[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Good. Just got back from my cousins. Ahhhh all the noise was so annoying. Cousins are such troublemakers. They were blowing into thos birthday things. They make really annoing sounds too :hmph: Well the good part is Star Wars was on. I watched episode III and I. III I hate but it was just halfway till it was finished so it was alright. I I havent seen in a long time so I guess it was nice to see it again. Now I am just going to chill and switch on Halo Reach as I am not tired one bit :ryan:
Mood: Hungry

It's 5:15pm on a Sunday afternoon and I already feel like dinner.

We were going to have potato bake but then realised we didn't have any cheese. <_<

So we're sticking with chevaps, mashed potato and veges tonight. Though I really do love that meal so it's fine with me. <3
Mood: Cold

Reason: It's even a bit cold in here now, in this sauna of a flat. Shame it doesn't feel like a sauna right now. My feet are especially cold, despite wearing bed socks at the moment. I'm going to wrap up warm under the covers and hope that I get warm soon. It sucks to be feeling like this. >_>
Mood: Okay

I got up on time this morning to straighten my hair without too much rushing about.

Steve got up at 5:30am to check on an item on ebay ending early and he doesn't start work until 11am. >.<

So he was up before me and now he reckons he's staying up because he's already had three coffees and it's only 7:30am. XD

I couldn't really sleep in because he was up before me so I guess that's why I got up on time for once.

Stupid ear is swollen a bit. My right ears second piercing always gets sore whenever I put a new earring in it other then the usual ones I always wear.

The other ear doesn't do it, only my right and it's so annoying! It's like the lady pierced it on an angle or something, so when I do go to put a new earring in, it stabs a bit of flesh before I find the route of the actual hole. Then the next day my ear has a cry about getting jabbed a little and puffs up. <_<
Mood : Tired.

School went by pretty fast, but my friend made me share my lunch with her, and when I don't have enough to eat in a long time period, I get fatigued, sometimes light-headed. But I'll be going to Starbucks with my friend later today. That and I'm going to play with my Skype a little bit more. Peer pressure forced me to make one, and I actually had a blast last night, so I'm going to try again, but with a different alternative. Oh, and I'm actually doing my homework on time today. Yeah. I'm studying my economy everyday like I used to instead of wait til the last minute before test. I'll try and accomplish as much as I can today .
Mood: Content

Reason: I love love LOVE the cold! Its extremely difficult to get up in the morning, but I love freezing to death outside then coming home and sitting warm and content in a chair ♥
Presented one piece of coursework today...it could have gone a lot worse, I think.
Also got refunds for the items that never arrived, so I'm now debating what to buy next...I've got my eye on a couple more plushies. xD
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Everything's pretty good right now. I've just found out my radio reviews and redrafts aren't due until the middle of next month, so that's given me all week to work on my treatment. Gotta love my tutor. Just chilling out to my iTunes on shuffle and it's dragged out some really great songs, strangely enough. It's quiet in the flat and talking to people on MSN. Couldn't be better right now. Dad's coming up to see me tomorrow, so going to be a pretty fuuuuuun day.
Mood: Cold, but amused

Reason: Ha! Got my mock paper back on Donne poetry and I found out I managed to scrape an A grade on it despite the fact I thought I did terribly. I even had to confirm to my tutor whether or not she marked the right paper or not. That pleasantly surprised me today, and sadly that's pretty much all that really surprised me today. It's another one of those tediously dull Mondays. Looking forward to the Christmas break though, even if it's a few weeks away. It's fucking cold though. Thankfully no snow at all in this region. The press media have been alarming people again with 12 inches of snow, and here I am actually pleased to be a resident of this county once again. Still, my room could do with better heating. It's not cosy enough in here. D:
Mood: Alright. Well I hit General last night on Halo Reach. That was my goal for awhile so now I will only play from time to time. Doing my final essay for Vc class and ugh the presentation...Ill try I guess. That being said... 4 days of college left till my massive break :ryan: I have 2 final exams next tuesday :sad3: Tomorrow I have my 2 final quizzes for Humanities... I gotta study. I am really worried if Ill pass it or not. :sad2: So that leaves Tuesday, A Horrible last thursday and friday plus tuesday next week and then I am done! Now I can hardly wait. This thursday I have my final essay due plus my presentation. Tbh my presentation will probably suck and if I fail it Ill still end up passing the class so it isnt a biggie. Ugh Humanities tomorrow.... I better pass those quizzes with a good mark... Final exam for Western Civilization will be not bad but Humanities on the other hand ugh...
Mood: Nervous and busy

I have a lot to do for the end of the semester. I went back to college this fall and everything so far went well. I have an average between 85% and 95% depending on the subject. I study in computer science and I really like it. I have 3 big projects due next week. One in programming, one in multimedia and an 10 minutes oral presentation about an interview I did with a video game programmer.

