[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Nyeh

Had a longish day. Started at 10am and finished at 5:30. Then sat in my car in the work car park talking to someone from work for an hour and then as soon as I got in the car I had a friend call me for around 20 minutes.

Then eventually I got to come home. It's 7:15pm now. v_v

Dunno what to have for dinner tonight either. Not in the mood for anything.
Mood: Joy.

Reason: The sun is out for the first time in weeks and I just couldn't help but smile all the way from home to school all the way. All 40 miles, all 40 minutes. =]
I feel good, I'm in Canada and I love it. Only have to wait very long for the kids to return, right now I don't have much to do but the computer or tv, This forum doesn't work well either as well as some other sites. dunno whats wrong with it. Will play pool with my dad later aswell. Hope he will do it today, he already promised to do it 2 days ago.
Also happy I talked things out with my friend. ^^ glad she's back.
Mood: Pretty Good

Considering I have to work in a couple of hours I'm feeling pretty good. I woke up at 4:30am and have been doing housework and such four around an hour and a half.

Really feel like a Mighty Muffin Meal from Macca's but keep telling myself to save my money. :gonk:

So hungry though. Grapes will have to do this morning and then maybe tomorrow I can go to Macca's with Steve to celebrate the weekend. XD
Mood: Excited

I'm going to a couple of haunted houses tonight, so I'm hoping to get scared. These kind of things don't normally scare me but they never do. But I do like the amount of effort and the time put into them, because they can be very cool. One of them though is like a maze so I'm excited to try that one out

weekends practically here, this has been one of the fastest weeks ive had in a looong time so im pretty thrilled :ryan:
no plans for 2moro except to just relax and enjoy a lie in saturday :ryan:
think il be going out saturday neckht for haloween, not getting dressed up or anything, cant afford an outfit, not that i care about one either way tbh. :hmmm:
Mood: Really fucking tired

Reason: Almost done with my first week at work, and fuck me, the mind boggles with some of the stuff, quotes, VAT, square metre prices of different metals and sizes, what metals take what screws and how many... can't wait to get in bed with my fresh bed sheets and my cat. So glad I dont have ellie this week, I think I'd of died. My poor brains in a state of shock, it's not worked this hard for donkies
Mood: So-so

Reason: That chinese takeaway meal was great. I've been juggling through coursework all throughout this boring day that it's rather amazing how much small things can raise my spirits like this. Some bit of good news arrived. UCAS just told me that two universities have given me conditional placement offers, so that's been a driving force for me to get some work done. Now if my earphones weren't dead I'd be lying on my bed with my iPod on for the rest of the night.
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's been a fairly productive day. I've had my dad and sister over to come see the flat for the first time, so it was nice to have them over after being such an antisocial bugger this week. Feeling slightly better than recent days, so that's lifted my mood as well. Finished playing Assassin's Creed as well, so I'll trade that in for some money on Monday. I've not had a decent night of sleep so far this week, so I think I'll hit the hay now.
Mood: Yay. Well it appears that I dodnt have to work so much xD my Visual Communication assignment has been extended till the 11th of November so I can have a break for now :ryan: Today was such a boring day though >.>(like all shitty thursdays) Tomorrow Is only one class like usual so Ill be home in no time. My Iphone fell today also so that made me go "whoa" a little bit :hmph:
Mood : Great.

Yesterday wasn't so awful, for a Thursday. Well. The two hour lesson may have been the longest two hours of my life. But. The rest of the day was alright. The 4-5 lesson was cancelled, so me and my friend just went down town for a few hours instead, it was great fun.

Even though, going down town in Boro is like being on safari. Leopard print clothes everywhere. And Zebra print. And Tiger print. xO So many people wearing hideous clothes ;_;
Mood: Great!

Even though I worked 10 and a half hours today I feel great!

It must of been that 12 hour sleep I had last night.

Anyway I just got home and about to get ready to go out for another all nighter with Steve and a couple of mates. Soooooooooo can't wait.

I've been looking forward to something like this all week.

Then Halloween Party tomorrow night! Going to be an awesome weekend!
Mood: Abrasive

Okay, today, my school has finalized the results, and settled upon who passes, and who fails. Well, for me, I failed. Sure. Fine. And they take me to the school's Auditorium where our beloved Principal gives us a lovely speech about the plain obvious, and how we should pretend we don't already know those. I'm calm, I'm cool. They tell me not to badmouth the school. Sure. Of course I won't. Why would I? Not.

I didn't badmouth. In fact, those were the 'good'. This school shines when it comes to the bad. And being the only positive trait that would attract, isn't it only right to help 'evangelize'? The religion of stupidity that runs rampant in a place like this?

Of course. It is. I'm part of this religion, and I'm probably going to be for some time. I will break free. I swear.
Mood: Okay

I slept for a while for the first time in ages. I think it's actually the first night that I got over 6 hours of sleep. I'm not sure whether I still feel tired, or... just lazy now. :lew: I'ma hang around the internet for about 30 more minutes, then come 1PM, I'ma blast some music while cleaning my room, and the house. My room seriously needs to be done, else I'm gonna have a cow. If I'm not growing one, already. :wacky:

Today is my off day, got asked to come along to the cinemas but... eh, not in the mood. I guess Paranormal Activity 2 has to wait. :lew:
Mood: Tired

Reason: And in a somewhat bitchy mood, too. I was in bed for twelve hours, but probably only slept for a quarter of that. I hated tossing and turning, not forgetting to mention my sore throat strikes me in the night when I need to get some motherfucking sleep. Thankfully, I'm still able to stay awake, despite how ridiculously tired I am. Oh well, I'm going to my dad's for the weekend. At least I can try and sleep there. Not looking forward to work at half ten in the morning til half two in the afternoon tomorrow.


the weekend is heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere :ryan:
i actually cant wait to wake up 2moro then just roll over and go back to sleep :ryan: it would be worth setting my alarm just so i could wake up and know i can roll over again :ryan: no lan s for tonite, keeping it simple. Need to restring the guitar but i cant find my string winder :rage: Not sure what 2moros plans are yet :hmmm: a casual outing to the pub seems like a plan but im fairloy skint so i dunno :hmmm:
Mood: Flirty . . .really.

Because there's this girl that's in our school that I talk to on Facebook all the time, but I hadn't started talking to her in school until last week. And I think that she may have a thing or two for me - she's very touchy around me, she compliments me all the time, and she becomes extra nice when I'm around. If she does have feelings for me, I don't mind at all. She's kind of cute, and I haven't been in a relationship with a girl for a long time, so if something happens, I'm all for it.
Angry and bitter as always.

Plus sad.

Why ?

The usual reasons.

I was accused on one forum of telling too much about my personal life so I don't share it with gamers.
Just with others who have been through what I have.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I think it's been the most relaxing time all week. I'm back at my dad's and am in heaven with this peace and quiet. Maybe I'm lying that it's very quiet, but at least it's a relaxing atmosphere right now. Just been able to do whatever I want and it's nice to be back here after nearly a month or so. Already going to be spending time with Dad tomorrow when we watch the footie at the pub. Pretty pleased since I've got something to look forward to after work.
Mood: Alright

Reason: I've had a fairly relaxed holiday, been out a few times and dossed around the house for a week :ryan:
But I go back to school on Monday and I've got some work due in I still haven't done that I really need to do. Better get that done tomorrow, I guess :sad3: