[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Pretty Good

For the first time in a while we had home cooked dinner!

We have been having dinner at home lately but it's only been pies and such. Nothing that required too much effort.

So to have some nice meat and vege tonight was fantastic! Along with yummy mashed potato. <3

I even made enough for the next too lunches at work!

Usually I would take the leftovers in for just one day, but I'm starting to learn that my eyes really are bigger than my belly and so I've divided the meal I would usually eat as one, into two.

Can't wait to eat my little feast tomorrow! XD

PIES! Nothing says "Aussie" more than good ol' pies! lol.

Mood: relaxed.

reason: monday night. which means tomorrow and the day after that i get off from tafe. and i have money!!!
mind you, it won't last very long.
Mood: Shit

Just generally feeling down. I can't get anything done lately, and it's getting so frustrating. Tired of the bladder infection, tired of the antibiotics, and just tired period. Not in the mood for work as I feel absolutely shattered but it's not like I can call out, 'cause I can really use all the money at the moment. Meh.
PIES! Nothing says "Aussie" more than good ol' pies! lol.

I know right! Sargents and Four N' Twenty Pies are all I've been eating of late! XD

I love watching them eat the Four N' Twenty ones on the ads. They make them look so yummy. :gonk:

Mood: Tired and full

I went out tonight and bought so much junk food.

So many potato chips. We had our nice dinner and then I had a Jack and Coke with a Cornetto ice cream and then some Smith's chips and I feel so fat. <_<

Why do I do this to myself! Why! :gasp:

Midnight now. Best be off to get some shut eye before Tuesday starts in two minutes. :gonk:
Mood: Not bad. I was feeling sick when I got up but now I am better I guess. At least I have no school work to do so this could be a free Monday for me :ryan: I played Halo Reach alot yesterday and I am already halfway to Brigadier grade III(Clearly had nothing to do) Oh wow the weekly chalenge on Reach is 16000 this week :gasp: First time it is so high. Only thing worrying me greatly is if Ill pass Humanities or not >.>
Mood: Stressed. as. fuck.

I wish I could just leave the house and get my own without any trouble at all. But it is much too early/too late for that. I'm a senior in high school, and leaving home now would be the worst choice made. I've been told that I'll be able to once I graduate and go to college, but why're they telling me this like it will be easy? I don't know who to go to that would still end up a disaster if I moved in with them. I didn't ask for this. I didn't do anything to deserve this. Everything was just forced on me for no good reason. I hate people.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I've had a lecture today and what the hell, Dreary Dorothy lets us out half an hour early? Rofl, she must not have had much more to teach. Well, as if she could teach us anything, anyway. So I treated myself to get spudded at my Uni's bar. Then I did a bit of shopping, just to get one or two bits. Came back here, tidied up and got on with my first of two radio reviews due in on Wednesday. Got the first one done and I'll do the next one later on.

I've got a lecture at half six, so I have to set off in about ten minutes because it takes about twenty minutes to get there. Can't wait to get back in, get on with writing the next review. Then that means I'll have a free day tomorrow!

Reason: I managed to intercept the posty this morning and get my brolly, so my Monday got off to a good start, it's been dead quietin work alllllllllllll day as well, Ive had nothing to do, not a dot of stress has affected me today. Get home, check the emails. And whats THIS I spy. Exclusive access VIP fan tickets for James?! 20 quid?! Im fucking ON. IT. Cue E-screaming at Jim to get himself on the website and 10 minutes later we have OUR FUCKING TICKETS AND ITS ON MY BIRTHDAY AS WEKLL. COULD IT GET ANY BETTER?! COULD ANY MONDAY EVER BE AS GOOD AS THIS HAS JUST TURNED OUT TO BE!?

I lost all abilty to do anything other than scream and bash my keyboard in excitement. No wonder its fucked

But stilllllllllllllll James, exclusive access, sound check and 15 mins Q&A with the band. Excuse me while I go vomit in excitement :andry:
Roflmao :lew: Congrats, Kelly.

Mood: Content.

I got off work an hour earlier. Was a little annoyed 'cause I do need the money, but then when some girl offered to work my shift tomorrow, I said no at first, but she wanted to switch for friday. So, if I stay or start an hour earlier on friday, the day I miss tomorrow, plus the hour I missed today will be solved. =)

Just warming up some vegetable soup, belly still hurts. But eh, I get to relax a bit now, hopefully.
Mood: Refreshed

Had a wicked shower just now.

Washed my hair and such.

Now I've just gotta let it dry a bit and put it up before work.

Such a drowsy day outside. I hate those sort of days. It doesn't make me want to work at all. I do hate it when it's sunny outside and I'm stuck at work, but those sort of days at least get my butt moving whilst at work. XD
Mood: Apathetic

Well, I'm calm and collected for now. Me and my friend did our normal after school routine of stopping at Starbucks, and then I went to my other friend's house to spend some time with her. Right now, my grandma is giving me the silent treatment, but I really don't care as long as no one bothers me about what happened this morning. Despite what did happen, this day went by pretty quickly, and I'm just letting myself relax right now .
Mood: Guilty

Reason: Right, I'm probably going to be hanged by my poetry tutor tomorrow after she's marked our mock exam essays for English Literature. It was a closed book exam meaning I did not have the material in front of me, so I had to write it all from heart. It's probably one of the worst things I have ever written, so I'm really holding my breath for the first session tomorrow morning. Ah well, I might want to actually start doing some work in class in the future. :andry:
Mood: Excited.

