[V5] What are you currently listening to?

Waltz of the Flowers - Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky

My head is pounding a drumbeat in my head, and this is one of many classical pieces that helps me relax. Whilst not my favourite, I am particularly fond of it...especially since that scene in BioShock where Sander Cohen loses it and puts it on in the background whilst you have to fight off hoards of spider splicers, making it one of the most epic pieces of battle music ever, as well.

Raised By Wolves - Falling In Revese

First off, this is the band where Ronnie(former lead singer of Escape the Fate) has a comeback, and he is doing a great job. This song is a prime example of that. I just love everything about this song, and that's all there is to it.
Speed Trials- Elliott Smith

After Son of Sam came on my ipod randomly I've been listening to a lot of Elliott Smith, so there's any number of songs I could have been currently listening to. I absolutely adore this album, it's beautiful. I particularly like Speed Trials, it's delicate and melancholy and moving, and as there often is in his songs there's a element of insulting someone. But I don't think it's meant to be nasty just what he sees as reality. 'You little child, what makes you think you're tough'. I wouldn't be too upset if Elliott Smith was the only singer/band I was to ever listen to again.
Spaceballs theme - Spaceballs OST

This song is simple, funny and to the point. It tells you what the Spaceballs race are and what they intend to do with the rest of the galaxy, it's a hilarious parody of the daleks (at least in my view since the spaceballs and daleks share the ideal of destroying each other's universes but practice different methods). All in all, its hilarious to watch and listen to this song at the climax of the movie.

Ben Lee - Cigarettes Will Kill You

Aussie Ben Lee is responsible for one of my favorite songs in Cigarettes Will Kill You. I've been on a real late 90's kick lately as it pertains to my music, and this 1998 song is good stuff. The title 'Cigarettes Will Kill You' is a metaphor for going back to a bad relationship time and time again even if you know that it's stupid to do so. Maybe it's why I like it so much since I've fallen into that pratfall once too many times, hah.

There's a whole "I told you so" vibe through the song, with Ben "wishing that everyone was wrong." about what they said about his relationship. Oh, how I relate to that lyric. All and all, capital song.

By the way, love the piano in it too.
The Cataracs- Bass Down Low

Ohhhhh my I can't get enough of this song, no matter how hard I try :gonk: I've been listening to this for a couple of weeks now since someone here has gotten me hooked on it. Its more of a fun song, lyrics are pretty good, bass is killer, and the beat is awesome. Love this.

Good Girls, Bad Girls - Falling In Reverse

Yup, so this song is pretty catchy. Loving the energy in this song, and it just makes me want to dance around all day.:ryan: The tone to this song can be described as rocking fun with a twist of hardcore hardass riffs. :D
Good Girls, Bad Girls - Falling In Reverse

Yup, so this song is pretty catchy. Loving the energy in this song, and it just makes me want to dance around all day.:ryan: The tone to this song can be described as rocking fun with a twist of hardcore hardass riffs. :D

Listening to the same song :awesome: Good Girls Bad Guys - Falling In Reverse

Not the heaviest song on the album, and it's reeaallly sexual. But as Ken said, it's really damn catchy :gasp: So I like it.
Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin

God, I am so upset about the way this band has gone. I really hope they continue in at least some form after all the crap has been cleared up, although I don't think they'll ever be the same. Still, I suppose it could be worse - they could have gone the way of Nightwish, and ended up with a crappy new vocalist. In any case, Dear Agony remains one of my favourite albums and, whilst the titular song isn't my favourite from it, it's still pretty good~

Cellar Door - Escape The Fate

Old band, same great vocals of Ronnie. Hehe, I'm sounding like an obsessive creeper. Well, either that or I just love his vocals. So, yeah that must be it. This song just sends chills down my spine. The arrangement was put in a place that makes you just go "damn, this sound is good". Anyways, I love the lyrics to this song; really dark, and really deep. :ryan:

Speed Trials- Elliott Smith

After Son of Sam came on my ipod randomly I've been listening to a lot of Elliott Smith, so there's any number of songs I could have been currently listening to. I absolutely adore this album, it's beautiful. I particularly like Speed Trials, it's delicate and melancholy and moving, and as there often is in his songs there's a element of insulting someone. But I don't think it's meant to be nasty just what he sees as reality. 'You little child, what makes you think you're tough'. I wouldn't be too upset if Elliott Smith was the only singer/band I was to ever listen to again.

When he is talking about people he does not like or even hates, it results in some of his most powerful vocals. Roman Candle is phenomenal for that exact reason, it's not explicit or overly vehement. Yet it is still one of the most damning songs I have ever heard

When it Rains - Paramore

Gorgeous song. Always has been my favourite Paramore song. Even though there are others high on the list, they can't beat this one. The melody is just so relaxing. Love the lyrics as well. Kinda makes me feel messed up that it's not the full original band anymore. 'How could you do it? I never saw it coming... Why can't you stay just long enough to explain...?'

Snow - Informer

Yeah, I know he's horrible, a flash in the pan, and nobody has any idea what the Hell he's saying. I don't care. I can hear that he wants us to call him Levar, so Levar, I salute you. You did what was thought to be impossible and that was make Vanilla Ice look halfway respectable. I think we can all concur on that.
Bad Company - Shooting Star

It's a great classic rock song. I just like the meaning behind the song. It's bittersweet. Every time I listen to it it almost brings a wee tear to my eye. It's just a very powerful song. :/

But I love the guitaring and his vocals on this track most of all. I especially like how he vocalizes the "oh yeah" part :lew: The solo is epic, not over the top but still really really good.

One of the best songs to karaoke to as well.
Raised by Wolves - Falling In Revers

Been on replay for the past hour now, and plus been theonly song I listened to in the past few days. I guess I can officially say that I'm obsessed with this song, but I don't care. I love this song, and the lyrics are awesome. :ryan:
Metric- Monster Hospital (Mstrkrft remix)

This is such an amazing remix. Admittedly, I very rarely listen to the original versions of songs because I tend to adore them when they are remixed to be a dance tune. Mstrkrft always does remixes that I fall in love with, like Wolfmother's woman and a few other various tunes...but this has got to be my favorite remix of theirs. The bass kills and the lyrics make this song a lot of fun. I have no clue what the original version of this song was like but the remix = <3

Elephants - Warpaint

I like this song because it shows how different the vocalist can be, how different even the entire musical direction of the band can be. The distortion on her voice has a really sensuous sound, without tuning it to fuck. The lyrics are very well composed, and I'd imagine most people who've ever been with someone can relate somewhat

Crank That - Alven and the Chimpmunks(originally by Soulja boy)

Hahahaha, I just love these...the chimpunk versions of songs. Most of them are pretty craptacular, but are funny to listen to, but surprisingly this one is not half bad. I actually find myself listening to it a few times. Not really sure what brings me back to it, but it's not bad, like I said. :hmmm:

Float On - Modest Mouse

My absolute favorite indie rock band, and they also happen to be local. This isn't my favorite song by them (and I have a lot of those :gasp:), but it's my favorite off its album. It's just that song that you listen to and it's mellow and everything just "floats on" :ryan:
Sound Horizon - Illion

I just love Japanese music, so glad I've found this amazing group. Still reading through some of the translations of most of their songs, Revo is an amazing artist, love his so much. Along with Jimang!!! I love Jimang!! And Remi!!!!