[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Been pretty much doing that all day by playing GTA IV on the PS3. My plans got scrapped for the second time this week, so I'm still sort of pissed off with that. Not really been doing much just lately. I think I'll try to get out a bit more next week, feels weird being in my room most the time. xD
im in a good mood not really i am tired a little and mad ill go down in the basement and punch the heavey bag if i get mad if im tired ill sleep if im sad i lay on my bed

man im really depreased fromalot of work so my mood would be like very very very tired
Mood: Meh/yay. Meh because I always hate thursdays like usual. Also it was so fucking cold in the morning so I had a bit of a cold later on and was feeling a bit sick during badminton class. Visual communication class was the same old same old. Tomorrow I have A Test for Western Civilization class. Then in the afternoon I am going to my cousin's house to sleep there. So Overall its going to be a good day. Besides my cousin swearing at Halo Reach that is :wacky: Stupid bastard :hmph:
Mood: Disappointed

All my plans next weekend got shot to hell because I got denied my time off and now I have to work. I didn't have anything important I had to do, I just wanted to have a weekend off so I can do some major house restoration, well at least start some
Mood : Apathetic

I could be in a better mood . Right now, we have the WORST cold front ever. It went from 81 yesterday to 45 degrees this morning, and being a Floridian, I am not adjusting well. I have a feeling it was from the heavy rain we got yesterday, but luckily after school, me and my friend are going to Starbucks to drink us some hot coffee and cocoa . I love whoever invented Starbucks.
ommmmmmmmmmmmmg i lo0ve you weekend

im gunna sleep and rest. Probadly put my feet up and do some relaxing aswell. A little bit of lounging about the sofa wouldnt go a miss either and i definately wouldnt say no to lying in bed all day.


weekend <3
Mood : Relaxed .

It's finally the weekend. I don't have any homework besides to start studying the new chapter in Economics (I'm not going to wait till the last 2 days before the test to do so like I did last time.) and to practice signing these two short paragraph stories for American Sign Language (already done.). Plus, we got coffee earlier today so my body is radiating heat within this cold day so I'm really comfortable at the moment .
Mood: Tired

Reason: Generally am, even though it's not really been a long day at all. I only got my things ready, travelled by train, got picked up by my mum and went shopping. Had quite a few laughs. Let's just say it was good I was her eyes, ears and brain for the afternoon. I've been pretty much having a decent day, maybe it was the lack of company this week driving me mad and unleashing my humour on my family when I saw them.

I've got a sodding proposal that I was meant to email today, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it done. I know it's only 1000 words and it's a first draft, but I want to perfect it. Plus, I'd rather do it tonight since I'll have a free afternoon tomorrow after work.
Mood: Yawn..

Reason: Sweet weekend, glorious weekend. So glad you're here. The week itself wasn't taxing, it's just that I've come to a slight bit of stress when it comes to by crucial piece of History courseworks. Apparently one piece is - and I quote - a "bit of a car crash" because I'm being a maverick and not conforming to the examiners' rules in how to go about it. So it's back to square one in that piece, which has got me slightly worried about my crucial, final History grade at the end of the year.

Interesting part of the day: I was asked to participate in a Psychology experiment with this American professor involving risk taking. Which isn't very exciting, but it's not often I participate in a little test for a subject I don't even study.
Mood: Pretty good

Going out today to look at engagement rings and to get my finger measured again. I keep forgetting what size it is and I need to give it to Steve so that when he goes to buy the ring, he doesn't spoil the surprise by ringing me and asking me what size I need. :gonk:

Then we're off to look for a Christmas party dress for myself and we need to buy Steve some simple black shoes. All he has is white joggers. >.<
Mood: Ok/kinda pissed off. Well the ineternet went out oday(wireless one) and that wont be fixed till sunday. I could live without a day of xbox live ut sunday I am starting my work, The morning was shit. Stupid bitch of a teacher didnt let me in class. Then went to my grandparents house which was nice as we had dinner there and it was great. It has been a while since I went also. Now at my cousins house. Could have been playing Reach but I noticed he has the new slim xbox which has the hardrive implemented inside. So I cant take it out and play on my hardrive which sucks. Was hoping to get Brigadier rank on Halo Reach tonight but that will have to wait till later... Probably going to stay up all night eith nothing better to do. At least there is internet :ryan: Tomorrow afternoon when I get home Ill have to use wired though :hmph:
Mood: Drained/Irritated/:gasp:

Reason: I never thought coaching a sport could be so tiring. Combine the fact that I get forced to do all the running around during the game, and the fact that our team constantly gives up 40+ points per game, that = mood. Jesus these guys need to do something before I go balistic.

Oh, and the fans shit-talking the coaching makes one not happy. :hmph:
a bit irritable

still waiting on money in Fable 3 and laughed too much watching observe and report

seth rogen shoots a flasher guy ftw :awesome:
Mood: Nyeh

All I feel like doing is watching The O.C. and having a few drinks but I have no Jacks left. =/

By the time I realised the bottlo would have been shut anyway so I get two glasses at the most out of what's left.

Nyeh it's okay though. I have my O.C. <3
Mood: Blah!

Reason: It's been a bittersweet mood of revelation, reflection and reassessment all in one day. Been foolish to think that some people can call themselves my friend and can't even come to confront me about something about me that's bothering me. No, they have to go to my boss at work instead and then get to hear from him instead. So I had to go through my shift, realise that some people don't have the nerve to confront me and broke down when I got home. Although now I blame my monthly hormones for that.

I've just been trying to relax for the past few hours. My mum, her partner and my brother have gone to Blackpool to see the lights, so I'm at home watching the dogs. I've really been enjoying the space away from everyone.
Mood: Meh.

Today felt VERY short. That's what I get for waking up at 1:30 in the afternoon. But all I mostly did today was try and play Final Fantasy I again (still stuck at the same place I've always been. . .in the dungeon.) and then I worked a bit on a personal project I haven't gotten the chance to be creative with lately. So I still got some good things done today.
Mood: Devious

I have a co-worker who just loves to irritate me. He'll come to my office unannounced, doesn't knock. He likes to make rude annoying jokes, and likes to hide my work on me. He calls me anything but my name and it's just so annoying so at work today Im trying to come up with the perfect plan to get even with him so he'll get the point and leave me alone