[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: okay I guess. Well the day started off with an argument between my mom and I and we really started screaming at eachother but now its all done. I watched Spain and Netherlands. Even though I wanted Holland to win it doesnt matter it was an awesome game. I think Halo 3 would do some good now. Stayed in the pool for such a long time too.
Mood confused

playing heart gold was quite fun,not until i was met by the moment of confusion, i was giving evs to my pokemon,it didnt work out well on some of them, it went fine on my victreebel,there was a small error maybe with my poliwrath,and an error with my wobbufett,ahh that sucks. i traded a power bracer and weight bracer to raise hp and attack,but apparently it gives other evs also!!!! damnit!!! now that game got me bored,good thing my friend lended me a 360 game.
Mood: Active

Hm I feel like I am all over the place right now, I am hyped up and I can't stop spouting nonsense, but maybe it seems this way only to me. :gasp: Man I need to do something I blame Mountain Dew for this!

Oh yeah I am also a little proud of myself I am a Thread Killer so my Mom says :busta:
Mood: Hormonal

Reason: Hello 2u2 period :hmph: I fell asleep at...whatever time last night, managed to sleep right through, though tbf, exhaustion will do that insomnia or not, stupid body. Got back home after the school run and had to go back to bed for abit, just dozed til like, dinner time, realised I had NO appetite to speak of, which is good I guess, Ive barely eaten today, outfit looking promising for weekend. Providing I can get the tights/make my arse fit int he shorts

It's the realisation that I think I always knew that I'd have to sell my Muse ticket that's been the clincher for the mood today though. Like I KNEW where the venue was, but after checking google maps and that, it just kinda made me all the more aware that I really can't be standing on the other side of Manchester, on my own at 11pm trying to get a taxi home that is most definately going to cost well over 25 quid. Bad times.

Last ditch effort - Daddy dear who has said he will pick me up if he's not busy... which, I KNOW you're only trying to help, but how the FUCK does that help me, I mean, really now :hmph:
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Mood: So-so.
Reason: Work was tiring, but discovered Im off next week. Surprise holiday for me then lol. And no sign of Persona 3 yet and its been a week now :/
Mood: Significantly better

Reason: Although it hasn't fully disappeared yet, my headache has waned significantly. My neck's also recovered after being rather stiff yesterday when I tried to avoid moving much of my head.

I've had quite a dull day. I just couldn't think of much to do. I've just lost the will to basically do the things I normally like doing. I didn't touch my art, my games or much in the way of social networking. Most of my friends are either also ill or somewhere in Malaga or Cyprus or wherever. Plus the weather was gloomy today, so I didn't feel ike going out at all. It looks like a dull, uneventful summer ahead then. Joy. >.<
Mood: Tired

Reason: Couldn't fall asleep at all whatsoever and I woke up like 7:50 in the morning. I don't wake up that early usually so, yeah i'm tired.

I feel like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt cause my head and stomach hurts >.< I just wanna crawl in bed and sleeep. But that's not going to happen :hmph:

i'm hungry too.... =/

Guess i'll try to sleep earlier.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I've been looking after my puppies and little brother all day. My arms are a mess, one of them has dog bites and the other's full of marks my brother's left me. Yay. I've been in a pretty bad mood all day, but it's managed to calm down a bit since getting time to myself tonight. Gotta be up at half six tomorrow morning, though. That's going to be just great.
Mood: *tumble weed rolls by*
Reason: I dont know if there is a mood that exists in the world that can explain how I am feeling right now to be perfectly honest :P
Its across between being in ecstasy and missing my girlfriend even though we saw each other like two hours ago and spent the day together..... :hmmm:
Mood- Hungry yet indecissive
Im like uber hungry right now but i just cant decide what to eat theirs so much delicious junk food in my kitchen but i really want to try and eat more healthy but its just kinda confusing im mean why does all the good tasting stuff have to be so bad for you compared to other stuff......hmmmm i think ill have me a sliced bannana with soy sauce and a salad although now im wondering where i even got the salad from :hmmm: prolly one of my roomates oh well they wont notice XD
Mood: Sore

Reason: I HATE walking Rocky. It's the other way around he's walking me >_> he's such a bad walker! He like pulls >_< And his leash got under my leg I guess 'cause he was so excited. I mean it's not like we never do it... hes just crazy. so my leg hurts =/

Hmm other then that, I guess i'm doin' fine =)
Mood - Overjoyed

Well, today's been a great day so far. I've had a haircut, so now my hair doesn't weigh more than a bag of sugar. Persona 3 PSP arrived in the post, as well as a letter from the Uni confirming that they can give me the flat I want. Woo. Ensuite bathroom ftw!

