[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Kinda worried/yay. Well worried because my last exam is in 2 hours or so. I am going to study a bit more. First exam was a walk in the park and plus even if I got a 0 on it I would have still passed the class xD. I aced the 1st one. Now for the 2nd one which is the one I am worried about. Ugh I better pass :sad3: Then after that I am off till like January 19th :ryan: Christmas break!
Mood: Uncertain, a little trepid

Reason: I spent much of the day packing (and working out what to bring and how to pack certain things) and I'm finally done. Tomorrow I'm off for a series of university interviews and I'm still not certain as to how long they'll be keeping me there for. Until Saturday I'd imagine. In terms of preparation, I suppose I can do a bit more before they start, but I'm already really anxious. Interviews are no one's strong point really, and it's no exception to me. Trouble is, I have a lot of bags - kind of unnecessary as I'm not exactly staying there very long, but I'm one of those people who can't decide very well what to leave and what to bring.

And I'm out. :busta:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been a long day. Even though they turned up fashionably late, my dad and stepmum went round town with me today. We had something to eat and just looked around for stuff. Came back to the flat to continue work on my presentation and I finished it almost three hours ago. So I took the opportunity to catch up with Coronation Street and start watching it again since the tram crash caught my interest again.

Going to bed pretty soon, though I've got the feeling I won't be sleeping well. After all, I've got to show this presentation to the class tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.
Cold :gonk:

It's cold up in this place right now :gasp: Even though this place is extremely airtight, for some reason it gets really, really cold indoors when it's cold outside. And I don't get cold as fast as most people, but my extremities are freezing *shivers*
Mood: Worried

Guinea pig seems to have a cold. =/ I hate it when pets get sick... I love that tiny thing to bits, so it's really... frustrating I can't take it to the vet at 4AM. Mom's taking it in the morning... She seemed a little annoyed that she had to be up early tomorrow, so I feel even worse... It's just that when guinea pigs get a cold it can be vital. Specially since it sounds like she has a lot of trouble breathing... Just... bothers me. Only reason I'm still awake. I just can't do anything, which is upsetting.
Mood: Nyeh

Just got home from work. Nothing like a 12 hour shift.

So tired and hungry though I have no idea what to cook for dinner. There's a million things we could eat but I don't feel like cooking. =/

We could have Spaghetti Bolognese or Shephard's Pie or Pasta Bake or Potato Bake.

So many options yet so little motivation. :gonk:
Mood: Blah!

Reason: Didn't get enough sleep last night because I kept tossing and turning. I'm also stressing about this presentation, even though I timed myself doing it last night in front of my flatmate and finished at thirteen and a half minutes. But I'm still going to be so nervous doing it in front of my class in less than an hour. I'll have to go in about five minutes to get there since the ice is a deathtrap. Woo. >_>

Not feeling anything strong in particular. I'm forsaking revision in favor of my holiday assignments... Which are numerous, but I am starting with the easier, and interesting ones. Well, which also makes it less of a torture to work with. I'll still be working on revision later, but I guess for now, something I like would make life less painful.
Mood: Pretty Good

Got a few drinks in me and I'm feeling rather relaxed.

Steve cooked some yummy hamburgers for dinner which I was rather pleased with. <3

Just watching First Wives Club at the moment on DVD, but had to stop for a bit to come and bid on a few items on ebay.

I keep missing them and they keep relisting them. XD Had to set my alarm to remind me to get back on the computer now before they end again.
Mood: Happy

Reason: The presentation went brilliantly and I don't know why, but I wasn't nervous at all! I think there was something in my breakfast this morning. I've been having a good day. Just compiling tonight's trivia questions, having something to eat soon and it'll be Smirnoff o'clock in just over an hour. All's going well for once!
Mood: Yay. Well I am on holidays now of course :ryan: Just playing some Halo Reach then I am going to play something else. Ahh had such a good rest also. Woke up in the afternoon without worrying about anything. So I am just going to chill now and if I get tired just sleep quietly. So glad I am offf. Also I think my 2nd exam went well yesterday :hmmm:
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Mood: eh.

Reason: This week is going by too slowly for my patience. Today was a bit drama between some peeps of mine but, I think it's worked out so, i'm relieved about that. I can't wait til I get out for Christmas break :gonk: I need it so bad. and, it needs to hurry up :-)

I'm just relaxing for the most part might turn in for the night in a bit though.
Mood: Hopeful

Reason: This SHOULD be my last Thursday this year. I think next week pretty much everything is cancelled...if the late lectures aren't, I shall not be happy. Also hoping my dissertation supervisor will be around this morning...I sent him an e-mail a couple of days ago and I haven't had a reply, so I'm just going to go and see him anyway. I need to get this sorted out before we break up for Christmas...
Mood: Good

Got home a few minutes ago.

Feel hot and sticky. The weather was so humid today. Still is actually.

No idea what we're having for dinner. Really feel like just getting take out or something but I don't want to waste my money. =/

What to do, what to do.
Mood: Down

Well, as far as the vet went, we didn't go and got some liquid antibiotics. Things is, guinea pig's not drinking. We gotta force it with a little pipette, which isn't working at all. She barely ate, and didn't drink at all since we tried that before bed last night. It's been like that for two days, and reading up on it, after a day they'll weaken already but won't show signs. She definitely looks fine, stuffy/snotty nose aside. =/ I feel horrible...

I rather they put her down, than her suffering slowly at the end of this... Then again, I feel like I'm making the wrong decision with putting her down after we see the vet tonight, 'cause she looks fine... =/ I gotta go to work, mom's gonna stop by the vet at seven... It's really tugging strings to know she might come home without her.

Mood = Shit, obviously.
Mood: Irritated

Reason: I've been awake for over an hour now, getting ready to go and go to a class today, just to find out that my ride went down the hell yesterday instead of today. So, instead of me being asleep right now, I'm wide the fuck awake. Thanks alot for communicating with me, parents. Owait, that's right, you didn't. :hmph:
Mood : Apathetic

Another fail for me last night when I repeatedly told myself I'd do my homework the very moment I got home from school. Right after I got home from school, my friend invited me to go Winter shopping with her at Burlington, so I went ahead with it and we were gone for 2 hours. When we finally did return home, I did what I usually did and procrastinated doing homework until like, 11 PM. Though I did manage to halfway one assignment. Hopefully I'll get it done by today, and hopefully I actually will keep to my word and actually do my homework before anything else .

Payed off all my loans so im debt free and i feel ace :ohoho:
Its friday 2moro and ive got a great weekend lined up. Il finish work then get a haircut home for a few drinks then into town for my pals 21st, seeing as he knows just about everyone im guessing the turnout is gunna be huge. The bars are gunna be packed aswell i bet as its the 3rd to last friday before christmas so its gunna be pretty hectic i reckon. Heres hoping thers not massize queues at the bar and it takes me an hour to get served -.-
mood: :andry:

Ive been irate and highly strung all week, but I got home today and my James tickets were on my door mat waiting for me ( secure delivery, requiring a sinature...? Oh well, who gives a fuck, I have them :andry:)

Soooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaace mood, a week tomorrow til the ol' bday and gig, can not WAIT!

Aside from Tuesday, work has flown by this week

Tuesday though, omg, longest day in the history of long days ever. it just went on and on and onnnn

But Friday tomorrow :andry: