[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: great. I am off till thursday. College is closed on tuesaday for some reason but that makes me happy :ryan: Now I can ust chill but after Haloween I should get started on my two assignments. One is due on the 11th and one on the 19th. But I have like a week off! Also It will be quiet for the whole week starting tomorrow. This is exactly what I need. Quietness and freedom.
Mood: Bored and irritated

Reason: Not much to do at the moment...we're going out soon, so I can't really get started on anything. Might go do a couple of stages in Castlevania or something in a minute whilst I wait.

I'm slightly annoyed because I've been waiting somewhat longer than the 14 day maximum it was supposed to take my Kyogre plushie to arrive. I HATE waiting for stuff from eBay. Its tedious as hell, and always takes longer than it should. My copy of Zettai Hero Project hasn't even been dispatched yet, which I find to be both irritating and disgraceful: it came out on Tuesday, it should have been sent off by now. I would have bought it off the US PSN if I'dve known I wasn't going to get it sent off immediately.

...I'm whining, I know. But...meh. I hate waiting around for things ._.
Mood: Nyeh

Don't really feel like anything at the moment. Had an awesome night last night and kinda wanna go back to my mates for more drinks and such. Though they probably want their house back to themselves. XD

I don't feel like going out but I don't feel like being bored either. May just sit on here and post about a bit for a while.
Mood: Nervous

Im meeting the boyfriends parents tonight. We're having dinner and I guess it's formal so I had to go out and buy a new dress. Im always neervous to meet the parents
Mood: Yay


Though, as a matter of fact, I've intentionally left my birthday wrongly set on my Facebook profile so that it will not remind anyone that it's my birthday tomorrow. Having said that, I'm wondering who in my class would actually remember that tomorrow's my birthday.

I've only found one that remembers, and although she's not the one I'm keen to hear from... Oh well. It's nice to know anyway, especially if you consider the fact that it is highly likely that no one else would remember :\

Yeah. Indeed, I'm somewhat certain that no one else may remember, and that kinda instills a sort dread in me, but never mind that. I'm cool.

For now at least, who're they to spoil my day with forgetfulness, or ignorance? Never mind. I shouldn't be petty, right? I probably don't remember theirs too... :\ :\ :\

Okay. Okay. Gonna wait out 12mn
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's been a long day. But it got better after finishing work, obviously. Got pictures from my bungee jump and had a good laugh looking at them, even though they were cringeworthy. Got back here, was going to the pub to watch the football, but Dad bought ESPN for the TV. So I essentially watched it here. Was too tired to walk, anyway. Been chilling here watching TV for the remainder of the night. I'm hoping to get some good sleep tonight and the clocks back, so an extra hour in bed? HELL YES.
Mood: Nervous

Im meeting the boyfriends parents tonight. We're having dinner and I guess it's formal so I had to go out and buy a new dress. Im always neervous to meet the parents

Good luck! I'm not a real fan of the whole meeting the parents thing. Never did anything formal for any of my boyfriends.

Just rocked up to pick up my boyfriends and said, 'Hey' pretty much. XD Didn't really see the need for formalities.

Mood: Annoyed

Stupid nose ring stud my the inside of my nose last night and when I woke up this morning my nose was bleeding. <_<

It's only recently that this has been happening and I think it's the new nose stud I bought that's the problem.

Not wearing my stud to bed ever again!
I've just lay in bed for the last 90mins trying to sleep but I won't drift off. The thing is I'm exhausted, utterly exhausted but I can't sleep. Turned on the ifone to browse here as the nets off ATM and I can't be bothered to get up. But my battery is at 7 percent :(
Ughhhhh hopefully drift off, I don't liknthis at all-__-
Mood: Irritated

Reason: I forget the clocks went back last night. Mother usually reminds me, but this time she didn't, because she wanted to see if I'd remember or if I'd get up an hour early like an idiot. I'd think she'd know me well enough by now to know that I'd get up like an idiot. Which is exactly what I did. I am not amused.
Mood: Nyeh

Really don't want to go to bed. I have to wake up to start at like 6am too.

Not happy! I really loved Friday night. I miss it so much. =( It was the best! Now I'm forced to spend another dreaded week at work. =( All I want to do is hang with my mates and drink and have fun and watch Foxtel. =(
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Halloween weekend. Tequila. Tequila and me is never a good mix. I'm rough as fucking toast today. Went to KFC in my pj's for a hangover munch. HAd the taxi go through the McD's drive through at half 3 this morning as well. Fun night,loads of folk dressed up. I ache all over today though, Im getting too old for this ]:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Ok, I'm lying. I'm beyond tired, I'm ABSOLUTELY SHATTERED. Sundays are always the longest days of my weeks since I started Uni. Had work, went home, got my stuff and came back to my Uni flat. Yawn. Not much happening, really. I've not had a good night's sleep last week on Thursday and I'm craving so much fucking sleep right now that I need to drift off. >_>
Mood: Irritated

I'm trying to download a free trial of Photoshop CS2 on my laptop, and like the previous desktop it was on, it won't let me use it after downloading because my account "doesn't have the proper administrative tools." What's odd is that this is the only account on my laptop. Plus, it did the same thing on my grandma's desktop, and one thing they have in common is that they both have Windows 7 installed to it. This really is getting me mad, and I need Photoshop on this laptop desperately.
Mood: Good. Well looks like my main net went out now and I am using anothe rone and oddly its working so that makes me happy. I still have till thursday off anyway. I gotta start my assignments though. I hit Colonel grade III on Reach so my next rank is Brigadier. At Brigadier I can get my favorite armor but its probably going to take max 2 weeks to get there. The rank cap will be lifted wednesday for sure :ryan: So yep one assignment due on the 11th and one on the 10th plus 2 labs for badminton(health part) due thursday/ The labs are easy so Ill start with those. What I hate though is for my western civilization assignment the internet is fucking FORBIDDEN. So I only can use books... fuck.. Oh well...
Mood:Heh doing great..........

A bit of sore back and all but apart from that everything is cool people.............I won a very much sort after Item on ebay this mourning before wor fso Ims very chuffed about that, hopefully I will get to see my GF before I fall asleep tonight.

Really just very good:D
Mood: Annoyed

Some people really can't just shut their mouths here at home. They think that what they say is true and won't accept any other opinions.

Freakin' stubborn people. <_<

No real point in even responding to them anymore. Such a waste of time. :gonk:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Got a very good sleep last night, so I'm pretty much relaxed. I only woke up ten minutes ago as well, too. I see no point in going to my lecture today, so I'm probably going to spend the day at the flat. My other lecture tonight is cancelled, so I don't need to feel too paranoid about getting back in the dark. Going to be getting on with some gaming and some assignments I need to do.

what a day, it wasnt a long one but i worked my ass off....for some reason 8( which is unlike me. Got some bad news after work which kinda put on a downer on things. Glad to be home now just doing what i do best, relaxing and putting my feet up. too cold to do anything so im gunna build a bonfire, take out my guitar and sing coom bah yah or however ya spell it.
Mood : Urgh.

Half seven is a stupid time to wake up after going to bed at 5am. Stupid time. I needed to be up earlier today cause I'm meeting my friends outside the Library, of all places, to print some stuff off before class today. :rage: