[V3] What's Your Mood?


I wanted to get some cool stuff from the vendors in WoW, but now I don't since JP will be able to be used for items in Cataclysm. Can't really think of anything to do... I'm done with Fable III as far as I'm concerned, leveling characters in wow is boring and i want the new world quests already godammit! i already learned some stuff on my gutiar, there is no more dr pepper, I'm sick of coffee, don't feel like watching porn, and traded in Halo Reach.

i'm so bored :hmph:
Mood: Cold

Woke up close to an hour ago, and my hands and feet are freezing off. o_o I slept alright, fell asleep not too long after I laid down, so that was great, seeing it always takes me ages to fall asleep no matter how tired I am.

I'm just looking for new Photoshop resources now. No luck in finding something about Advent Children textures, so if anyone can help? Here, it would be appreciated. :wacky:
Mood: pensive and tired.

A good reason?: I have to wait at least almost 1 year to get my USA Visa,cause I don't got the necessary money at me now..so yeah..>.> I got still to take the TOEFL test,and get my driver license here..A lot to do in the fallowing year.

Tired? didn't slept enough,or maybe to much.I don't even know myself anymore..
Mood: Fehhhhh

Reason: Works been annoying today, it's not even like I've had all that much to do, but the things I have had to do, I've not been able too, sorted some of it, but there's a couple things left for morning that I can't be arsed with :sad3: Soon be weekend :rage:
Mood: Fluctuating

The day began on a rather high note, with quite a significant bit of anxiety, nervousness and all. Today is my examination day after all. I'll have to, with my group, present in front of some strangers and do so well enough to score high. :\ Which explains my nervousness. Even if I did already memorize, I was fearful that I would fail to recall it thoroughly later.

And well, I really did forget a portion. But pulled it off well enough, I hope, at least for the subsequent parts.

After the examination, it's release. Extreme joy, in a sense. I was suddenly void of burdens. Suddenly so relaxed. I went back home and took a 4-hour nap... In the middle of the day too. :\ Well, I slept at 2am the night before, so okay...

And when I woke up, I was in quite a good mood... Especially so when I woke up with my mother telling me that the computer's been fixed, and that she's found out the password to our home Wifi... Which also means now that I am able to connect my iPhone to the Wifi!

I began spamming all sorts of downloads for some time, up to a lot later... Night.

Then my mood dwindled, and went downhill.

I realized I hadn't much to do, and I wasn't ready, and willing to start revising for my retest. Which only left me with the option of reading something else, or playing.

Playing was the only choice, but I'm really bored of seeing Valkyria Chronicles non-stop with little progress, and the only thing I can read now isn't appealing at the time... Aye. And now, because I had problems sleeping, I was playing for a bit... But now, I can feel the effects of the lack of sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a shitty day.

Doesn't help to also note tomorrow I'm about to waste my time volunteering.

No, not in that altruistic sense. I didn't do it because I wanted to... -___- I'm forced to. Which only makes it less fun to know. Damn. But I'll still be helping out tomorrow. Guess it isn't that hard to hide my feelings... I hope.
Mood: Tired

Went to bed late and now I'm up early yet again.

Was an effort just to get my eyelids open. :gonk:

I was up at 4:30 to get Steve to come to bed seeing as he fell asleep on the lounge and then I woke up at 6 to my alarm. Went back to sleep and then finally forced myself to get up at 7am.

Have to leave in half an hour and I was going to straighten my hair too. =( No time now!
Mood: Bed

Wow. I know, right? Who goes to bed at 23:45PM?! Not me! Definitely not me. :sad3: I'm all dressed and ready for bed, all I gotta do is make effort to get up, and snuggle under the blankets. I can't wait. :gonk: Good. Night.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Dunno why since I didn't get up until 11 and have practically done nothing all day because my dad couldn't come see me AGAIN. Urgh, getting fed up of that. Least I have a lecture tomorrow and this new lecturer is pretty funny and looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about. Still, I should've used today to write up that review. Oh well, I'll write that one up and the other one I was meant to redo weeks ago. With a new lecturer, it means I don't have to panic too much. xD
Pretty tired

