[V5] What are you currently listening to?

Amaranthe-Call Out My Name

Really catchy Power Metal/Medolic Death Metal band from Denmark. Mixed male and female vocals with a guy who does the Nu metal vocals in the background.

Kinda like (one of my favorite bands of all time) Nightwish but heavier/faster.

Holding on to Heaven, Nickelback.

I have their new album! :D It's pretty good. When We Stand Together is currently my favourite from the list of tracks, but I haven't heard all of them from beginning to end yet. :ness:

Daft Punk -- End of Line remix(tron legacy ost)

For whatever reason I seem to wind up listening to a lot of movie & game based tracks & remixes. :ohshit: I like that Daft Punk doesn't sound similar to most of what's played mainstream on the radio, etc.
Baby (feat. Scoutacris) - Heavy Weapons Guy

God, this is so stupidly catchy, despite the fact that it's based on one of the most irritating songs in history...well, one of the most annoying songs that hasn't been written by Lady Gaga, anyway. I've never even played TF2 and I love Heavy Weapons Guy...well, I love his accent. We need more parodies like this.

Giving Up - Silverstein

One of their earlier songs off of their debut album, and I just adore it as much as I do their most recent stuff. It has a form of rawness that you can only get from bands that release their first record.
The Artist - Silverstein

Yupyup, going through a Silverstein craze. I love this band as it was the very first band of the Post-hardcore genre I discovered, and they always have a special place in my heart, but also I love the heaviness to this song. It's kinda pushing Melodic Hardcore <3
Some Deathcore band called The Agonist. I don't know much about this band and im not entirely sure if I like much of it but what I do know is the vocalist is fucking stunning.

NOFX - The Malachi Crunch

Its amazing how close their live sound is to the recording quality of their tracks. They sound almost identical live to how they sound in the recording studio. Or whatever. Yeah. :grin:
Dash Berlin ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn- Better Half Of Me

:sad2: Every time I hear this on the radio in the car I always have to turn it up to the point I can feel the bass in the gas pedal :lew: The lyrics are so stunning/sad but I love them. I haven't seen the music video before but its actually really nice for a dance video...a bit sad though. I think I like this so much because of what it speaks about...how loving someone can change you.

Prayers for Rain - The Cure

To Wish Impossible Things - The Cure

I'm so glad I found someone on here who like The Cure too. The Cure is truly one of the most underrated bands out there. This song in particular is just a piece of art and can just relate wishing for impossible things. I would also recommend Just Like Heaven and Push.
Let it Snow - Twisted Sister

I LOVE Twisted Sister's Christmas album. Can't go wrong with something a little heavier at Christmas, especially with all those fucking diabolical pop covers floating about...and by "floating about" I mean "blaring in my ears constantly whenever I don't drown it out with music of my own"

This puts me in the mood. Now all I need is for it to actually snow...as nice as the storm last night was, I want snow. Mild winters are no fun at all.

Wooly - Breathe Carolina

I love how this duo can combine the heavy elements of post-hardcore with the elctro beats of techno and light dubstep to make one hell of a unique sound. I initially got hooked to them when they covered Miley Cyrus's song 'See You Again', but now I just love them. I'm so glad I picked up their latest album Hell Is What You Make It because they bring a fresh sound to the electronicore genre.
Last Christmas - Atomic Tom

One of my new favorite bands this year, and they did a cover of a Christmas song (like most bands are right now) :gasp: It's really great; Luke white's voice sounds great :ohoho: I've also been listening to Bayside's cover of "Angels We Have Heard On High," which happens to be one of my personal favorite Christmas songs from when I was younger :grin:
The Features - From Now On

I love this song. I can't stop listening to it. The whole time I was on the road, this was playing. The melody's up-beat and the lyrics are great. I'll look up this band to see what other songs they have. I really like their style. :ryan: