[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Eh

I'm still feeling pretty under the weather. I hope this bladder infection is over soon... Went to the doctor to get antibiotics on top of the cranberry pills I've been taking. It's so annoying, and to uncomfortable to walk/work with am infected bladder. :sad3:

Meh. I'm tired. Don't work until seven, to be honest, I might just go back to bed. I'm not sure yet though... I need to write a lot of shit for work down still as well. -.-

Besides that, okay morning, I guess.
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Wine. Ann Summers party was fab last night, go so drunk and had loads of fun we ended up in the pub afterward as well, and Clare fell over which creased me up no end

I just cant function today, Im dyyyying i can see me ordering takeaway later
Mood: Bored

Reason: Boring Saturday is boring. I haven't really done anything productive, asides gone through my articles with a highlighter in preparation for working on them tomorrow/next week. Most of the day has been spent on Borderlands, cursing as some psychopath in a massive car fires rocket launchers and systematically trashes me. In the end I sniped him at the entrance to the arena. xD

My copy of Toy Story 3 on DVD arrived from Amazon today as well. Its not due out until the 22nd...tee hee hee. Expedited delivery FTW! ♥
Mood:Sick and Tired

I'm just sick and tired of everything so far in my life. Just this week alone, I had 4, almost consecutive, tuition classes. And oh, it's not fun to see the same teacher on one day, and then see him again the next day, and going on all about a subject that I've grown to dislike - and now detest. It doesn't help at all to also realize that I just get really bad vibes with him around.

Granted, I appreciate his attempt to be a better friend with me, and I also admit that it's probably just me and my coldness to him that didn't really help improve our relationship beyond a teacher-student sort. And in case it gets mistaken, no, I don't intend to change anything. The bad vibes hasn't went away, and so, I'm just not going to change anything.

And I'm already so sick of seeing him coming. AND now he tells me this coming week, there will be two. Why, thank you so much for the effort.

I'll take it, and bear this... But not because I
enjoy this crap, but because it's for my own good. My own good eh? Oh really. Yeah. It's my own good! Gosh... Silly me.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been a hard shift at work and I'm glad I've had the afternoon to partially relax. But alas, my feet have been aching and I didn't get a good night's sleep last night. Therefore, I have to get one tonight. My feet are either hurting or numb. Getting a bit of a headache as well, though that could be to do with me being so warm and having the laptop on my lap. :hmmm:
Mood: Content

I did have a wonderful day today. I got to see my mom and dad for a late birthday surprise, I got to see the new HP movie (I love you Hermione.), so today I was pretty occupied. Around later at night, I began to fill out job/college applications, so I have a 50/50 share of fun and work to do today. And tomorrow I'm going to have to do some makeup work for the two days of school that I missed the passing week. But overall, I'm okay .

i was thinking about something earlier and it was kinda making me just laugh but at the same time not.
Its so utterly unreal just how pathetic some people can be, i just dont understand how a person can be that pitifull. Does pride mean anything?
Playing the sympathy card to try and dig yerself out of shit, this happened to me etc etc blah blah blah. For one, its totally fucking irrelavant to the situation right now and 2, these so called ordeals youv been through are a result of your own actions and your inabilty to stand up and be a fucking man.

That aside im pretty tired. Will be going to bed fairly soon i think. Felt kinda sick earlier but its finally passed. I also learnt a lesson today.
Check yer foods cooked before indulging.

i was thinking about something earlier and it was kinda making me just laugh but at the same time not.
Its so utterly unreal just how pathetic some people can be, i just dont understand how a person can be that pitifull. Does pride mean anything?
Playing the sympathy card to try and dig yerself out of shit, this happened to me etc etc blah blah blah. For one, its totally fucking irrelavant to the situation right now and 2, these so called ordeals youv been through are a result of your own actions and your inabilty to stand up and be a fucking man.

That aside im pretty tired. Will be going to bed fairly soon i think. Felt kinda sick earlier but its finally passed. I also learnt a lesson today.
Check yer foods cooked before indulging.

This :ohoho: I wonder if we have the same mind, Lew :rage:

Mood: Frustrated

Reason: My classmate was supposed to come around at 5 to do our report. I already started on my part of the report yesterday and she said she needed to come over because she wanted us to do the report together. At 6, I still hadn't heard from her so I phoned her house. Turns out she's sleeping and her sister told her to tell me she was sick and couldn't come anymore. (I find this highly suspicious since just a few hours before she was posting that she was in the mall with her boyfriend on Facebook)

So in the end, I'll be doing the report on my 8 and her 8 short stories ALONE. You'd think I have a right to refuse to create her part, but we'll be graded AS A PAIR. Amazing. Story of my life. I can say goodbye to my sleep tonight.
This :ohoho: I wonder if we have the same mind, Lew :rage:

Mood: Frustrated

Reason: My classmate was supposed to come around at 5 to do our report. I already started on my part of the report yesterday and she said she needed to come over because she wanted us to do the report together. At 6, I still hadn't heard from her so I phoned her house. Turns out she's sleeping and her sister told her to tell me she was sick and couldn't come anymore. (I find this highly suspicious since just a few hours before she was posting that she was in the mall with her boyfriend on Facebook)

So in the end, I'll be doing the report on my 8 and her 8 short stories ALONE. You'd think I have a right to refuse to create her part, but we'll be graded AS A PAIR. Amazing. Story of my life. I can say goodbye to my sleep tonight.

That's when you waltz on over to her house, slap the living shit out of her, then do the report. when you go to present the info let everyone know she was a lazy bitch that went and slept and hung out with her boyfriend, rather than taking the essay as a first priority.