It's my friends birthday party tonight, I get to wear a cape (cause he's having a costume party) get very very drunk and catch up with Rebecca.

All in all. An excellent day.
Mood: ok. Just got up even if I went to bed reall late last night. Like 4 in he morning xD, Its only 10 in the morning now so its a good time to enjoy the day. I am going to a friend's later also.Gonna play some xbox in a bit and eat also :hmmm:
Mood: Holy cow chop

I'm hungry. I went to work Monday, and got home, went to bed but couldn't sleep, I've been up since coming home from Tuesday's night shift. O_O I was a zombie. I went to bed an hour after I came home, and I just got up. Well like, an hour ago. 18 hours of sleep. :lew: I'm fucking hungry, and my head's well achey.

Work in about two hours. I want food, and need to find Advil.

At least I'm not tired. I mean like, I BETTER not be. :wacky:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Next doors alarm doesnt need to go off that early, I wouldnt MIND if you'd get UP AND TURN THE FUCKING THING OFF. Ok, so it doesn't happen often, but it's fuckign irritating as fuck when all i can hear is that wailing through my walls. JUST TURN IT THE FUCK OFF, HOW HAS IT NOT WOKEN ANY OF YOU UP?


I slept prety well though, despite that, and the bizarre dream I had as I was coming round and last thing what happened is I accidentally killed 2 snails... and I cried when I woke up, then I realised it was a dream, then I wondered why the fuck would I cry over killing snails anyway.....

It's just been a long and unproductive day in general really, like, I've been out most of it, had stuff to do, but it just felt like such a naff and pointless day. Roll the fuck on weekend.
Pissed off at my mom

Reason: I hate it when she does the I don't care attitude, it's almost dinner time and I asked my mom to do the groceries, since we didnt go yesterday and we don't have much food in the house. (no cookies either T.T) And of course she starts complaining about her headache so she cant go, expecting me to go, but if I would go I wouldnt have asked her, I am simply too tired to get out. My body just doesnt want to move. I already told her I would make dinner then. But she absolutely refuses to go! I hate that so much especially when she doesnt even answer properly. only with a freaking hnnnnnnnnnnn that gets angrier everytime I ask something. And now she is happily singing along with songs at the computer, stfu. I bet she'll sit there for 5 hours again probably with a break for an hour when she goes to bed to rest again =.=

Edit: OMG she goes.
Mood: Busy

Reason: Even though it's summer, that still doesn't exempt me from studying. I have to (well, not really have to, but I sort of intend to to prepare myself for uni applications) research and do a dissertation essay on Weimar Germany. That means reading books relating to the socio-political aspects of the period and formulating a whole 5000 word essay on it. So, I popped into Waterstone's in town to pick up a book or two before trawling on Amazon to find anymore.

Now I'm just reading through the books I've got. Knowing me, I'll take forever doing the reading, let alone the writing. Also, if only the nearest library to me isn't quite a distance away and temporarily closed for renovation....
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Apart from being paranoid that my agreement to the flat I want to stay in at university won't get there in time through the post and also compiling a list for my 21st birthday bash, I'm doing great. Had a lovely time out today. Went to see Eclipse at the cinemas with my dad, who'd never been to Odeon before. It was fantastic going out for once instead of staying in. Mind, the random outbursts of rain weren't nice and stopped us from eating Burger King outside. Still, I'm one of my better moods as of recently. Not as drained as I had been the past two days. It's all goooooooood.

I fell asleep at fucking....like 6.30pm last night and slept thru til 6.30 am today to get up for work. I was bouncing about with energy the whole day which felt great :ryan:
Back home now, had to walk into town from work though and walking with Al is ridiculous :rage: He walks so fucking fast and hes an old men :hmp:
Anyway, home noo, hid food. Now i can do what i want :ryan:
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