I have also two exams this week and 4 final exams between December 13 and December 17. If I fail those, I might fail the semester because they worth around 40% of the points. I'm always anticipating the worst case scenario so that's why I'm so nervous. I might skip work next Friday to study and work on my projects.
countin down the daaaaaaaaaaaaaays

i have a long weekend this week. Im off monday and i cant waaaaaaait for it. Its been ages since ive had a day off thru the week and i need it. Officially fed up with the snow now aswell. The snowball fights are still fun but the traffic on the roads makes getting hom an absolute nightmare. Middle of the week 2moro though, gunna make sure to push it in so the day goes as quickly as possible.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Woke up at stupid ocklock this morning and im knackered. the week seems to be rolling by pretty fast though, Today went well quick. Got quite abit to do tomorrow as well, so that should keep me going for the day. Got another date lined up for Friday as well, just not sure what that's gunna involve seeing as we seemed to get a foot of snow over night :hmph:
Cold & Bored

You ever had one of those days where it's cold and boring out side and all you want to do is have some fun in the sun? Well, I'm having that kind of day. :sad3: It's cold and rainy outside, the skies are gray and icky... there seems to be a cold sickening draft everywhere in my house that won't go away. The sun has long gone leaving me almost so bored and drowsy that I'd prefer to sleep all day long.

Something about rain in December just makes me get an "ick" feeling.

Here's hoping Summer comes quickly.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I guess I'm just drained, really. This week has had something bad happen every day so far and that's been annoying. I suppose the only positivity lately is that I handed in an assignment three days early, which is rare! But alas, I'm hungry and tired. I've also got a presentation to put together for the class next Wednesday and I'm not looking forward to it one bit. In fact, I'd rather do that reverse bungee jump again and even though that was revolting afterwards, I'm being serious. Probably going to watch some TV and eat. Least I can sleep in tomorrow with it being my day off!
Mood: Meh :hmmm:

I'm pretty much raging right now, but I can't express it, and it's driving me crazy >_> I would normally go to the gym and work it out, but the SO's knee is hurting, and I don't want to go by myself :hmmm: Guess I'll go play some games or something instead.
Mood: Tired, hoarse, drained

Reason: Had our first wrestling match tonight. Screamed/coached my lungs out and had to stop, or else I would be screwed. Not that I use my voice much anyway, but I like to be able to talk when I need to. It's a shame that the B team guys did better than the A team guys did. :hmmm:
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: There is fucking 15cm of snow outside, every train up to 2:30pm this afternoon has been cancelled (and when I checked a couple of hours ago, it was 1:30pm) and guess what? UNIVERSITY IS OPEN.

What. The. Fuck. Seriously. How the hell do they expect me to get in? A taxi will cost me about £30 each way. Buses will probably take 2 hours in this weather. I can't hitch a ride, since nobody with even the slightest amount of sense is even thinking about going out in this. Why the hell is my University open?!

The other line is clear, though. Mine isn't. So I'm stuck here and I'm going to miss lectures, meaning I'll have to catch up, which is going to take twice as long. I am so pissed off with this. Fucking stupid University :rage:
Even if trains do start running on the line, if I'm lucky enough to get in, getting back again will probably take me a couple of hours. Since I'd finish at 8pm tonight...yeah, I'm not going through that.

...now I'm going to get some seminar work done (although unless this clears up, which I doubt, I won't be going to University tomorrow morning either, and I have a presentation that goes towards my final mark at 11am) and then I'm going to vent my anger by blowing stuff up on Borderlands. Inconsiderate bastards, not all of us live in the immediate vicinity :rage: