[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Not good. Well I am still sick. Managed to get my essay done but the presentation part can fuck off. I wonder if there is any point of going to my first class. We probably wont do anything as it is the last class. It is my last VC class also. It is going to be a shit day like usual but at least it is going to end after this. I have a bad cold, sore throat etc. Not feeling well :sad3: Oh well if I do leave for college it will be in an hour and a half. Really tired and I cba doing anything >.>
Mood: Cold

Because my office has an airconditioner that over compensates for the heat outside... its like "OMG ITS 35Degrees C out there... I guess I'd better make it snow inside!!"

and i forgot to bring a jumper to work too coz it was so warm out there this morning
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I'm back at my dad's for the weekend and enjoying the solitude so far. Going out for something to eat when he comes back, going to love the carvery! I'm still slightly stressed with this seminar paper next week, but everyone from the class has reassured me that it's going to be informal and to just chat shit to everyone else. Going to make a start on it later on and crack open that library book to get some references jotted down.
Mood: Melancholy

Reason: It hasn't been a very good day. The trains were hardly running at all, meaning I had immense difficulty getting in and getting back. Although I did get back just in time to watch my rabbit of about 10 years of age die. Lucky me. I'm just not in a very good mood right now. I should probably do something, but I can't find anything I feel like doing...
Mood : Relaxed

I'm glad the weekend is here. There was actually a lot of work I had to do the past week of school, added on with yesterday's work because I missed school yesterday due to my oversleeping issue. But right now, I'm pretty calm. I may have to do a load of work over this weekend, but by Sunday, I'm hanging out with my friend for dinner at Chili's to celebrate he 18th birthday ~ May or may not be as exciting as mine was, but I certainly could use a night of going out for a few. The only thing I'm worried about at all at the moment is what to wear that night. l0l .

Just woke up on this lovely snowy saturday morning, not back til work until tuesday so im pretty happy :ohoho:
I dunno what the hell im doing today though,and for that matter i dont know what i wanna do. Id probadly be happy enough going out for some lunch at the pub or something. Itsnot like i can go play football down the park or anything. I feel kinda stuck tbh and a little bit bored which is a bad thing when youv only been awake 15 minutes.
Mood: Nyeh

I hate fish tanks.

It's been such a drama today with us trying to get a fish tank from our mates place. We don't own a ute and my dad wouldn't lend us his.

We don't have a tow ball on either cars or a trailer.

Our mate who has a trailer said his is full of cans.

Our other mate has a friend with a ute and we're waiting on him to get here already. It's 8pm and I really wanted to go out to dinner tonight and now because of some loser we can't.
Mood: A bit bored but, okay =)

Reason: Now that i'm almost done with the semester, i'm gonna have some time. I really missed this place so, why not? :) Today's my friends birthday so, I might go out with her later today.

After much delay, i'm also planning to get ACB and hopefully, i'll have time to get that game started.
Mood: Tired and Bored

It's 3am on the dot and I really should be in bed.

I only just got my computer back in the room with the speakers and so I've been on YouTube all night looking at ads and music videos etc.

All the stuff I couldn't listen to when I had the computer out in the kitchen.

Should really go to bed if I want to get up early and seize the day tomorrow!
Mood: Tired/Happy

Reason: Well, me and my sisters were up all night, till 3:AM. I know, I know, that is REALLY late. But we had a good reason. Anyway, to make this short, I stayed up too long and woke up too early. (8:00 on a Saturday :rage:) Anyway, I woke up happy because it was snowing like mad, I mean, REAL big snowflakes. And not only that, but because it actually built up to a few inches.

Snow during Christmas is almost unheard of where I'm from, so this was a wonderful sight to see.

Anway, that's 'bout it xD
Mood: Better. Ugh I dont even want to think about Friday... I was in the worst mood ever and I was still sick so that made it even worse. Well It seems to have passed now. I didnt come on yesterday or anything but I did Beat Halo Reach On Legendary alone so I am happy with that. +325 gamerscore :ryan: Now I think I will just chill and hopefully have fun :hmmm:
Happy and accomplished :griin:


Me, being the lazy person I am, decided that it was time to clean xD. It was weird, I was like in super cleaning mood so, I spent most of my morning cleaning. AND, after that, I went to workout xD. I despise the gym but, I was strong for my body's sake xD.

I'm also happy because I finally got Assassin's Creed Brotherhood! <3
Mood: Exhausted

Just finished cleaning the house after not really doing it last week.

I have such a massive headache from being tired and I still have another load of washing to put out in a few minutes.

Nearly midnight too. <_<

Really wish I had the day off tomorrow to nap. :gonk:
Mood: Blaaah.

End of the week off (thank you Snow!) and back to Uni today. Got a whole load of shit to print off. I predict many hours will be spent in the library and in Starbucks this week. Both of them utterly necessary, yet only one of them remotely enjoyable.
Mood: ARGH:rage:

I hate being a girl this time of the month. Why can't egg cells just dissolve into nothing? WHY DO I HAVE TO SPEND 3 DAYS EVERY MONTH WITH A STOMACH CRAMP? :rage:

There should be a switch women can turn on to indicate 'Hey, I want to have a baby, send one down to my uterus'. Why do I have to have one every painstaking month, WHY:rage:

Mondays off work are the best thing ever :griin:
Not done much of anything at all and i dont plan on doing anything either. Need to get some shopping later but thats about it. Il quite happily lay about the house with the heating on :ryan:
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I just am. I'm supposed to be working on a board and report on Western Gothic architecture but I simply can't be arsed. I'm too busy thinking about other things, so my creativity has taken a turn for the worse...again. :sad3:

I've played Rome: Total War a total of 3 hours already, and am about to go play Fallout: New Vegas. :hmmm:
Mood: Alright.

Reason: Considering its a Monday, my day has been alright so far. Not great, but not bad so, I can't really complain. I feel tired though :hmmm: I hate having the weekend off and staying up past 1am and trying to sleep early Sunday night. Though I like breaks so ehhh, i'll live.

Just gonna play ACB for a bit I suppose then, watch a scary movie :D
Mood: Nyeh

Doesn't matter how many times I say I'll only spend a certain amount on people for Christmas I always end up going over my budget because I feel stingey.

I had my presents sorted out at the start of November. Simple $20 gift cards for everyone but I feel it will look like nothing if I just hand them a card. =/

So I've gone and bought more crap. <_<

I suppose it is the Season for giving. I best make the most of it, then start saving again starting next year.