Reason: Totally pigging out tonight on a giant potluck feast with a whole bunch of other Sophomores of my major. Making some Banana Pudding, and since I'm still an amateur cook at best I am ready to cook. :D

Also, I'm totally ready to get home and play some FFIX. :ryan:
Mood: Yah Good

Went shopping again tonight and scored some cheap as Drumstick ice creams!!!

I got every flavour. <3

Just waiting for Steve to get home now so we can go buy some Pizza for dinner! I haven't liked pizza for the last year or so and all of a sudden I'm craving it. >.<
Mood: Irritated

Reason: I've been working on my essay for about two hours now, and its only 50.4% complete...and I've more or less come to a complete halt. My brain has just completely shut down and I can't really think of what to write next...time for a break, I think.

Plus I'm still waiting for things I bought LAST MONTH, and the heating isn't working this morning, meaning I'm sitting here freezing my arse off. I won't have time to do this essay tomorrow since I've got a group meeting which will probably last all morning, and I've got to make a start on another essay as well. I'm in for a thoroughly miserable week...fuck my life right now ._.
Mood: About as ready to go to bed right now

*Points at title* I've got nearing two laundry turns done, cleaned up 1/6th of the house. I couldn't be fucked to do more. I'm dead tired. To think I went to bed at 9PM yesterday and woke up at 3:30AM... Yeah, not good. Oh well. Gotta read through some more stuff for work, I'm actually wanting to make something to eat, though I think we only have eggs and bacon, ...not even sure if there's bread in the house. I'm not going out today. >.<
Mood: Trying to not let my day ruin my mood :hmph:

Reason: ITS BEEN A FUCKING SHIT DAY. Fucking stupid fucking school, ringing up saying I had to go get her because she'd 'been sick' I fucking KNEW she'd be playing on it, she's got a cough, and she really fucking gives it some welly, so she's just made her self a tiny little bit sick. But, as ever, she gets the sympathy, plays on it... shes fucking lucky I got someonr to pick her up. As soon as she gets home, shes going straight to bed, seeing as poorly little girls need all the sleep they can get. Helen told me there was absolutely nothing wrong with her

Don't have kids folks. Im having my fucking tubes tied. Im no having no more thats for fucking sure :hmph:

Its been a weird fucing day in work as well, loads of things have gone wrong, and its only little things that are easily fixed, but because it felt like it was non-stop, I was just getting my hair off in the end

Fucking roll the fuck on weekend, Im proper pissed off

It doesnt fucking help that Im due on my FUCKING period, when im STILL bleeding from last months, fucking fuck you srtupid hormones and stupid body. Il come off just in time for me to start my next period. I swear to fucking shit..... :rage:

I was asked to do summat before at like half 4 before and Im pretty sure he could tell I wasnt in the mood by then, he even offered to do it himself, and Im like no, its fine, im just having a mare of a day. :hmph:

Edit* I'm also fucking pissed off because my skin just seems to have erupted

On the plus side, my boss is ace, he told me not to worry about it if I had to go get the kid or whatever. But its not the point, ive not been there long, shes NEVER fucking ill and she chooses now to be sick. And I use that term very fuckign loosely because I KNOW all shes done is coughed a little bit up, it takes the fucking piss. Shes completely played on it. FUMING. Grrrrrrr



Ohhh fuck it. My mood is COMPLETELY fucking ruined

I swear to fucking shit, im having my ovaries removed, and Il have a ritual fucking burning of them

Along with that little fucking black dress
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Mood: violated :gonk:

I just got a surprise nasopharyngoscopy :sad2: It was like being noseraped, they stick this huge long skinny tube down through the back of your nose and into your voicebox, and they leave it there for way too long and have you breathe through your mouth only, and it's really extremely uncomfortable :sad3: Plus, I wasn't expecting it, so I panicked :gonk: Very nasty, I do not recommend having one if you have a choice.
sdmvnhsdk;fjbvwdkj;fvnsdk;lfvn sdglkjnh

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk offfff

ach i feel ready to split heads today :rage:
Day started off good aswell, i was high with energy and buzzing through work then i get this stinking text that ruined everything FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU -__-
Im in need of a steady beer or 50 at the weekend, but its only WEDNESDAY!
Hahaha oh and i played cod and got lag................i admit that probadly accounts to about 99% of my rage :wacky:

EDIT: its tuesday fuck :rage:
Mood: Annoyed

I can't seem to finish this request good enough :sad3: It's annoying to have great ideas stuck in my head for a GFX and not be able to convey it in my gfx. :ahmed: I jus' want it to be good :{ Why can't it be good? :mokken:

So, yeah, I'm annoyed because of GIMP.