[V5] What are you currently listening to?

Of Opium and Roses(Feat Lucem Fero) - Tyrant Of Death

I guess this is Djent, but I don't really care about genre names. All I know is that this a great band that combine the elements of industrial metal, and death metal to fuse it together and it makes some very violent, awesome music. :ryan:
The Bewlay Brothers - David Bowie

I listened to this CD because I love love Changes and Life on Mars, and overall it's been a very pleasant experience. I'm going to have to check out the rest of his stuff now.

This song doesn't really make a huge impression on me, but I do like it. It has some fairly epic bits and is well produced.

Silverstar(Acoustic) - Eyeshine

Love this. Such a beautiful and relaxing sound to it.It brings everything I love about acoustic songs - soft guitar, and harmonizing vocals. The original version of the song is great, but this one is a bit better. then again, I love acoustic songs. :lew:

Under It and Over It - Five Finger Death Punch

This song is so great. Very violent, and very good. The verses are what I like best. I especially love this part of the second verse.

"Do I care if you hate me?
Do you want to know the truth?
Say love me, adios, good riddance, fuck you!"

So blunt, so fucking awesome. :ryan:
Alex Gaudino - Destination Unknown (Destination Calabria)

I used to love this song back in the day. Back way before I even met Steve. Totally forgot about it until I saw a similar song the other night and went 'OH I must listen to this song again. XD'

I'm not a fan of the really short skirts, but I'm a girl so obviously that won't appeal to me. >.<

Love the song regardless!

Freestylers -- Dont Stop the Rock

Old school. :ohshit:

This song and Planet Rock by Africa Bambaataa and the Soul Sonic Force kind of go together in a way. For whatever reason its interesting to me to see & hear where the roots of MC'ing came from & how it was connected to the massive break dance scene of the 1980's..etcetera..

Its interesting to note some gangs of the era were encouraged by their leaders not to fight. They would settle disputes and turf wars somewhat humanely via dance off battle -- some days. More enlightened and idealistic times than the current era possibly.

These days people would probably just not give a shit and start shooting people with an AK-47 or something considering we're much more animalistic and cold blooded than those of previous eras perhaps.

More civilized songs from a more civilized age? lol
Demolition - Patrick Wolf

Lycanthropy is growing on me more and more. And this song is just perfect after The Childcatcher's broken electronic sound. We go from this whole breakdown and static to simplistic piano with strings. It works perfectly.

Stop and Stare - OneRepublic

I've always liked OneRepublic. they really have a nice pop-rock sound to them, and really when they're good, they're good. This song is a bit more heavier than Apologize, but still good in its own right. The beginning is great, and really great lyrics. Not the most original, but definitely meets my standards. :ryan:
I am currently Listening to The Ingle Jingle - By The Killer Whale.

This song has a lot of meaning to me, I feel so close to home when I listen to it. Everything about it just screams my name. It's probably the best song of the year, hopefully it will make it to number one in the music charts.

Renegade - Daughtry

Its a nice tune to listen to while driving. Its got stuck in my head and now im listening to it regularly. :3
Half Alive - Secondhand Serenade

Gotta love SS for the fact that they can come out with songs that have the same theme, but in different forms. It's like me sometimes, where I could come out with different forms of sad poems. Ah indeed this band is great and this song is pretty good. Not their best, but it's still not half bad. :lew:
Steve Forte Rio- Slumber (Original Mix)

This is such a mellow, soothing song. The lyrics are so fitting and peaceful...and I love the effects/background of it. The best part of it is just when you think the song is going to stop or trail off it perks up and kicks it up notch :lew:

We Wish You A Merry Christmas - Eyeshine

They released their Christmas album today, and I must say it's pretty good. Such a different take on Christmas songs, but holy shit it's good. I love this one, just so full of energy, and Johnny's voice really shines. :ryan:
Sorrow - The National

The National are great, one of the best bands around in my opinion, four great albums in a row. This is quite a low key song, the guitars are good, but not so good that they draw your attention from the singer's baritone. The choiral bits and the piano near the end of the song are a nice touch too.

Just a heartbreaking song... I love how personal the song is. The lyrics are just really powerful and really really sad. I can't help but tear up a little inside when I hear the break in the song and it's just the slow peaceful yet heartbreaking guitar rift, and that freaking slow, steady, and simple drum line following it in the background just gets me every time. M Shadow's voice in the song is so heart-wrenching to listen to, you can really feel the pain in him when he says "so far away".

But the part that really gets me is when he says "and I need ya to-- need ya to know" it's just so freaking sad. :C

I can't even watch the damn video because how tear-jerking it is.
The whole thing is just so sad, especially since it's dedicated to the drummer of the band that died. :C

One of the most beautiful freaking songs I've ever heard in my life. And to anyone that disagrees, I just feel bad for 'em because they'll never understand the beauty in it.