I went to Lethbridge with my dad and his best friend Rinze and we ate a huge hamburger and stuff, afterwards we had to walk around into two stores and that made me extremely tired, couldn't stand on my feet anymore o_O The ride back home I fell asleep xD It's 35 km away from their place so I had the time to sleep.
Mood: Busy

I procrastinated in doing my homework. Again. And the same thing I did last time with studying for Economy is happening. Again. I hate waiting on doing assignments till the last minute. I did two of them just now, and I'll have to do the next one during school. It's always the end of the day I look forward to at the start of the day.
Mood: Tired

After three days of searching for classes, waiting in line, getting signatures and running around the campus, I'm finally enrolled for the second semester. :rage: I had varsity training today too which wasn't so bad, until I was on the way home and I saw the most attractive guy. :rage: Tall, good build, in a v-neck, messy hair and the prettiest eyes EVER. He even had a bit of a stubble working for him. He was so handsome, I may have died a little inside.

I was in my training pants, an over-sized shirt and sneakers. It was perfect. Not that he'd have taken notice at any of us lower life forms walking on the street with him, I mean he must be some sort of upcoming celebrity. :rage:

I'm home and I've watched Taken twice already while pigging out on spaghetti. It's the best part of the day. :ryan:
Mood: bah. Not really good and tomorrow I have that big run plus alot more. I have my Western Civilization exam which is rescheduled for 10:00 in the morning tomorrow so I need to be there early. My badminton class starts right after giving me no time to do other things :sad3: Also I bet this assignment is shit. I am really not happy with it >.>. So tomorrow basically: Exam in the morning and then running plus alot more shit in badminton class but this time for marks. Hopefully I wont get too tired. Got to drink lots of water and bring a water bottle or even 2 over there >.> Gosh Ill be so tired...
I'm home and I've watched Taken twice already while pigging out on spaghetti. It's the best part of the day. :ryan:

ahahahaha didnt i tell you it was an amazing film :wacky:

my mood. uhm cold

its freezing, not that id expect less with it being winter time and all.
Had a good day at work aswell, really quick so im pleased. Just need to go get showered now then decide what il do with the rest of the nite. Probadly finish watching quantam of solace, which i started on yesterday. Its not often i stop a film half way through but i really want enjoying it at all.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I have been so all afternoon. I was going to go to the gym, but I couldn't be arsed. I was going to make fish finger butties with tomato sauce, but I couldn't be arsed. So I wasted a fiver on McDonald's instead. Good times! Got back here and been relaxing ever since. It's not been so much a busy day, only had the one lecture and that was it. It did drag on a bit, mind. Least I've got the rest of the day to kick back and relax.
Mood: Good

Reason: Good, considering I think I've broken an ovary. Stupid body. Anyway, work was good again today, I've just decided to tackle this list of outstanding stuff, and it's not as scary as I was expecting it to be, and Ive managed to sort a fair whack out, which has made me feel ALOT better. Half way to weekend as well. Woop woop
Mood: Okay

I woke up just a few minutes ago and have to be ready in half an hour.

Really wish I could sleep in and work the night shift seeing as it is a Thursday and we're open later. =/

But I always forget to ask the day before and now I'm stuck getting up early yet again. XD
Mood: Alright

Considering making some noodles. I was making a signature in Photoshop earlier, until the computer suddenly shut off, so did the lights, after a fit it finally hit me. :hmph: 10th was construction workers. Awesome. I hate you all. Considering starting that off, not sure if I can bet bothered.

Also considering making some noodles, :hmmm: I ate at work today, so I'd just be greedy to make more noodles now, but... I think I'm up for it. :wacky: Just listening to music now, and doing nothing. :lew:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Looks like it's another late night for me. Oh well, least I can sleep in until at least 10 and get a decent night's sleep, as opposed to last night when I was rushing through radio reviews and didn't get to bed until 3. Been a pretty good day overall, I just hope these sort of days keep coming. Got cheered up even more with a bit of good old Xena. Inspiration for writing is on a high after watching some Smallville season ten clips, too. Might as well get to bed and not tempt fate! xD