Then again, that's just me, and apparently i'm an asshole of a whole other level.

Mood:Was pissed, now Chill.

Reason: Well 2 weeks ago my USB drive up and ran away (i think it got stolen). I'm at TAFE (College here in Australia) doing graphic design and we just had our exhibition (kind of like a final assessment). I had NOTHING to present because all my work was on the USB.

I could have backed it up on my laptop but it's not exactly trustworthy and i don't work on the crap i get from TAFE at home anyways. I could have backed it up on the TAFE servers but they do a monthly "system wipe".

I looked all last week in every concievable location and it still wasnt found. I made a resolve that i'm gunna fail because i had no work. I'm feeling chill because of that resolve. No use fretting over something that can't now be helped, right? My dad knows and he's ok with it, he understands.

yay for job hunting next year!
I'm so fuckin chill. I bet I'm way more chill than anyone in this whole forum right now. I'm just downloading some rare TDK Joker footage and playing Vice City while I wait for that shit. I'm talking to Brittany, which already tells you how awesome shit is right now. Fuck yeah. I'm the best.
Better than you.
Better than anyone you know.
Trust me.
I'm better.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I'm back at my Uni flat and it's so quiet, apart from the vibrating sound that occurs between every forty to seventy seconds. No idea how long it's been going for, it's been doing it since Thursday morning at least. It's been a long day today, what with work and then travelling back here. Going to try and take it easy tonight, though I'll probably eat my words since I'm going to be doing some important Uni work. But still, watching TV tonight should be ace enough for me.
Mood: ]:

Reason: Monday tomorrow. Words can not describe how much I don't want it to be Monday, a whole new week... last week was a nightmare, and if it's anything like last week was I'l be swinging from the rafters :gonk:

Also, Im out of fucking shampoo which I didnt realise til after Id got in from fucking shopping, so Il have to go into Ashton after work tomorrow to get some :hmph:

Awwwwwwww I welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll can't be arsed. Why does the weekend have to go by so fast :gonk:

Kill me now plz :sad3:

Stupid fucking customers who don't speak English saying "nose" to me a million times and miming blowing it, and not wanting decongestants, tissues, antihistamines, menthol crystals, surgical spirits, saline washes, plugs or indeed anything I could think of that involved "nose" and blowing it.

If you don't fucking know what it is you want don't expect me to -__-

As an aside how do you actually manage to function in this country when you can't speak a word of the language? Immigration issues aside it must be hard as fuck to do the simplest of things like ask where the milk is, pay bills etc...
mood relaxed/grateful.

Reason: Today is my first day off in like a month. Still in bed while posting this. so glad. Totally putting everything off ad just enjoying the day. It's nice and sunny and warm out right now.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Its been a long day, and I'm not particularly looking forward to tomorrow...
I DID manage to get 19.6% of my essay complete, though...and hardly any of my group coursework. Ugh. I never get as much done as I want to. Sure, I've got all next week, but...I want it done quicker and earlier so I don't have to panic the week after next. xD

Anyways, my brain is slowly starting to shut off, and mum is pestering me to go on Gamefaqs to tell her how to defeat Golbez in FFIV DS, because its been a while since I played it, and I can't give her precise instructions...honestly. I'm not a human library of game guides ._.
Mood: Nyeh

Got no sleep last night.

Still squirming from Saturday nights events and now I'll have to face all my workmates who will no doubt tease me all day! XD

Can't wait for some long weekends to get here.

Need a long weekend so bad! I was sort of thinking that today was a day off but unfortunately for me it is a normal Monday. <_<
Mood: Tranquil

I got home from church a few hours ago, but not before getting a free cup of coffee from Starbucks (birthday postcard lets me get one.). I finished most of my makeup work, and I am super happy that Thanksgiving Break is only two days from now. I need a break from school right now. That and just a second ago my grandma brought me tomato soup and a cheeseburger (in between panini bread?), though I'm not hungry right now, I'll eat it anyway ~
Mood: Drained

Reason: I guess I'm still too non-smart to know when enough is enough. Threw up my dinner last night because of it, and got about 4 hours of sleep. Looks like I'll be getting an early night tonight and waking up tomorrow morning early for practice.

Fuck my life.
Mood: Pretty Good

For the first time in a while we had home cooked dinner!

We have been having dinner at home lately but it's only been pies and such. Nothing that required too much effort.

So to have some nice meat and vege tonight was fantastic! Along with yummy mashed potato. <3

I even made enough for the next two lunches at work!

Usually I would take the leftovers in for just one day, but I'm starting to learn that my eyes really are bigger than my belly and so I've divided the meal I would usually eat as one, into two.

Can't wait to eat my little feast tomorrow! XD
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Okay, my mood just took a slight nosedive after I awoke from an unintentional nap, but it wasn't really that bad. The rest actually lifted my mood after I became more awake, but it was during tuition that my mood went from neutral to foul.

And really foul, if I must say so.

Okay, last week, I had four bouts of tuition. Of the same subject too, as if that makes things any better. And now, this
tells me about choosing another day this week to have tuition. This week was originally meant to be twice. Today and Wednesday... And now, thrice... And there's the
prospects of having it on Thursday AND Friday... Making it four again.

If so, I'm so going to
curse and scream everywhere I go, because I'm going insane.

Sure, it's for my own good. EVERYTHING'S FOR MY OWN
GOOD! Oh, he is willingly giving me additional practice because he's dedicated! I say he wants the additional hours to charge more.

But what do I do? Bite the
. But I'll make sure it gets spat back on life itself.
