[V3] What's Your Mood?


Been sitting here playing around with photoshop and on YouTube for a while now. Last night I didn't get to go to bed as early as I wanted, I had a couple of assignments and no study halls today so I had to stay up a bit late. It's 7:30 now... so hopefully I can get to bed early tonight if I go ahead and finish up my preparing for tomorrow, now.

I've also been extremely moody lately. On and off upset and happy like crazy. Pretty sure I know what's up with that though. :wacky: Just sucks that it affects me as much as it does.
Mood: Melancholy

Reason: I've got a lot on my mind at the moment, I guess. Not really the coursework (that goes fairly well actually, I can essentially count one piece done after yesterday) but other stuff I've been ignoring in light of it...now its all coming back to me in one irritating burst. I guess I should look on the bright side - I've got today off! Plenty of time to play Borderlands...I mean, get my seminar work done. Yes. Of course that is what I meant. Seminar work.

For some odd reason, I've been up at 3am for the last three days. Its a bit weird, because I normally sleep fairly soundly, especially in the winter when its so cold in the morning I don't want to get up. Rrrgh. Do not want. Want sleep.
Mood: Happy


Despite yesterday's ear infection problem, I'm quite happy today. The new MY Chemical Romance CD came out, and I'm quite happy to say that I got it(downloaded it). After hearing it, all worries of outside life or even stress from life in general strayed away from me for the time being. When I hear music, I'm all calm. :ryan:
Mood: Not so good. Well first of all I wasnt really feeling well so that sucks and I woke up just now. Not a bad time to wake up but I did want to wake up eary. 10:00 in the morning is alright I guess. Now I have to do alot of my assignment today. As much as it will piss me off I have no choice. Oh brother... Hopefully I do it right. Well it is my day off so hopefully I can do this..
Mood: Restless.

Reason: Well considering I've been up for 12.5 hours already, and my stomach is grumbling like a mad cow or something, I'm completely restless. I have a case of insomnia at its worse, and I have no idea how to beat it. I tried to sleep, but that plan failed miserably :sad3:. I tried drinking hot tea, but that just kept me up -__-. If I can't fall asleep, I might just hit myself over the head with a blunt object :wacky:.

Insomnia is the worse :gonk:
Mood: Sick

Had Tacos for dinner last night and now I feel terrible.

I don't know why. We bought everything fresh last night. Must of ate too much. =/

Nearly was going to call in sick but I feel a bit better now.

Hope I can last the day. I have loads to do!
Mood : Murderous.

If the couple in the flat above mine decide to have another domestic at half past 4 in the morning, I won't be responsible for my actions. It sucks, I'd barely had any sleep at all and then they started rowing; with the doors slamming and the shrieking, the whole shebang. Lame.

And today's my busiest / most boring day. I've got to spend x number of hours in the fricking library again too for assignment #2. Funfunfun.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I have been up since 7am doing too many things, and now my body is telling me to shut down. I need to also wake up early tomorrow morning and log some more hours in for my class. Working out alone for 3+ hours is totally not fun. FML.
Mood: Contemplative

Reason: I have no idea what is going on today, although I do know one thing: I am NOT spending all day at University. Normally I come home in the afternoon for a while, but I may not be able to today, because I might have a group meeting in that gap. I'm supposed to go in for 9am today, and today I have 2 hours of lectures in the evening, and I'd end up staying in all day. This is NOT happening. So I might stay home this morning. I can't really afford to skip evening lectures, and I can always re-schedule the seminar. All I DO know is that today is going to be a nuisance...but then, Thursday always is.

I feel like a freakin' nursemaid this morning. Since I'm the only one capable of getting up at 6:30am in this house - despite the fact that I'm the student, so I shouldn't be capable of getting up before 8am - I've got to wake up my mother and my little brother, get his breakfast ready, AND remind mother what time it is, and that she doesn't really have time to lie in bed and play FFIV. Rrrgh. I might get people alarm clocks for Christmas.
Mood: Relieved

Well, not completely. But I'm glad to find out I can still take my Economy test tomorrow, even if the quarter ends tomorrow. It doesn't surprise me that I'm this busy on the day before my birthday. I still have a shit load of math homework to make up, so I'll be getting to that next. I already want this day to end. I still have the stomach virus, and I can't anything solid - so I'm wondering how I'm going to survive for lunch .
Mood: Fed up, tired, moody

