[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: blegh. I am still awake doing pretty much nothing at all. Played Halo Reach most of the day. Got Brigadier grade I. I might go to be earlier than usual right now as I am tired. Unless something can keep me up. Starting my Western Ciivilization essay in a few hours so I am going to have to read those damn books :hmph: Oh well it shouldnt be that bad..
Mood: Good

Had an okay day.

Feeling enthusiastic about tomorrow! I really need to feel more positive when it comes to thinking about work, or I'll never be happy. XD

I practically live there five days every week so it should be a good part of my life.

Steve bought a new fish tank today too.

One of the small ones was leaking on the weekend and so he went and bought another four footer.

So now we have a four footer salt water tank.
A four footer fresh water tank.
A three footer fresh water tank.
And a small tank. XD
Mood: Amused

I've just downloaded the latest special from Gabriel, and it's quite hilarious :lew:. It definitely had me laughing throughout the entire thing, and even about ten minutes after it was over, I could control myself; he truly is a comedic genius. :ryan:
Mood: Meh, though I guess God doesn't hate me for once.

Bladder infection. Cystitis. Awesome. Now I feel like I gotta pee every friggin' second, and whenever you do it burns like hell. Yeah, great. -.- Even moving feels uncomfortable 'cause it feels all burned up. :sad3: Well... On the good side, some girl at work asked if she could take my shift today, and me working for her friday. Thank god no running around for me today, and I'm hoping it's less or gone by friday, and not worse. :sad3:

Mom got me BlaseCare, huzzah for cranberry pills. I think I'ma eat the whole bottle. :edd:
Mood : Worried

Another Economy test is tomorrow, and I barely studied enough yesterday, so I'm going to end up studying a dictionary's load of pages today . I've been told I might be getting senioritis, and I think they might be right. I used to study everyday for these Econ tests and have no worries at all, but lately I've been waiting till the last two days. It's not fun having to deal with this .
Mood: Tired

Reason: I overslept today, so I accidentally (or probably intentionally in this case) missed my afternoon lecture. My other lecture isn't on tonight, so I spent my day coming back from my dad's to the Uni flat. I did some shopping and came back. I'm pretty tired now and just want to relax. I'd make a start on this 200-word proposal for the seminar paper, but I'm not really in the mood. Might do it later. Or tomorrow when I've got a free day.
Mood: Knackered

Reason: It's been a nightmare day, topped off by an hour on Wii Fit, my eyes are on stalks, I'm gunna be in bed soon, Im fucking knackered. I'd like to say tomorrow can't possibly get any worse than what today has been like, but I wouldn't tempt fate like that, I already know it's gunna get off to a wank start what with that phone call at fucking 4 minutes before home time, sdfaweogeeosgh

Roll on weekend :hmph:
Mood: Tired

Reason: I slept like shit last night. I thought that if I was awake for long enough today, it would help. Turns out, I was mistaken. Now, I get to go to wrestling practice and try not to fall asleep while "supervising" the kids moving mats around.

I went to bed at 8:30 last night, so today I woke up extremely easily. Had a decently good day, it went by pretty slowly but now that I'm home I'm good. :busta: I think I'll do a bit of homework and laundry now so I can hopefully go to bed early again tonight.
Mood: Alright...ish

Reason: I think I'm fairly on top of things at the moment...meeting up tomorrow to make some headway on my group coursework, and I've set myself a target of the end of next week for getting my essay out of the way. So I'll have a week's breathing space before I get cracking on my dissertation. Honestly, work is pretty much all I think about at the moment...work and Borderlands. God help me.

I'm in a very musical mood right now, as well...I just ordered Guitar Hero III for PS3, and I can't stop listening to the Glee soundtrack. Those are, like, two completely opposite extremes, and neither is remotely like the stuff I usually listen to. Its very...odd.
Mood: :rage:

Fucking seriously. The people and the internet provider need to get their heads out of their asses. W.T.H. We called them a few weeks back about the Experia box they sent us. It was a needed update, but it doesn't cover the port the PS3 needs, wth, so we plugged the older one back in, which has internet dropping a lot. Usually that's fixed with unplugging then plugging the ethernet cable in again, but no.

We pay enough to bitch about this. My mom's gonna call them tomorrow, and she's not happy. :rage: :rage: Go mom! :rage:
Mood: Meh. College in a few hours. Spent my day pretty much reading so I can get the information for my assignment on the Crusades for Western Civilization class. It is due Friday after all... I also think I might need another book as the ones I picked up dont really tell me much but they are good. Also Humanities class after Western Civ class. Really got to pick up the pace or else I will seriously fail. I got only a fw days left to do this. Tomorrow I got to get perfect or just one mark lower if I have a quiz. Final Exam is on December 7th. I have ABSOLUTELY got to pass that. So during break I am going to READ my Humanities book for a little bit. As for my other classes I am all passing. Just worried about Humanities...
Mood: Yuck

I've worked 11 hours today starting from 7:30am and it's now 7:30pm and I'm still in my work clothes.

Only got home half an hour ago and I so can't be arsed to go have a shower even though I really need one.

I have the Get him the Greek soundtrack playing on the T.V. which has made my evening better though!

It came in the mail today from the UK! I don't have to start work until 10:30am tomorrow too! So things are looking up a bit now. >.<
Mood: Irritated

REason: I'm irritated because I think my left ear has an Ear Infection, and I can't listen to my music regularly -__-. Currently, I have a piece of a cotton in my left ear so it doesn't hurt or anything.

I tried taking a shower in high hopes that it would go away or something, but wouldn't you know it, it's still there :rage:.

On a plus side, I got the good ol' RPG Inferno to keep me from going completely mad :ryan:.
Mood - Irritable.

I've had shit sleep for the past two nights, so I'm ridiculously tired and snappy today. Found out that the essay due in for Friday is more complicated than previously anticipated, which means spending more time in my favourite place on earth... the fucking library.
Mood: Stressed

Reason: What I thought was one analytical report due in for Friday is actually two, so that's added an awful pile of stress on my doorstep. On top of that, I've had to compile a shitty 200 word proposal for my seminar paper. It wasn't bad, but I couldn't really write that much and fell short of 10 words. I also need to redraft my three radio reviews for the end of the month and write two new ones for next Wednesday. Fun.
Mood: Bummed.

Still have a very upset stomach. Puked two times today, and possibly a third depending on how my body takes the tuna that I just ate five minutes ago. Clearly I'll have to cancel our weekly dinner with my friend's family today, since food isn't exactly on my wish list today. That and I have to make up the Economy test that I've been stressing about lately. So luckily, I still have one more night to study for it .
Mood: Busy

Got a lot to do by the end of the week and only a couple of days to do it now. Packing up and getting ready for a wonderful three weeks camping. Gotta find dog sitters, or drop my dogs off somewhere, pack everything I need, and I really need to renew my passport