[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Scared

I was sitting at a traffic light on my way home from work, and some random stranger tries to open my door! I didn't even see him there! It freaked me out so much I blew the red light and drove off. I thought I was being car jacked. Good thing I always lock my doors when I'm in them. But now I'm at home alone and Im still kind of freaked out
Mood: Happy

Reason: I'm in a really good place right now. My dad almost didn't make it again, but the weather stopped being so bitchy and he finally came to see me. I'm on a creative high and got the rest of the day to relax. Even though I only got to see him for a few hours, we had some fun. Had something to eat, did a bit of shopping, came back to the flat for a while, talked and then he went back home on a train and bus. Now I just have to decide what I'll have to do now with this spare time!
Mood: Pretty good

It's Friday and I'm so happy the week is over!

Going to have an awesome weekend I just know it! Regardless of whether or not it involves house work or not. =P

The sun is out and I hope it stays that way all day. It looks a tad overcast but nothing major.

Should be off to get ready for work.
Mood: Tired/not really dead. Well all I can say about today is that it was a fucking long day... The running and everything else was exhausting.. I thought I really would not make it but I did. It wasnt THAT pain inducing but yeah it did cause a little bit of pain. Got a new assignment(final one for VC class) It is easy and I know what to do. Now I am home all tired and Going to find something to do. If I didnt have juice or water today during the physical education tests I might have really been dead xD
Mood: Good

Reason: It's Friday tomorrow, early finish, good times. Need to leg it in to Ashton to drop a couple of forms off though...and I've just noticed one of the shops close at 4 on a Friday, I'l have to ring on my dinner instead :rage: I've emailed myself all the details I need anyway. Serves me right for not doing it sooner.

Anyway, never mind that, Friday :ryan: Child free allllll weekend, and bar the hoovering, I don't have anmy housework to do, My time is allllll mine. Good fucking times
Mood: Tired

Reason: And sort of scared, too. The wind is moving at over thirty miles per hour and we are so not used to this speed. Besides that, I've been tiring myself up with writing up a brand new project and watching Xena for the past few hours or so. I want to get some really good sleep as well, so I'll have to see about going to bed earlier than usual.
Mood: Busy

Well, I've been spending the majority of the night of Veteran's Day doing leftover homework. I've finished 3 out of 4.5 assignments. But I'm also personally busy, since I'm working on one of my own projects that I do out of fun creativity, like practicing making signatures and working on character profiles for my stories. I'm just very occupied tonight .
Mood: Tired

Working 3rd shift sucks sometimes. It's morning but I have to try to fall asleep. My body is just not used to this time changing. I feel like I should be out doing my errands or going out to breakfast. Only 3 more nights of this and I can go back to my normal shift
Mood: Great. Well it is finally the weekend and it kinda seemed like forever since yesterday was so long.. I also hit Brigadier on Halo Reach last night which was my goal. Got my favorite armor :ryan: One thing I did forget to pick up were the books on the Crusades for my assignment due on friday. I can pick them up tomorrow probably :hmmm:
Mood: Content

Reason: I've had a ton of coursework sneak up on me all of a sudden (like, three pieces, excluding my dissertation, which I am probably way behind on) but I feel oddly in control of things. I have a neat little plan in my head that has allowed me some time to relax...well, until Sunday morning, when I'll moodier than the weather as I try and sort stuff out. But for now...games, interwebz, writing and birthday cake. Plus awesome weather. Rain always puts me in a good mood :yay:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I'm at my dad's for the weekend and I've been enjoying every moment of it so far. Been listening to my music from my iPod on the dock station for most of the evening, so it's all good. However, I've just discovered that I've got an analytical report due in the next time I'm in my Dramatic Story class. It's nice to have it dumped on me. Lovely.
Mood: Content

Reason: It's Friday :mokken: Stuffed from Dominoes, the pizza will have to keep til tomorrow though, I ordered 2 starters and theres cheesecake for later on that im gunna scoff once ive digested abit. I was gunna go to the pub, but I just fancy monging now... i was in 2 minds before but now im all toasty and full, im happy enough just sat here vegging. Think me Gina and Zoe are doing summat tomorrow, meeting clare at 3ish as well, or shes coming round here actually.... i can be social tomorrow. Tonight is mong night

Love how all i ever did was complain that i never went out, and now i have the chance to more than ever, i just cant be arsed :8F:
Mood: Awesome!

It's a Saturday and it's 7:30am but OMG I'm too excited to sleep. XD

Going out with Steve today to find some heels to match my Christmas Party dress and then my outfit is complete. Just need to book in getting my nails done and my hair done up all pretty at some hairdresser.

Not really a fan of the nails. They shit me off at work because they are so unpractical! Can't type and what not. But I only get them done for special occassions so it's only once or twice every year. XD
Mood : Creative

Since it is an enjoyable and quiet weekend, I have been feeling the need to spend some quality time with my Photoshop CS5 Extended. Lately, I have been practicing with my graphic skills since for a while I didn't have time to do so, but now that I've made some time, I'm practicing a lot more so I can get better (cross out the quiet part. Someone with a loud voice just rang our doorbell.)
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been working another shift this afternoon. My feet are hurting a bit, but nowhere as much as I would've done with an earlier shift. Was glad to have the chance to work with people I hadn't worked with for ages, but it's back to the morning shift next Saturday, sadly. Covering for someone at work tomorrow, but hey. Least it's an extra hour and a half pay. Just going to relax this evening and try not to move too much.
Mood: Awesome!

Had an awesome weekend!

Steve proposed last night. XD

So excited!

Can't wait to plan an engagement party. We won't be getting married for another 5 years or so, so it's not like I need to plan a wedding right away.

People annoy me who say, 'So why did he propose now if you aren't getting married for ages?'

WTF? Seriously, can't people enjoy being engaged? It's an event in itself too! It seems like the only reason people get engaged is to get married straight away. They treat it like it's nothing.

It's like, 'Oh shit I have to get engaged and buy an engagement ring so I can get married next week and start planning the wedding.' <_<

I'm going to enjoy calling Steve my fiance for the next five years! People who take things too fast don't always seem to last very long!
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Aww! Congratulations, Kandy!

Mood: Tired

Reason: Beyond tired, actually. I'm shattered. The shift today was brutal and didn't really stop at all. I've got an hour and a half's extra pay, so that makes me pretty happy. So it's probably about another £15 or so in my purse! Feet are aching. On the bright side, I found out that I'm entitled to my grant again this year. Pretty happy about that, so it's going towards my funds to a world trip after I graduate from Uni in 2012. Going to definitely relax this evening and do hardly anything.
Mood: Good

Reason: ...Even though it's Sunday D: I bought Wii Fit and it's ace xD Me and Gina had a play before and it was hilarious. Had a great night last night at Clares, just sat under hte duvet eating food, drinking alcohol and watching tv! Had dinner with Gina today and came back to mine for Dirty Dancing followeed by Wii Fit, really enjoyed this weekend :]

Work tomorrow though.. Mondayyyy a whole week til weekend D:
Mood: Sleepy

Didn't sleep very well last night.

Went to my parents for dinner but ended up getting a horrible headache near the end and when I came home I was dead tired and then for some reason I couldn't sleep well at all.

What a yucky end to a lovely weekend. =/

Felt like I had a hangover and I hadn't even had a drink. =/

Still can't believe my parents thought I was pregnant when Steve called to let them know he was proposing. XD