[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Content :hmmm:

Reason: I woke up at midnight earlier(its currently noon :hmph:). I went to bed around 6pm last night, and only got 6 hours of sleep, and even though I despite the amount of sleep I got, I'm not complaining too much because I was able to watch the shows I taped, so that's a relief for me. Along with that, I cooked myself an omelette at 7am, had two cups of coffee, and stumbled upon a funny fanfic that has me busy for the time being. However, in a few hours, I know I'll be tired, and be struggling to stay up so I can fall asleep at a normal time -__-

I've been struggling with ideas of a sig and avvy, and also my writing motivation has gone dry, so that's bad for me :sad3:. I was hoping to have 3 new poems from this time yesterday, but I don't even have one new one :rage:.

So, this is why I'm content, and the only thing keeping me from being irritated is My Chemical Romance's song "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville" on repeat :ryan:.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Have been all day. After having work and having to finish off my assignments for Uni that are now handed in, I decided to have a day off. It didn't start out well since I found out my dad was admitted into hospital. Wonderful, so that meant he wouldn't be able to come and see me today. So I spent the day watching Children in Need from last Friday, which lasted about ... six hours. Oh well, I enjoyed it and fast forwarded the parts that I didn't want to see. :wacky:

After doing that, I've just been gaming and writing. It's been a pretty boring and long day. Not really had much to do whatsoever. I could have started some more Uni work, but I just wanted one day to myself.
Mood: Angry


Because I finally finished my sig request and when I upload it I see the most disgusting add a person could see with their two eyes. :rage: I swear to god, I'm never using Tinypic again. :ffs:

I just want to upload my GFX without bullcrud adds like that showing up. :rage:
Mood: Annoyed. Meh class was lame today. Its like we watched a fucking long video on punk rock that I for ONE did not give of shit about. It is like I could have left an hour early out of my 2nd class. Oh well at least I have a little one day break tomorrow. I just fucking hate this class. 2 more to go :gasp:
Mood: Nervous

Reason: Well, despite that obvious piece of hyperbole in my last mood post, I wasn't quite hanged, although my tutors are genuinely disappointed in my err...performances so far in my assignments and mock exams. I won't say how I did, but it really doesn't bode well for me especially when it comes to getting into university. I have coursework to get done by Friday and that will be a nightmare because I've encountered major problems with that due to my writing style as said earlier and they're giving me a mock interview on Thursday. I soooo love this week and the next upcoming weeks. >.>

For now - that which I'm certain.

I can almost wager whatever I have in existence that my mood will dip after the tuition... If I had the guts to go all out like this. But seriously, I know my mood is about to dip later.

Because that a[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•h[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]• is, from what I think, going to suggest having another bout of tuition on Friday. I just have this sense of ill foreboding from the previous tuition on Monday. I don't like this. Not. At. F[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•. All.

But I had enough. Last week, I had four bouts of tuition. In one week. Four. Damn. It's almost every day, and if it were spaced evenly with three days between each subsequent, it wouldn't be so bad... But somehow, it had been grouped in pairs. So I had two consecutive days of tuition. Break. Then another two consecutive.

The result was a murdered motivation. I'm so not going to let it happen again. I'm already going to have a consecutive two tuition today and tomorrow. If he's going to screw me by putting another on Friday, I'll definitely start considering murder.

That's how mad I am. So yeah, for the sake of his pathetic life, I better not end it by agreeing with that likely idea. I'll definitely resist it, and violently, if I must say so myself. So there. We'll see how it goes later. [/FONT]
Mood: Achey

I dunno. I guess it was the housework I did yesterday, but I was sore as hell when I woke up today. I guess it's 'cause I've been home, doing nothing, and at work it's not really like I'm doing a lot of hard physical stuff, so, ugh, I'm feeling it. Back of my thighs are fucking killing me.

Period doesn't help at all. I just don't feel gooood lately. :gonk: It seems I'm alright mentally, but physically things are shit. :sad3:

My head also hurts, and I'm hungry. *sigh*
Mood: Urgh.

reason: Simply Put, TAFE tomorrow. for those who don't know, TAFE is pretty much the same as college, except instead of listening to teachers drone n for 6 hours a day, you actually do stuff....sometimes too much stuff.

Anyways, i'm suppose to get as much done as i can in 2 days for me to pass atleast one teachers lessons for the year, seeing as my USB was stolen (stated earlier).

Can't be bothered.....
Mood: Fine

Reason: Strangely I am, considering I've not ate for over twenty hours now. Got a decent sleep, despite getting settled down at about 2 this morning. Have a feeling today's going to be a decent day for once since I've got my favourite lecturer today at 1. It's also the only lecture of the day, so I'm out at 3 and get to go home. Just need the motivation to actually get ready and eat something now. xD
I'm at school now, eyes are so tired, I really wanna go home since I don't understand what the fuck I am doing here. I am on school here for 5 days since my 'vacation', and I already have a feeling i did the most, we were brainstorming about the upcoming game just for a few minutes and they whined I had to say more while I already gave ideas so that already started to piss me off, then afterwards when they did other things than project and I sat there waiting for the others to join in, I asked, so what are we going to do now?
and got the stupid answer that I had to think for myself and that they shouldnt tell me what to do, so I asked later, how much info do we want in the game? and they answer I have to find out myself, and they dont do shit now... it's a group project, not mine ffs
Mood: Good. Well I am alone today so it is so quiet. I know tomorrow will be another shitty thursday but meh... I know I have one last assignment for VC class due on the 2nd of december but it is rather easy.. So I will not start it today. Ill enjoy the silence for a bit :ryan: My break is coming soon I can not wait :ryan: Just worried about Humanities class still... Final exam on the 7th I better not mess up. So 2 finals on the 7th. Western Civilization and Humanities... Getting up early ftw also!
Mood: Irked

Reason: Still so much to do...it was a complete waste of time meeting up with my group today. Not only have we already done the work - I've never practised performing before, it felt rather odd - but half the group didn't turn up. I'm not pleased at all. I've still got half an essay and a whole group piece to do...tomorrow is my busiest day. The odds of me attending the evening lectures are slim to none if I have to stay in all day to get the groupwork out the way...I'm getting tired so easily now. Its not particularly stressful, because I can always churn it out over the weekend, its just that this half-arsed approach is pissing me off ._.
am alrite

glad to be home though. You know its winter when everything is white. Snow came on about 4.30 and within 20 minutes there was over an inch on the ground. I do like the snow though getting to work in it is a bit of a pain, soenmtimes the busses are late etc because of it. But it means snow balls fights and cold hands at work :ohoho:
Actually its cold everything at work right now. The heaters are still bust, thats like what? 3 weeks or something now theyve been supposedly waiting on a part. :dry:

Tuition turned out better than I had expected. I was thinking he'll bring up the idea of another tuition date, but somehow, we didn't touch on that... But he f[FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]• gave me an additional 1 hour of tuition... Oh sure, thanks a lot. I appreciate that, but I didn't make that request... He better not impose any additional charges.

But I'm quite disheartened now, just at the thought of tuition alone. It's funny, to think I went from ranting about my Project Work to this - ranting about tuition. Well, this, I blame on last week's intensive tuition scheduling. It's sort of created a really bad aura around me whenever the topic of tuition comes up.

Which also becomes a sort of excuse that I now use for my staying up.

I just do not want to enter into the next day so quickly. In fact, I don't even want tomorrow to come now. That's how much I detest tuition. It's becoming a phobia. Although the tuition teacher doesn't actually look ugly - he looks pretty average, or handsome, actually, but I'm not sure - but I can say this. He looks like a monster to me now.

Heh, as I think about my body language for the most part. I never bothered to look into his eyes. My eyes never ever glance at him, not even at his face... Like, ever. Some things he say to me, I would simply ignore because 'there's no point in answering when the second after I answer, he repeats what I say' or because its a 'it's obvious... Are you blind?' moment.

Anyway, I need relief, but I need to weigh my options well.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Well, school's going ok, I'm coasting along though, and we have exams soon and I don't understand half the shit we've been doing :gonk: but hey, I guess I know what I'm spending my Christmas holidays doing.
Had an alright birthday, didn't do much though, and didn't get much either since I've been to Wales and my parents bought me cod as an early birthday present :wacky: Off out for it this Friday night, then I'm FINALLY off Christmas shopping on Sunday, haven't bought for ANY of my family yet -____-
Can't wait for the weekend already, I'm so bloody tired :sad3:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: So today's lecture was pointless. It was tutorials only, whilst listening to radio dramas on the CD player in the classroom. So after my friend finished her tutorial, we just left. We wanted to use our time for more practical needs, so I headed off to town to sort out some loose ends. Then went out for some lunch and came back to the flat. Been relaxing for the past few hours, even though I wanted to work on some Uni work.

Wasn't in the mood, so I've been listening to music and such. I need to get into writing again because I've got a short story due in next Monday, so going to be dabbling around for the next few hours.
this'll be short.


Reason: Dad told me not to get anything out for dinner this morning. its 8pm and i'm hungry. too late to grab any meat out...its what i get for listening ym people >.>
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Still! Went to bed at half five this morning, which really hasn't helped me. I need to get my sleeping patterns back into order. I probably could've stayed up for longer, but like I say. I don't want to fuck up my patterns. Not really done much today since it's my day off. Only got up two and a half hours ago, ate, watched Glee and came on here. I've got some Uni work to do, but I think I'll get tonight's trivia questions out of the way first.
Mood: Ugh... I didnt even stay on late at all last night but I know it is the shitty day and that just makes me tired... So yeah I am extremely tired right now. Ill try not and think about it too much so It will pass easily. I am so annoyed that I have to go there now though... Visual communications will be so boring listening to people present their presentations. Oh shit that reminds me I have the final essay due on december 2nd plus my presentation. Awww gee I cant wait till all of this is over. I might aswell start the final essay today or something since Ill be bored when I come home. That will just be even more boring but atleast I am getting something out of the way :hmmm: