[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mostly went shopping and then came home and watched more of The O.C.

Up to season 3 now. Don't know what I'll do when it's all over again. =(

if youv never watched it you should go and buy 24, best tv show ever :ryan:

well its sunday again, got a few minor things to do but besides that its gunna be a lazy day. Got a few films to watch so im gunna put a couple of them on later. Watched the expendables which was just awesome :ryan:
Gunna do a couple of photoshop things then put on the next film i reckon. work 2moro -sigh- the weekend goes by so quickly.
Mood: Bloated

Just ate the yummiest Shephard's pie EVER! It was so yummy that I had another plate and am now very very bloated.

I can not eat like this all the time or I WILL get FAT!

Feeling pretty good about work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get some things done this week!

Can not express my love for the coming weekend!

Me, my friend (possibly Steve and my friends boyfriend) and alcohol and Millionaire Matchmaker whilst lounging on her comfy lounge. <3

I so can not wait to totally chill out. I did chill out this weekend, but it was boring. XD

if youv never watched it you should go and buy 24, best tv show ever :ryan:

I have seen it and I loved it when I had T.V. It is yet another series I have on my 'To Buy List.' XD
Mood: Great

Reason: I'm in great shape today, considering I was sick yesterday. I was taken to the ER--nothing extreme like blood, broken limbs, fainting or any of that. I just had the most excruciating migraine. I couldn't focus my eyesight and just kept sobbing from the pain. I can't even explain how I felt properly. :rage: They injected painkillers and had me do a CT scan to look for brain damage and prescribed medicine. Result's still not out. They told me to come back tomorrow.

That said, I feel a hundredfold better today. I got a lot of rest and I've not had migraines even if I was out for most of the day. I got to accomplish what I was supposed to before I had the migraine. It was a nice day. :ryan:
fed up

usual feeling i get on a sunday night -____-
just watching some dvds, pretty much what ive done all day. not complaining though as its been a good relaxing sunday. Work 2moro, not too bad mondays are usually pretty quick days for me. Gotta make sure i get to work nice and early though, i defaintely cant be late or il get my arse kicked so itl be an early bed tonight for me |)
Mood: Not in the mood

For work.

Miserable yucky day outside and I have to leave in 15 minutes. Nyeh. I hate Mondays!

I would so love to start on a Tuesday. At least it's payday on Tuesday and I'd have something to look forward to on my first day of work each week!

Better go do my hair or something before it gets too late. <_<

I intend on coming home early tonight. Have a few computer related things to do!
Mood: Sunday

Reason: IT'S SUNDAY. Work tomorrow, 5 whole days of doing stuff. I say this like I hate it, but secretly the novelty of having a job is still there :8F: Still, roll on weekend! Had a good weekend up in Bpool with the kid, done a lot of eating and sleeping. diet from tomorroW!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been a really long weekend, it couldn't have gone anymore slow. Absolutely loathed working, knowing that some of them have stabbed me in the back. Urgh, can't wait for Uni this week. Least I won't have to feel shit and have to pretend everything's ok. Back to this thing called normality. Woo.
Mood: Meh. Started my assignment and I am still doing it. I am going to only do half of it today and hopefully finish tomorrow. The great thing is that my internet is now fixed so everything is working perfectly. Happy because of that. Hopefully it will stay quiet and I can finish my work in peace >.>
Mood: Awake

I found out today that we were supposed to turn our clocks back, so whatever I usually do on Sundays, I did an hour too early today . Like leaving an hour early to meet some one at a restaurant, and being confused as to why they're not there yet - until I realized I'm supposed to be there an hour from now. Today was quite interesting. And long too. I think I'll enjoy the extra hour of sleep from school .
Mood: Alright

Just been working on some threads for Clan B, going alright so far. I just finished watching Paranormal Entity, in no way linked to Paranormal Activity, but really good nonetheless. Considering some chips... I've been in a horrible munchies mood lately. It's horrible. -.-
Mood : Blech.

Mondays suck. I have a 1 hour lesson at 12, but then I'm spending the rest of the afternoon in the library. I can't wait till Friday, when this assignment will be done. It's so awful reading through pages of irrelevant information to find one or two pages of crap I actually need.
Mood: Tired.
Been up all night pretty much cursing cause I had to start 13 again.
And forgot to take my tabs -_-!
Nap I think!

my mum just got told her cancer hasnt returned. She got over it about ayear ago but recently found another lump. The hospital though confirmed that its not cancerous so im over the moon. Feels like a huge weight is off my shoulders.
If she wasnt a non drinker id well get the vodkas on the go :griin:
Mood: Nyeh

Today looks like another crappy day outside.

Was going to straighten my hair but don't see the point now. =/

Just wash it and put it up in a bun once again!

I'm so excited about something else that's happening today though! OMG I can't contain it any longer. XD
Mood: Tired

Reason: Whether it be physically or mentally, I'm not sure. I'm just tired. Tired because I'm drained from my lectures and the gym. Tired of the drama that happened last weekend. Seriously, it's nice to finally know people I have worked with for the past few years can stab me in the back. I just wish things could look up. It's been a shit year and would rather skip to 2011 now, please.
Mood: Tired

I've been trying to get this new set to work before going to bed, but my eyes are burning, and I've started over twice now, it's just not happening today. I'm gonna go to bed, I can't even be bothered or make an effort for getting a shower. I'll do everything that needs to be done in the morning. I'm dead.

Mood: Not bad. Been progressing well in my assignment. Took a break and browsed the net a little. I want to start the other assignment sometime soon though so I can get rid of it. I got an email from my western civilization teacher on college mail. She says she will reschedule the missed exam Friday. This might mean I might have to go write this exam on one of the days I have no school :hmmm: Hopefully not.
Sad yet happy.

Tomorrow is my last day with the kids (it's the end of the quarter and my last day with them as a student teacher), so I'm quite sad to have to leave them. On the other hand, I am very happy that I got the chance to know and teach them. Some of them even wrote letters and I may be getting more tomorrow. I almost teared up reading them! ;3
Mood: Sore

Working out sucks when I'm so out of shape. I can already feel it and I'm going to have trouble moving tomorrow morning. Thats what I get for not stretching

Been doing dance routines and I'm an ok dancer, but to do it for 3 hours straight just kills my legs