Reason: Coursework. Frickin' history coursework. x2. Neither of which I am having much luck at. My first piece has been heavily criticised by my subject tutor for my style of writing which is really making me struggle far more than I anticipated. So it's totally back to the drawing board for that one. My second piece is encountering technical problems all the fucking time and it's suffering a similar fate to my first draft. My writing style conflicts with the examiners' guidelines that I had to rewrite it from scratch before. Then we have college servers crapping out occasionally and we commonly cannot save our work even if we get past the fucking lag and crashes every 10 seconds. I made some progress, emailed the file to my laptop at home only to realise the file is unreadable, had to redo what I should have done already - took me over 3 hours, and still not done. And it's supposed to be for tomorrow. Screw that. I'm going to bed soon. >.>
Mood: *big sigh*

This day started stupid, didn't sleep at all, phone froze, there was a long row at taking blood thingy and missed my train, but on my way back home... there was such... a beautiful girl!! *sigh* It was funny, saw her walking, I already sat in the train and she sat down next to me and she was so happy and smiling. It sucked that I was so tired, my eyes just closed automatically so I didn't speak to her. graaaah, Hope I will see her again x.x
Mood: not bad. Finishing up my conclusion to my stupid essay on the Crusades so that should let me have free time tomorrow afte school. The day actually was a better thursday but still shit nontheless.. We watched funny videos in Visual communication class so that was laughable I guess xD. Now I just want to chill after finishing this fucking Crusades essay. Pissed me off to no end :hmph: Tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Anyone who's been on the shoutbox at the same time as me will know of my awful timetable this year, where I'm at uni 9-5 almost every day and I work saturdays and sundays, so I never have much time to myself as it is. Add college (long story why I'm at college AND uni, perhaps another thread), 2 labs, 2 assignments and 3 class tests at uni this week? I've not had time to scratch my arse. My shoes from sunday night's shift are still sitting where I left them because I've done fuck all but revise all week for a test every other day. To top it off I got a D for a piece of coursework I submitted and I'm RAGING because I worked really hard for it, and it's a piss-take of a subject anyway, so I'm in the total "my life's a mess" state right now.

/rant, Harry Potter's the light at the end of my very dark tunnel this week.
Mood: Tired

Reason: These past two days have been tiring enough. Uni hasn't been very generous to me just lately. These two analytical reports have drained me and I just want to sleep so much. I only finished them half an hour ago and they've been submitted in now, so I'm grateful. Still got some other work to do, but those were more important since the deadline was later on today. Going to get the rest of my work done tomorrow and Saturday afternoon. Still, got Harry Potter to look forward to tomorrow. I guess it's the reward I've been working towards! xD
Mood : Jubilant.

Assignment #2 completed, sleep obtained, Harry Potter tonight. After two long weeks of non-stop work on both assignments, and spending disproportionate amounts of time in the library, I have a few weeks to breathe now before my next assignment is due in.

Looking forward to Harry Potter at midnight, it'll be fun seeing the midnight showing. It's about time I did something fun after two very long weeks.
Mood: Content

Reason: Its the weekend! Yay! There is now only one piece of group coursework left...plus a 1500 word essay I have to do by myself. I intend to get both done next week. It should be do-able if I get started Sunday morning and work my arse off...I'm motivated at the moment.

Plus HMV were having a DVD sale...and I ended up buying the Buffy boxset. I've wanted that for AGES, but I wasn't about to pay £150 for it...I paid £50 for it instead. I bought Stargate Atlantis last week, meaning I've spent about £130 on DVDs in two weeks...bad, bad Martel. Its just a good job there aren't any games I want coming out between now and Christmas (well, asides Golden Sun DS, but mum is getting me that) and I've got a huge backlog of games to finish, so I really should lock my debit cards away now. xD
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been quite a productive day. My taxi arrived within five minutes to drop me off at the train station, had some sneaky KFC with the girl being overly polite to me in which I liked, mocked the mothership while shopping and went to see the new fantastic Harry Potter film tonight. Shame that my good mood was spoiled by a drunkard that either a) tried to throw himself at me or b) tried it on with me. Either way, I was not happy. Tiiiired now, though. Going bed pretty soon.
Mood: Good. Finally the weekend even thogh now it is Saturday. I have a break from school work. Class was only like 25 mins long so that was pretty unexpected. We watched Elizabeth I the Golden age. Only the beggining and the end though. My teacher said the middle is too boring. So we got out early. Walked around college to pass time.. Just glad that I have a brea,. Probably going to stay up like usual :ryan: