They're quite young and unfortunately quite noisy, but they have another hour yet before they leave and they do bring some life to this otherwise empty and dead house. They're lovely to have around even if their arguments over the gymnastics tournament on TV were quite annoying. xD
Mood: Blah

Hospitals suck, period. Gotta go back Monday for having a blood test taken, and then I won't hear from then until December. Good. Fuck off.

I do realize I shouldn't complain, but I'm not taking things for granted. I am bitching about having to go there, and I am happy that I can get help if needed, unlike others around the world, but still. I. hate. hospitals.

Ugh. Bored out of my mind atm. I just don't know what to do. It's too late to be cleaning. I don't wanna go to bed yet. I considered Final Fantasy VII, but... I don't think I can be fucked to bother. I figured a movie, but I can't decide what to watch. I wanted to photoshop but I gave up on myself after going through 25 stocks, and not liking one of them. Fuck off you indecisive little jackass brain.

I just finished my new avvy, and I'm just bored, and frustrated with all the other stocks I didn't like. *sigh*

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Mood: Worse. What started a good friday just turned to the friday of hell. I am still sick with this bad throat. Also I want to be fucking ALONE. I am tired of all this crap. I wish I was all by my lonesome FREE from all of this. Its just not helping me at all. Damn it. Not going to go into detail of what happened. I cant believe I was forced to get up all sick like this and then get thrown arguments at. Its not FUCKING cool. I want to LEAVE period.. Basically this is the day in a nutshell. Wake up, use computer till 3 in the afternoon. Then what do I get? HELL. THIS WAS MY FUCKING FRIDAY OFF. God I hate it here sometimes. Yeah I get up go take my Vitamins and then I could not take a break because of SOMEONE. I am not in a good fucking mood that is for sure. I had Tea just now and it only helped a little. OH JOY ONE DAY FUCKING RUINED. Lets hope Saturday sunday and Monday arent like this fucking piece of HELL.
Mood: Anxious. ACT is tomorrom and Im about to go to sleep. It starts at 8 in the morning and is over around 1 in the afternoon. The only amount of studying I did was go over a few questions in a school ACT Prep book, but I hear its not much of a hassle. I'm going to be as calm about it as possible tomorrow.