[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: OK

Reason: Eh, not much to be bothered about or excited about today, to be honest...I managed to make a little money selling some of my old University books, which was nice, but I had to go out on my day off to do it, which wasn't. Its been very cold today, and I haven't been able to get warm...although I like the cold. Things are pretty dull at the moment...although tomorrow is Thursday, meaning 8am to 8pm, which is going to make me lose all will to live again. Hurray.
Mood: Rushed

I've got way too much to do between work and school. I have a paper to do for school due tomorrow that I haven't even started. I wouldn't have even known about the paper if a fellow classmate didn't e-mail me and ask me if I was having trouble with the topic. So while I'm at work tonight, I'll be doing my paper whenever I have time, and hopefully I'll have it finished by tomorrow morning. Looks like another all nighter for me
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 111

Im in a ridiculously bad fucking mood today. Gaffer at my work has made me this way today :rage: THEN i get an abusive call from some prick i dont even know over something that happened on saturday. Fuckkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i dont care pal. You picked the wrong day to have a go over the fone.
I need something to relax me. ANYONE GOT ANY DRUGS :rage:
Mood: Ill

Reason: The above word says it all, really. It's just a cold, but it's making me fall behind a bit with my work. I've two pieces of essays due in by the end of the week. One is crudely done, the other nonexistent and I just feel too lousy to put the effort and concentration in. I hate my immune system. Feeble, weak, inept, unreliable - are amongst some of the words I would use to describe it. >.>

Oh well, there's always some GFX, Youtube and socialising to make me feel considerably better.

My dad just asked me when the boy was due from the airport tomorrow. It's just been me and him at home the last two weeks and I haven't been able to tell him.. I'd thought I'd convinced myself I'd been okay the last few days but tomorrow I'll be hanging from the rafters.
Mood: Tired

I just got back from running 800m in gym class. I got about 3:30 or 4:00. I can run pretty fast, but I'm not that good at endurance.

Oh yeah, and my sister spit gum on my cat by accident. I had to get it off. My cat got a haircut. :D
Mood: Exhausted

It's univ hell week, it's when everyone is rushing to finish requirements, reports, papers, and dying through exams. I think I'm nearing the limit of my physical and mental capacity. :rage: I had Psych 10, Chem 14, Math 14 final exams just in this week. I'm a day away from sembreak. ALMOST THERE.
Mood: Sick

Just that. I keep blowing my nose, and it doesn't even help. Crewtrainer training tonight, doing that a step higher at my current job, won't earn much more but it's worth it for the mean time. So we're going through that every Thursday for three hours, for 2 to 3 months. But hell, I feel sick. :gonk:

Just got back from the pharmacy, got some medicine, I can't even taste or smell anything. :sad3: I feel like hell.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Despite my stomach is eating me because it hasn't seen food in there for nearly fourteen hours, I'm good. Today's my day of relaxation, which includes gaming, relaxing, writing and anythng else I can think of. Maybe even catching up on my shows and all that. I may have assignments for next week to do, but I've not had a day when I can put my feet up and do nothing for once. :gasp:
Mood: Jeebus, I'm tired.

2 hours of sleep last night. I"m getting tired of spending every sleeping and waking hour thinking. I tried to go to bed at 11, didn't really fall asleep until 2, and woke up at 4 even though I was due to wake up at 5:30. I hate this week. ._.
Mood: not so good. Well I have a fucking cold and now I need to mix that with my god awful Thursdays :rage: This makes a fucking even worse day now. 2 hours till I go to college. I cba doing fucking badminton and then sleeping 3 hours in VC class.. Well tomorrow is Friday so that will help. Its going to be awful running 17 mins with this cold though :sad3:
Mood: Exhausted.

Been working 11 hour days all week because service manager and foreman are both away and the workshop is absolute chaos.
Spent all day on some idiots car that had been on the beach all it's life, who hadn't had it serviced in nearly 200,000km's.
45 mins to and from work, and i need to work on this same car for 11 more hours tomorrow.

Can't wait to play ff all weekend :)
Mood: Dead

Reason: Its Thursday...my 8am to 8pm day. Well, I come home in my second gap, but I've got to go back in for 6pm to 8pm of lectures. My brain aches, my stomach is reminding me I've only eaten a couple of slices of bread today, and I got so bored in my gap earlier I actually spent an hour on FACEBOOK.
I also figured out how much this month is going to cost me in terms of games and stuff...October is expensive @_@
Mood: Energetic

Don't know why because I didn't go to bed last night, but I have so much energy, and still a lot of stuff to do. Got another paper to write tonight after I get out of work. I wanna finish cleaning the house and maybe fixing my laptop. Who needs sleep?
Mood: Sore

: Spent all day yesterday moving boxes and such and now my arms and legs hurt.

Loved that I got a workout, but I need to be doing this sort of thing every day so that my body gets used to it. =P

Was meant to be at work around 7am today but woke up late. Doesn't matter. I was only going in for myself to catch up on a few things anyway.
Mood: :hmph:

Reason: I was ok, until I saw a dead cat by the side of the road which put a right downer on my mood, I couldn't see a collar on it, so I've rang the council. Someone else had covered it up with a blanket time I walked back past, so someone else has probably rang them too. I hope whoever ran it over has a bad fucking day
Mood: Buggered

Just got home a little while ago from my mates.

Have to go back tomorrow night and finish watching the latest episode of True Blood.

It's 1am now and I'm off to bed. Need to mow the forsaken lawn tomorrow. Better not be raining yet again.
Mood: better/happy. Well it is finally the weekend now :ryan: Also I got informed that class is cancelled next friday so that makes only 2 days of school next week :awesome: Looking forward to getting further in Infinite Undiscovery this weekend. Alternate between my other Rpg games also. Oh and of course do the challenges in Reach everyday. Still have a little cold but I will live.

its the weekend, thank fooooooooooooooooooook aswell cuz im knackered.
No plans for tonite at all, gunna fully enjoy staying in my warm house while it rains down hard outside.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Just relaxing and watching music videos on the TV. Going to attempt half an hour of writing and then go to bed. It's a fairly quiet Friday night for me and I've got work tomorrow 9 til 1. But I have to get up at 7 to babysit my brother while the dogs are taken out. Urgh. But least he behaves. I'm also visiting my dad at 3 til 4 and then going out at half 7. It's going to be a very looooooong day. >_>