[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: :(

I twisted my leg, so I've been stuck at home for the past two days. I don't know what's happening, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. :gonk: I absolutely have to go to uni tomorrow, so this needs to get sorted today. I think my mother's taking me to the hospital in a few hours. In the meantime, I've been watching Friends. Also, it's 5:30pm now and I still haven't eaten anything as I can't get up. I feel so helpless. :rage:
Mood: Betrayed/ Upset, hurt and tired.

My "Best Friend" is an ass :hmph:.

Don't even know if I can call him a friend anymore if I'm honest.

I arranged for him, myself and another friend to hang out and catch up this weekend, saw my other friend and was hoping he would turn up, as I hadn't seen him in a while. But he didn't reply to my texts for the rest of the day, until yesterday evening, and I haven't heard from him since, turns out he went out with his new boyfriend and their friends, which is after all this crazy shit happened. I'm just so confused and bewildered as to what I've done wrong.
Mood: Alright

It's back to work tomorrow and I really don't feel like going.

I've been sleeping all day after getting sick last night after all the drinks I had. :gonk:

I swear I am never drinking again. I am really over it. It's bad for your liver and your wallet, so no more drinking for me. I just hope I can stand by that. :hmmm:

I don't even remember most of last night. I remember kissing some girls boobs, but that's about it. XD
Pretty good :ryan:

I've been getting so used to waking up at 6am, it's become a normal thing for me. :lew: As a part of my weight-loss journey, I have to wake up at 6 or 7, and why not at 6am so I can eat breakfast, take a shower, and get some computer time. I am feeling better with each day. I am actually beginning to enjoy life more and more with each passing day. :ryan:
Mood: Drained

Reason: It's been a long, utterly pointless day. My morning was wasted on being told how to do google searches, and I almost fell asleep this afternoon. I can't feel my hands, I'm hungry, and tomorrow I'm in from 3pm to 6pm, and I'll have to go in earlier so I can start my coursework. I'm really not in the mood for all this at the moment.
Mood: Content
Reason: Finally got an ongoing problem sorted today, and I am looking forward to going to see my boyfriend and sort our problems. I am also the proud owner of an iPod touch now; It's so precious, I love it!
Mood: Hungreh

I have not eaten since lunch so I am starving!

I really feel like a chicken salad or something but we have to eat leftover spaghetti otherwise it will just go yuck if we leave it. :sad3:

Had to go to Robina for the last two days to help the new girl with a few things.

Crazy weather on the way back home. Everyone was going 60km in a 110km zone. I could not see anything, it was so misty and the rain was coming down like crazy! Scary shit. Never again will I go that far out of my way to help work. <_<
Mood: Cool

my half term from uni started last night, sooo today is my first day off :yay: but i'm stuck on my own, mum and dad are at work, brother is at college and sister at school, girlfriend is at maths college as she calls it XD. sooo i'm in the house with the music on my pc turnt up :wacky: also just chilling out for the day enjoying having nobody to moan at me XD. will end up on FFXIII-2 i know i'm going to end up on that :) been planning out a day out next week with sarah, can't wait to spend the day alone with her, first alone time we will have in a while :inlove:
Mood: Meh?
Reason: Dad reckons it might snow a lot (again) by friday so he can't give me a lift to my boyfriend's place quite a way away. This annoys me because half the time weather predictions are crap anyway, why can't he just wait and see?

Also, my boyfriend himself is taking his sweet time texting back. Xbox widow, I am. xD
Mood: Somewhere between cold fury and berserk rage.


I have a "professor" (and I use that term ironically) who just happened to remind all us students that we have 13 assignments to turn in by 12PM Wednesday (today) all using a piece of shit-sucking software called AnimeStudio. A week ago, she said we only had 2 assignments to do.

Now, we have 13.

Also, she is less than useless. If you ask her a question on how to do something in this rat-fuck bastard software, she asks, "How do you do it? 8D" and then tells you to just read the tutorial.

I am understandably enraged by this bullshit and I'm very tempted to just not do it.

Also, some of these assignments include, "Make a sock puppet with a friend, and play a few scenes with them. Have one puppet be the dominant character, and the other be submissive. Notice how a character can be expressive without any facial expression."

Simple, right? Sure. But we have to do ALL OF THIS IN THIS FUCKING SOFTWARE. And the 'tutorial' that comes with it mysteriously forgot how to detail animation.
Reason: We keep on getting assignments in my AP classes that quite frankly, I feel like insult my intelligence. I should not be freaking coloring a diagram in an AP class. Thats something I did in 4th grade. I should not be doing it when I'm a senior in high school!:rage:
Mood: Still waking up.

Slept all day. Was going to go out & try to get some sunshine. But the skys overcast, its cold and it looks like its going to rain.

Going to be up all night again with a lot to do. Hopefully, I can get some things done.

Yay for being completely and totally redundant. :wacky:
Mood: Meh

Reason: I should be doing seminar work. I can't be arsed. I'm browsing the internet with Classic FM on in the background instead, trying to plan something out in my head and failing abysmally, because stuff never comes if I try to force it. Maybe I'll go play Dragon Age again in a minute or something...
Mood: Bit Sleepy

Haven't had much sleep lately. Nearly fell asleep on the lounge tonight and had to wake myself up so I didn't waste the night away.

Waiting for Steve to cook up some yummy chicken wraps as I watch The Simpsons and Sex in the City. :ryan:

Lovely Friday night. <3
Mood: Utterly demotivated

Reason: The more I have to do, the more I feel like doing nothing. I've got so much to dooooooo this weekend :gonk:

Mum is hinting that she wants company this morning when she goes out (my little brother has an activity thing, and it only lasts for a couple of hours, so there is no point in her coming home, leaving her to wander the nearby area) but it's bloody cold outside, and I have stuff to do, and I really shouldn't go shopping right now. I should be doing something. But I can't be bothered. It's going to be one of those days...
Mood: Nyeh

We're not going Rollerskating anymore and I so I was trying to find a movie to watch at the cinema but they're all pretty bleh. So I dunno what I feel like doing now.

Hopefully we win the lotto tonight. That'll brighten up my soul a bit. XD

Just waiting for Steve to finish cleaning the fish tank so we can have dinner and a movie or something.
Mood: Meh
Reason: Eh, I'm tired, but don't feel like sleeping, and I feel kinda hateful for no reason. I'm just a weirdo. ;D
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I finally have a day with absolutely no commitments whatsoever. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything. Now all I have to do is find something interesting to do. :hmmm:
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I didn't get much sleep last night...a car alarm (or an alarm of some sort, might have been from the factory across the road) woke me up at precisely 3:17am, and it kept going for WELL OVER AN HOUR. I wish I knew who set it off...so I could punch their fucking face in. It was one of those annoying alarms that lets you think it's stopped before starting again, so just when I was about to doze off...it starts up again. FML.

...oh, plus the pipes have frozen over again this morning. This means more rationing water (although I think we have some bottles now, I'll have to check...) and praying to any deity that will listen that I don't need to go to the bathroom badly until they've defrosted...like I did the last time. Other parts of the country, they get snow. Here, the pipes freeze.

Fuck Sundays.