[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: :rage:

I went to bed at a decent time, 'cause I've barely been getting a good amount of sleep the last few days, though I woke up a bit late when my mom got back home, and we had to go to the hospital. -.- So I hate to rush out of bed, get ready, get to the hospital, all that while just waking up to get a needle shoved in to my arm. :rage:

What a shit day. I wish I could go back to bed. :gonk: My arm hurts from getting blood drawn and the vein looks swollen, doctor said it was normal. Well great. :rage:

Work tonight, till fucking midnight. :rage: I am not in the mood. I guess the highlight of today is that I won't hear from the hospital in about two months - and that means Jeff will be here. Finally. <3

Edit: ................................I'm going back to bed for three hours.
Mood: Tired

Stayed up late again.

I have a 6am start tomorrow and I know I'm going to be dead tired. :gonk:

Why can't I win the lotto so I can sleep in every day. =(

Had Macca's for dinner tonight too and I feel yuck. Dunno why I crave it so much when I know it only makes me feel crappy.
Mood: Been Better

Reason: Okay, well maybe I'm a bit better since the preceding two days. But for some reason I think things are looking up. It's sunny, there's some pretty kick-ass field trips I can go on in the next two weeks, and there's projects due left and right. Yay!
Mood: Still a bit meh. Well its been a long weekend. Its going really slow for some reason. Still got the cough and my throat still hurts >.>. I got to type something really short later and I also need to get started on my VC assignment sometime this week. I stayed up very late again last night. I tried to rest but then later I opened my laptop only to just notice it was 5:48 in the morning >.>. Almost Colonel grade II on Halo Reach now.. Oh joy a weekly challenge to kill 1000 enemies online. That should be fun >.>
Mood: knackereddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

Reason: Omg first day in work, it's wiped me out big time haha. my brain point blank refuses to work now, and I really need a shower, but it's so far away and I'm so tired. So many numbers to look at, so many NUMBERS :rage: I'l be dreaming about it allllll night I know I will
Mood: good and bad

Reason: Week off nowww, and I'm relaxed and not tired any more because I've had a nice lie-in :ryan:
But, 6th form is so hard, and I just looked over my work I have to do. Everything is so difficult and the 4 exams I have in January are going to take so much work on my part :sad3:
Mood: Tired

My arm is sore from the hospital. :hmph: I hate needles. I have a massive bruise. It fails. I slept for a few more hours after I got back, then had to rush to get in for work. :lew: I knew it was a bad idea to sleep "three hours before work". Oh well. All went well, two months or so for the results. I'm not too fussed...

Work went alright, had shift with the cool manager. He's insane. xD Got a little essay to write for the position I'm getting, which isn't a big deal, but it's work that needs to be done. But maybe tomorrow... or Wednesday, I can't be fucked to do it right now. xD

Just listening to music atm. Biffy Clyro. :ryan:

I'ma get something for my headache here in a bit, and sit around some more, I think. I should go to bed... But... Eh, can't be bothered yet. 6 hours shift tomorrow. Gotta be there at 4. rage.
MOOD: Slightly bummed

Over the weekend I purchased two games and they both we're unbelievably disappointing. I wasted close to $40 less than three days ago and I'm only going to get probably $8 back when I try to sell them Wednesday. Oh well. Sucks for me.
Mood: Sick

Reason: Got a goddamn cold with the rare headache, runny nose that is now red raw from constantly dabbing it with tissue, a cough that is horrible and a tired body. Went to bed at 11 last night because I just couldn't stay up any longer. I wasn't impressed to be waking up at around half 8. It's my day off from Uni and wanted to sleep in. But oh well, guess I'll just have to try and relax for the day. >_>
Mood: Fine

Decent day. The download content for Red Dead Redemption came out. Ugh, zombies. It kinda freaked me out, but it's fucking awesome. Got one of the horses so far, and I had grown attached to it, until it died on me. They look fucking sick though. xDDD

Found a friggin' amazing picture of Tifa Lockhart in the upcoming game Dissidia 012! So excited. Had to make a signature, and I couldn't decide on the coloured or black and white with purple version - went with the last. Oh weeeeeell.

Just wish we had something to drink in the house. I might hop to the shop when it opens, which isn't in a while yet. Or I might send my mom off. The last options means I can stay in. I DOUBT she'll go though. :rofl:
Mood: Bah. Seriously I just wasted my time onyxing my campaign commendations in Halo Reach. It was alot of work too but Its much faster with the target locator glitch. But still some of them took a long time a hellish long time. Well I am glad I am done with them(some) So close to colonel II now. I really need a break from this game. Jesus christ xD. The rank cap will be lifted soon though which will make me continue to play. Well Ill take a break once in a while. I even feel like I wasted my time now >.>. Oh well atleast I have a day off so that is good. I got an essay for Western Civilization today and I cant use the fucking internet. ONLY BOOKS. Painful :sad3: I need to start my Vc assignment Journal tomorrow also .... Bah

I didn't end up falling asleep until about 2AM this morning and waking up at 6:30AM and the sleep I did get I ended up tossing and turning and waking up every hour so I'm not in the best of moods to be going to a 3 hour lecture today, especially if I have to go to the courts afterwards for work on our presentation. I just need to crawl back up into bed really and get some more sleep.
Mood: Sick

Reason: Yep, still in the same sicky mood. Add a bad back onto the cold and you've got a very grumpy me. Means I'll have to stay in and leave my lecture today, which is a shame since someone's coming in today to discuss working in radio drama. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to try and occupy myself with something today. >_>
Mood: Could be better...

Reason: Had an absolutely awful night. There must be something going around because quite a few of us now have colds. It was just unbearable trying to sleep with a totally blocked nose whilst having woken up around 3 times already in the night. Tablets don't work very well either. At least I'm not overly tired at the moment despite the fact we spent much of yesterday driving around in Manchester and looking around in the Trafford Centre.
Mood: Bored, Like, really Bored

Now, at the time of this post, I would still be in school, at our Chinese Orchestra sectional... Slacking. It's break time, and well, because I don't actually know a lot of people, and I'm not particularly in love with my instrument... It just gets nightmarishly boring.

Actually, I can leave now, but oh well. I suppose it's just awkward and somewhat irresponsible... More of awkward, really.

Whatever, I guess it's too late to leave now. Suppose I'll just hang on for a bit longer. Bore myself sick
Mood: Sore&Annoyed

Fitting a tow bar to a brand new 4x4 at work today, had some kid who was on work experience come over to help me, so i asked this bloke to screw ONE bolt in finger tight while i hold the thing up.
'Righto, all done!' Says this bloke, so i finish my first bolt and let it go to do up the rest, the whole thing which weighs about 30 kgs swings down from the lift and smacks me in the face..
Fractured eye-socket and a broken cheekbone, and i have to go back to work on Monday :|
Mood: Restless

I hate when I have a lot to do and not a lot to do it. I slept lousy last night, have all my homework done, but I have to study. Getting ready to go into work soon to finish an experiment which if it works out, I can finish my report and turn it in and start the next one. If not, well you'll know where I'll be all weekend long
Mood: Excellent. :griin:

Reason: Well, I'm just seeing things fall into place nicely now in general life. It would take a lot to get me annoyed these days. Things are just splendid. :awesome: