[V3] What's Your Mood?


Worst vacation of my life..... our family has bad luck...again

Can't sleep now since my mom is probably hitting her head against the wall or something?? o_O , my dad says he will return with my mom back home and I'm supposed to stay here? fun, no then never mind...
Mood: Procrastinating

Well, after this post I may start working, but I'm supposed to be studying for a big Economy test this Thursday, doing homework we didn't finish from ASL (American sign language), oh, and I have a math test today too. Over 4 pages of written vocabulary I have to look through. . .yeah I don't get it either.
Mood: Fine

Reason: Got another decent sleep, I'm really loving all this sleep I'm catching up on. Been up for about half an hour now and just not really bothered to make a move. Though I'm sort of watching TV at the moment and I've got the lack of motivation running right now. Should make a move pretty soon since I'm going out in the next hour or two.
Mood: Dead tired

Didn't sleep, period. I don't even know why, just lay there, fussing around. -.- Got up, and now I work in two hours. I'm considering a two hour nap... =/ :gonk: I feel beyond tired and crappy. Just don't really wanna risk turning the alarm off when it goes off in two hours, and roll over. I'd be... well... screwed for work. -.-
Mood: Meh. I got up extremely early So I can do most stuff before I start some work in a few hours. Besides I am going to leave m 2 other assignments out for today. Going to start those around thursday too Friday or so. Going to play a bit of Halo Reach, eat breakfast and then finish those two easy labs and I should be alright.. I so can not wait till I am on break next month..
Mood: Alright

Reason: Still got a stack of work to do, but I'm feeling happier knowing I've almost ploughed through it all, Ive just had so much to do :rage: Actually made time for dinner today, I was so hungry though, I just wolfed it down, it was fucking nice though, chicken and cheese melt, aw it was so nice. Im still thinking about it. I feel like I'm starting to settle into my role now, Andys not having to help me as much, and I'm starting to know what the fuck Im doing :8F: I've been given a product catalogue to look through so I can have a better idea of what it is we produce seeing as Im like quoting things, and even though I know how to work the price out (And how heavy the order will be, how many and what types of screws it will be..) I dont actually know what it is :8F:

I can't believe how much maths I've been doing, I fucking hate maths, but I'm getting pretty swish at it.

Aw check me, going on about work :monocle:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: So it transpired that my plans for today had to be scrapped and put on hold for Thursday instead. I made alternate plans instead that consisted of me trading unwanted/unplayed games in the town centre, getting some money from it, hit the gym for an hour and came back here for something to eat. Glad I'm back though since the rain was nasty today.
Mood: Calm.

I have an Economy test this Thursday, and I haven't studied for the past week until now. Right now I have a whole 8 page section read and memorized and I plan on doing the 2nd one the next morning. Then the last two when I get home from school. I think I should be okay. I'll worry about my other homework later.
I'm so freaking pissed right now,

my mom never shuts the hell up, she keeps on screaming in the night and it makes me so cranky because my dad and I can't sleep at all, sure she might be experiencing some shit but I don't fucking care at all now. have stood there f three times in front of the door saying she should be quiet, she apologizes a trillion times and then says okay okay, but then one hour later she does it again. My dad hasn't slept for 3 days in a row so he doesnt respond nicely either anymore.
Right now I hear her screaming and shit upstairs...SHUT UP!
Mood: Nyeh

Tired but really want to watch a movie.

Really should go to bed though seeing as it is 11pm. v_v

Sucks how the night just gets wasted away like it does. One minute it's 7:30 the next it's freakin' midnight.

Why can't time stop just for a bit so I can catch up on a few things. :gonk:

School has kept me very busy lately, even with such a small schedule the class time is indeed painful. 3 hours with a 15 minute break in the middle of it is not enough, I am learning about internet tags and ancient greek history/poetry. After finishing both of my classes mid term exams, I have myself relaxed now and relaxed for my own good. Relaxing at my home, doing house work and cleaining rotten leaves to put them in garbage bags, even inviting friends and playing video games. 1 more month and then im relaxed for a long time.
Mood: Hungry

Been at work all morning and I skipped breakfast. Didn't bring a lunch, and I forgot purse at home so I don't have much money on me so I can't run down to the cafe to get me something to eat. Gotta wait 3 more hours till I can run home and grab my purse so I can eat!
Mood: Meh. Just have been doing the usual. Just going to have a shit day like all thursdays tomorrow. Friday I might go to my cousin's house to sleep so that should be alright. But its quiet over here in the house for now. It doesnt really make much of a difference.. Just thinking about those damn assignments I need to do. Defo going to start one on Saturday. Hopefully after those I wont have much to do. Besides I only have 1 more month till the semester is over. I just hope I am passing all my classes.. I got to get rid of those assignments. Going to go pick up some books at the library tomorrow since I cant us the internet for this essay >.>
Mood: Stressed.

Actually, I'm taking an hour break from finishing my project for architecture class tomorrow. I still have to finish the big model, detail out the small model, and stick together my board. I might have to pull an all-nighter, so unless someone kills me now, I'll have to experience the pain of having no sleep for the next 48 hours. :sad3:
Mood: Mixed.

I'm really happy, but at the same time a little anxious. I managed to study one section of a chapter I have to study for a test tomorrow, so I still have 3 sections left to study - luckily, all of them are short, unlike the first one, so I should finish reading them within 2 hours.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Well, I thought that my lecture was going to be cancelled since the lecturer who replaced our original one had left and been replaced by someone else. Also found out the original one suffered a heart attack and it's why he's not coming back until next December. Love this new lecturer though. He's called Jim and looks like he's got no idea what he's doing and talks to you like a friend rather than formally.

Went for a couple of drinks at the bar and played a few games of pool as well. Had some fun since I was taking the mick out of my friends by commentating and pretending that I was a referee. Did a bit of shopping on the way back and just got in about twenty minutes ago. I still need to catch up with National Novel Writing Month and my ideas for that keep changing, so I'm going to write something down tonight because I'm a bit behind. I also need to email my radio reviews to Jim, start my proposal for Dramatic Story and start on my third radio review. I might review the one he directed that we heard, might score me brownie points. :wacky:

reason: i had to take care of my little brother all night cause he got brused really bad in the stomache
Mood: Focused.

I managed to study the three remaining sections of a chapter I had to read yesterday (just within 2 hours. ) because we have a test on it today. I'll be reviewing in a few minutes to make sure I've got everything through my head. I don't think I'll get a bad grade - I just hope I won't get anything less than an A.