[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Sleepy

Just finished watching Hoodwinked it's nearly 2am.

Need to get to bed so that I can wake up early tomorrow and go to the shops and buy presents for a friends birthday.

I did have a nana nap this arvo but it wasn't nearly long enough. >.<
Mood: Bored and slightly irritated

Reason: I'm always bored these days, I don't really have a reason. I guess I'm just looking forward to FINALLY going back to University in a week's time. Next week should be fun, because I've got registration and stuff, as well as the realisation that I've done bugger all of nearly half a year. xD
I'm irritated because of the cost of the two books I bought today. Together, they were more than £100. I got £20 knocked off, because I sold a few books, but...DAMNIT. Books should NOT be that expensive! >.>
Mood: Happy

Reason: Things have gone from shit to great in a matter of twenty-four hours. Although I'm still pissed off I've got no student card until the end of the month, I'm pretty much looking forward to moving into my new flat near the university tomorrow. I get to see my best friend from last year, spend another year tormenting her and get some (hopefully) good new flatmates. Too bad I can't pack until tomorrow morning since I'm going puuuuuub toniiiiiiiiiight.
Mood: Good. Just got home not too long ago and now I am just chilling. I am not looking forward to doing my event report tomorrow as Ill probably be a bit lost. I guess I will just chill and play some Halo Reach. Maybe finish the campaign :hmmm: I am just glad it is the weekend though :ryan:
Mood: Alright

Reason: Weekend finally, but I've got a load to do, INCLUDING having a MASSIVE lie-in tomorrow because I'm so tiiiired :gonk:
Need to do some work tomorrow and I'm out all day Sunday, and my mates want me to go into town with them tomorrow as well, so god knows when everything is gonna get done.
I also need to go into town to book an appointment at the hairdresses for a cut and colour, but it has to be after a certain date as well... oh, too much to do and too little time, I don't like this sixth form lark :gonk:
Mood: A little frantic

Reason: Why can't my tutors make up their minds for goodness sake?! Personal statements from a few of us have to be done and completely dusted so they can be heavily scrutinised along with whatever we threw in our UCAS forms and shipped off by the end of next week. Every time I print off my statement to let my tutors examine it, they send me off to add this or that in. I go off, edit it, print it and return. Then they change their minds (or come up with another line to put in) and send me off again to edit whatever they proposed before. And this happened over and over again until I have like 6 copies of my personal statement. I still require my printing funds for the rest of the year, thank you!

...I just hope it sounds okay. Reading someone else's earlier felt like I was reading something that William Blake wrote. :gonk:
Mood: Happy

Happy that I woke up at a reasonable hour this morning!

I need to get ready, head out to the shops and get my mates birthday presents and a card.

I'm still not sure if they want us over for lunch or dinner, so I had better get moving in case it's lunch. XD

Oh and I got my hair treated and trimmed last night and the treatment part was the best! I always love treatments because they give you a wicked head massage, but this time the treatment they used smelled like strawberries and cream!

It was wicked! XD
Mood: Shattered

Reason: Didnt sleep at all last night. Went to Lukes tonight, watched a film and attemted a scoff, fucking stupid jaw.... good night though :] Im away to bed soon before I die at the desk
Mood - Refreshed

Finally finally finally had a decent night's sleep. I've been having a shit time of sleeping lately, and my sleep cycle's been totally out of whack. Yesterday, I went to bed at about half 8 and woke up at half 10 this morning :ryan: I feel great.
Mood: Pleased

Reason: I got my hair cut! I got it done by the salon a little way down the road, and the girl who did it did a really, REALLY good job - its so much lighter! I am definetely going there from now on. Straightened out, my hair came down to the small of my back, and since its so thick it was fucking heavy...now its been thinned out and falls around my shoulders. Its easier to manage, and I feel *slightly* better about how I look now, as well ♥
...oh, and I finished Galen's story in Ninety-Nine Nights 2 this morning. xD
Mood: Hyper

Just came from two parties and the after party is at our next door neighbours in a few minutes.

We just had to drive back from the house we were at and come back home first and they've yet to arrive.

I could really go with a cheeseburger right about now.

I am so hungry. :gonk:

went out alst nite. What was planned to only be a few drinks turned out to be an all night session. Dunno how i got hoime but i got some fucking lecture off my mum this morning. Supposed to be goin out tonite but honestly i dont think i can do it. Just foned my mate and i can tell hes kinda annoyed/dissapointed that i might not be going out. Kinda feels like ive let him down but im so hungover its not even funny :gonk:
gotta let him kno in a few hours what im gunna be doing. I feel well guilty =X

Week long session of work and waking up at ungodly hours has apparently told my brain to do the same on weekends. Slept at midnight and woke up at 6, although I really wasn't looking to go 'til 6:30 to watch some football. Was it that chocolate muffin I ate at 10 last night? Or maybe was it that weird psychedelic nightmare I had midway through sleeping? I don't know, but I hate it either way. :monster:
Mood: Okay I guess. I got a good night's sleep but it made me wake up at 10 or something which isnt really bad. I also have to do my visual event report today so I will be off sometime today :sad3: I might be going there to look like an idiot though just asking questions that are on my assignment paper. Blah I got to do this or else I will fail. I want to do it now so I get rid of it. The 23rd isnt even far that is like next week so I got to do it now.
Relaxed/chilling, but hungry :rage:

I'm just sat here playing BBS (which is on standby as i'm posting) and I need to get a few levels before I can take on the big baddie. :mokken:

Apart from that waiting on some money from someone.. so someone else can go to the shop and get food. Seeing what time it is I can't see it happening tonight. :rage:
Just gonna chill with the PSP tonight, regardless.
Mood: Good

Reason: Things are just starting to get better (famous last words, I recal saying this in this thread before) I still have face ache, but that's just healing away as it should. Had a giood night last night, and seeing him again tomorrow, I think we have both worked out where we stand with each other at last, it didn't feel strained like it has done. So will see how that one pans out. Saw the dads side of the fam today as well, its been at least 5 years! Bowt bleeding time to. So glad I finally got off my arse and saw them all. Gunna make the effort to make it more regular. We were always close and just drifted, so today was just ace. Glad it wasn't weird or anything. They've not changed a bit.

Happy happy

Knackered though, fuck me, they are an exhausting bunch

I have a pretty bad sore throat and the beginnings of a stuffy nose. I must have either gotten something from school or perhaps my mom, she was sick a week or two ago but it was a very short cold. Hopefully mine's just as long. I've been taking Halls and cough medicine, but none of it seems to be working, just my luck :lew:

Also seeing as how my dad doesn't let me miss school unless I'm keeled over and vomiting, I'm even more upset that I'm coming down with something. Colds, however small, just knock the life right out of me.
Mood: You know that feeling hours after an awkward situation that won't go away? That's the mood I'm in.

Reason: Being at a party that my ex's friend was attending. We parted not on good terms and she is not very fond of me. (When we dated, my ex and I were very young and very immature. We couldn't handle each other's differences. Sad thing is, we probably could have been good friends had we separated on good terms) It was odd seeing her glance at my fiance with dislike even though he was quite civil to her. Worst part is, I will probably see this person in the future so more awkward situation will arise.
Mood: Despondent Calm

I've wasted away a weekend that could have been to put to significantly better use. Friday. Half the day was lost wasting time in school, but it's compulsory, so I haven't a choice. However, what about the other half? I wasted it all playing some stupid games with friends that I shouldn't have. So, with that the entirety of Friday was lost.

Then, the next day, because of a stupid subject that my country's government had to implement? Indeed, I had to meet my group members to brainstorm on the project that will never ever succeed- of which I'm certain. By the time I effectively cleared up all business, it is morning. And really early morning. I had to sleep, or I'll be dead the next day.

Today is the next day, and I had a lot of obligations to fulfill. Library volunteering to chalk up some volunteer time... And piano classes, the only one that I'm willing to go, to help maintain my receding sanity.

That's half a day gone. And now, with the remaining half, while I'm pleased to realize there are no homework directly due the next day, but I find that my major examinations are arriving in two weeks. Even if I had been revising so far, these two days drives me into some pseudo-mania. I'm kinda depressed now, though I don't quite show it on the surface.

Can't do it, can I? My parents offer their help, and I'm grateful for that. But it is for them that I'm working so hard, and it is them that I do not want to worry. How, then, do I use their help? So, the only way, is to stay calm. Calm... I'd wish for better times, but now, I know the path I want to take. I know this path is wrong, but since I already walked down it...

I'm not going to jump over that fucked up hurdle, I'm going to obliterate it. Blow it up with a mushroom cloud and a massive shock wave as aftermath. Count on it.
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: I just got back from seeing Enter Shikari. Twas an awesome show, but I feel quite wrecked now. I just had a bath and am now sipping on a cool glass of orange juice. I'm probably in for a (relatively) early night.