[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Alright. Had a good sleep I guess, I am actually planning to disconnect the ps3 for a bit and connect the ps2 so I can go back to final fantasy x-2 and final fantasy XII. It has been so long since I played them so I really want to go back to them. So I guess Ill be playing ps2 plus some 360 rpgs. I still havent completed Infinite undiscovery which will HOPEFULLY not freeze on me. I want to go back to the Last Remnant, Magnacarta II etc.. Also want to play Nier. Been long since I played :hmmm:
Mood: Alright

Reason: Well, a bit of both :wacky: I had a half day today so I was home at half 11 which was lovely :ryan: especially as I'm so tired.
On the other hand, our pipes have frozen AGAIN :rage: so I'm waiting for them to thaw before I can have a shower and a cup of tea :hmph:
Either that or I'll have to borrow my neighbour's shower. I don't care. I NEED A SHOWER :rage:
Mood: Blah!

Reason: In between a good and bad mood at the moment. I've had a migraine for a while and it just won't do one, so I've taken something. Watching the live episode of Coronation Street right now and I'm really impressed. Should've spent the day working, but I wanted to do some gaming instead. Oh well, there's always tomorrow and Saturday afternoon as well.
Mood - Pretty good.

I had a fabbo day, and I've got a pretty good 3 days ahead planned. Including shopping, working, and getting very very drunk.

I did receive some pretty unpleasant news on MSN, however, I'm not letting that effect me. I'm just listening to my ABBA songs instead, it's so much better than letting the small stuff get you down :ryan:
Mood: Drained.

Reason: Today. Has. Been. A. Long. Day :gonk:

Maybe it's because I haven't been able to sleep or not but I feel so tried... and drained. Like I have no energy to do anything. I'm feeling pretty lazy as well. That's what the cold weather does for me :ryan:

I'm pretty excited for Friday. As soon as it's over, I get to go shopping on Saturday :-)
Pensive :hmmm:

Just kind of chilling out listening to some acoustic James Taylor music, and trying to figure out what to do about something. There's something I've been wanting to get off my chest for a while with someone, and clear up, but I don't know when it will be appropriate to do it, it's one of those things where you kind of just have to wait for the right moment :hmmm: But it's so frustrating having to wait, I hate having stuff hanging over my head for too long.
Mood: :awesome:

Reason: Today is my last day of University! All lectures and seminars are cancelled for third-years next week! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS ♥
...a week to start on my dissertation, write revision notes, and get things set up for next year. My exam is on the 11th of January, so I can give myself a week to revise for that, then I have two weeks off afterwards in which I can make headway on my dissertation. At least, that is the plan. xD
Mood: Yah Good

Got our new salt water fishies tonight!

They're all swimming around having a nice time. =)

It is so nice and warm right now. I am a bit annoyed at the stickiness of todays weather but still it's better than rain.

Going to have some drinks and spaghetti bolognese tonight. =)
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Back home for the weekend at my mum's and I'm in a rather, strange for me, good mood. I'm normally not happy to come here, but I guess I am this time. Just been relaxing since I got back in, besides doing the little things for the mothership here and there. Going bed early as well since I've got the early shift at work tomorrow.
Mood: Yeah Good

Just got back from the doctors. It's 10am on a Saturday which is making a good start to the day. Got one thing out of the way already.

The weather is so sticky though. I really want to straighten my hair but I don't see it feeling very nice when I'm done due to the weather. =/

So sick of washing it and sticking it up in a bun. <_<
Mood: Irritated beyond belief

Reason: Just got done telling my wrestlers that "everyone's gonna get a match tomorrow, even the extras." Just got off the phone with the coach from the school we are going to go to, and was told that extras have to pay money and only MIGHT get in. So, just had to call my extras and tell them that they aren't wrestling tomorrow. :sad3:

And I got crushed by a 270 pound kid. Can this day get any worse?
Mood: Busy!


Gah! I have so many things due next week and I have only the weekend to do it. I've been doing it for the most part but, I get off track easily which in my case, is bad. I just want to get my assignments outta the way so I have the rest of my so called weekend to relax.

Not to mention I feel as though im getting easily irritated and frustrated >.< Something's bugging me and, I dunno what that is :hmmm:

Might play some BBS and head off to sleep. Maybe listen to music idunno but, I am done working tonight i'm exhausted!

holy crap i feel terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriible. Had a good night last night though, seems we had to celebrate my friends 21st without him as he vanished after an argument with his missus, that or he got arrested >_>
Today i am gunna eat, i need to head to the shop and get breakfast and juice to wash it down. Lovely to see that the snow is almost gone whn i looked out the window :ryan: bjdvw;lefvjerwbvi'[gtrjb i haqte hangovers
Mood: Sick

I havea flu. I've had it since yesterday morning (it's actually taking a lot of effort for me to write this:wacky:) and this aftrnoon, I still forced myself to go to a conference my professor required the class to go. Bad idea. I threw up when I got home because I felt terrible. I'm a little upset that NO ONE Is home. They've all gone to buy Christmas presents. I think I'm going to sleep the fever off.
Mood: Pretty Wicked

Well even though it was shitty weather with the rain and all today, tonight was pretty fun.

We headed down the Gold Coast and went to a shooting range and then headed to the arcade.

Laser Skermish was by far the funnest. XD It always is the highlight of the arcade!

We just got home and it's 1am on a Sunday morning. >.<

We've been out since 6pm yesterday. XD 7 hours is quite a long time to be out for me. >.<
Mood: Stress

I'm currently trying to quit smoking. This of course is a pain in the neck. Mixed in with work it makes it very hard not to crave. Such I am stressed. Done.
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: Despite having to be stood up in the same position for four hours at work, taking an hour and a half walk with the dogs on the way to my gran's and my feet feeling like they'll fall off, I'm cheerful. Why? It's the Christmas do for work tonight! Most of it is getting paid from some money we won in a company competition a while ago. Even though there's not many of us going, I'll still have a good time. But I can't go elsewhere after the meal. Got work tomorrow and don't want to be tired all day.
Mood: Sick

I havea flu. I've had it since yesterday morning (it's actually taking a lot of effort for me to write this:wacky:) and this aftrnoon, I still forced myself to go to a conference my professor required the class to go. Bad idea. I threw up when I got home because I felt terrible. I'm a little upset that NO ONE Is home. They've all gone to buy Christmas presents. I think I'm going to sleep the fever off.

Get well soon. :dave:

Mood: Pumping self up.

Reason: 3 Projects need doing by Thursday. :rage: I have 2 models, 5 drawings, one board, and one paper to write by then. This is going to be a week where I'll have to pull off an all-nighter for sure. I'll have to start by 1 o'clock today and then all day all week until I get everything done. The models are a pain to construct and I get REALLY carried away with the drawings in terms of detail and aesthetic appeal.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Well, going out for this work get-together was exhausting. I managed to not make a fool of myself, but my boss made me feel so uncomfortable. I do wonder if he'll remember tonight when he wakes up tomorrow. The other boss has gone off to hit the town with him, whilst the rest of us decided to go home early. I've got work tomorrow and I'm sure the other boss is going to be drunk all day. Going to hit the hay pretty soon.
Mood: Good

Nearly finished Christmas shopping.

Just need to get a few more things and I'm done. Really want to go to the shops today and finish off the remainder of the shopping. Need wrapping paper too.

I said I wouldn't go overboard this Christmas but I can't help it. >.<

I am definitely not doing it next year!