[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: :awesome:

Reason: I just found a Castlevania: Lords of Shadow gamerip, and my ears are in absolute ecstasy. Roll on Friday!
...also, my seminar work and accompanying reading isn't as difficult or time-consuming as I thought it was going to be, giving me more time to relax today than I thought I was going to have. Always nice to discover ♥
Mood: Still sick

Dunno really. >.<

It's dragging on this cold is. It's really frustrating having to blow my nose a million times a day at work and then coughing all the time is a real pain.

I always get worse at night when it gets colder. =/

We're going to watch The Last Airbender tonight. Apparently a lot of people think it's terrible compared to the cartoon, but we'll see tonight.
Mood: a little better. I really was not feeling well last night. My stomach was hurting really badly but it seems to have passed now thank god. I am at school now. Thankfully I brought the little laptop which will not have me bored like last week. No need to sleep now even though I am quite tired. The school internet is really fast anyway :ryan: Just hope I dont get a fucking cold again :hmph:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Dunno really, Ive just been really tired all day, I tried going back to sleep, but I just dozed, probably means I won't sleep tonight, but I was just feeling all @_@ I think it's the darker mornings... eh I've slept wel teh past couple of nights as well.. I must be catching up on all the dreams I've missed out on, so I'm waking up exhausted hahaha

Other than that, all's pretty good, heading off to the hosp shortly (She says, still sat in a towel with wet hair) to drop my application off with my ID. I might have to have my MMR jab again, oh the joys of the docs not being able to find my notes. Told me to ring back toward the end of the week. I only rang yesterday so I'l give then til Thursday I think. All this for fucking voluntary work!

Off Crimbo shopping again with Linz tomorrow. Toys R Us bound I think. I need a DVD player for the kid
Mood: Nervous.

Reason: First jury of the semester. I can't wait to get it over with but there's something telling me that I'll forget to say something about my gallery design somehow.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Got an hour at the gym, travelled nearly two hours to see my dad in hospital, visited my mum at home and then came all the way back to Bolton again. This travelling lark has tired me out. In fact, I feel so tired just recently that I don't want to really do anything. I hate it when I feel like that.
Mood: Bleh.

Stupid headache of mine will not go away. It has been like this since last night and no matter what I take it seems to want to stay and torment me making it hard for me to do things. It doesn't help that this weather is also rainy and freezing my butt off and I have been under a blanket for most of the day.
Mood: N/A.

I'm not really sure what my mood is... There's just a lot to think about, a lot to consider, and a lot of obstacles that prevent me from doing so. It's hard making life changing decisions, and it gets me down. I've never been one to deal with change well. The worst part is the doubt. =/ I just need to relax for a while I think... Hopefully everything will sort out fine with the crewtrainer thing I'll be taking, starting this thursday, a little more pay for me at work, yay. Besides that though...

Life worries me. Seriously.
Mood: Piiiiisssed off...

Reason: Traffic always happens when you have to get somewhere quickly. :hmph:
2 hours late for important presentation because of bridge repairs. :hmph:
Mood: Thrilled

I got a lot accomplished today. I finished all of my homework, did all the studying I had to do, and I finished the rest of my work from work. I cleaned the bathrooms and I cleaned out my fridge and organized my DVD collection, worked on a couple of sigs and I made a new video today. So yeah I'm pretty stoked I got all of that done
Mood: Frustrated

I hate waiting on the phone to talk to someone about bills. >.<

I have to talk to two companies and the first one still has me on hold. <_<

It's starting to get really hot here now and I'm loving it so I suppose things aren't all that bad. >.<
Mood: Ugh. WellI got up really really early in the morning and I still have a little of a cold. It is my day off though so I am glad I didnt wake up so late but rather so early. I should have stayed up longer last night but I just was so tired. Ill finally hit Lt col grade III today and then Ill have to wait till they undo the cap for Reach.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I kind of have to be since I've injured my back. On the other hand, it's probably been one of the most relaxing days I've had in a while. Since my back was being plain stupid, I couldn't go to the gym. And now my tuition fees have gone up by £65. How lame that the Uni didn't even turn round to even INFORM me. But managed to get the rent paid, though I'll have to watch my money now. Just going to chill out for the rest of the day and do nothing much.
Mood: Good

Reason: Clares round later. Finished my Xmas shopping for Ellie, meeting the girls for dinner tommow, diets on track. Seems when I don't drink, that makes most of the difference, so Im gunna cut down. I don't need to drink half the times that I do anyway and I'm starting to get used to not drinking as often.... 8(

I'd like to say I 'feel better for it' but i really don't. I think Im falling to bits haha
in much pain

my knee just totally went today. Its been bad now for like over half a year but usually just has the odd day where it feels a bit twingy, nowt major. Went into work today, lifted something up and it just went. Had to stay at work as i really neeed the money, i just didnt bend it at all, long as its straight its alright. Gunna head up to A and E tommorrow if its still as bad. Not cooooooooooool -.-
in much pain

my knee just totally went today. Its been bad now for like over half a year but usually just has the odd day where it feels a bit twingy, nowt major. Went into work today, lifted something up and it just went. Had to stay at work as i really neeed the money, i just didnt bend it at all, long as its straight its alright. Gunna head up to A and E tommorrow if its still as bad. Not cooooooooooool -.-

Oh man, do you have any idea what's wrong with it? Hope you fix that soon 'cause knee injuries sound really painful.

Mood: *sigh*

Reason: It's raining again. In San Diego. Can you believe this? :rage:
It's been 4 straight days of raining and I hate having to lug all my papers and foamcore stuff the mile and a half from the parking lot to the classroom and have it get all wet.
Mood: Poopy

Haven't been in a good mood lately. Lot of work I have to do around the house and at work. I don't really have free time till Monday after school so I'm not looking forward to a busy weekend with no free time
Mood: Dead

Reason: I've been feeling really unwell today and no wonder, it turns out that I have a mild fever, and it didn't help that the college has a rather stupid policy on illness so that I can't even leave without waiting for about 45-50 mins. Ridiculous. I've recovered a bit though, and it's left me in a considerably foul mood. I'm supposed to be doing an assessment at the moment as well. Gah.
Mood: a bit odd.

Reason: I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulder tbh, just had this discussion with someone who I haven't seen in a while but there's always been a load of tension between us, and we've both agreed on something (for a change) :ryan:
Such a nice feeling to have sorted out something we buried for such a long time :ryan:
Apart from that, I'm knackered :rage: but that's like a permanent mood for me, so...
Mood : Guilty.

I REALLY should be doing some reading and note making, but I really can't be chewed. Tomorrow's all Modern Britain (which I know!) and the Reformation (which I'm not so clear on) anyway, so reading on the Dreyfus affair is sorta redundant.

I still feel really guilty though, I've wasted a load of time doing bugger all :lew: