Vaan too whimpy?

Is vaan really to whimpy?

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YES VAAN IS A WIMP!.... BUT... all of the sort of main characters have this one weakness, for eg...

Cloud... had a weakness in his memory, he had no confidence in his past or his future, always worrying about what will happen.

Squall... was a loner, didnt care about anything or anyone, untill he finds someone he does care about, then he spirals into a world of nothingness.

Zidane... a cocky little git, but after a while he realises he is no one, doesnt even belong on the planet as he's from another dimension.

Tidus... reminds me abit of Vaan in a sense that he starts of confident and slowly sinks into the back ground, untill he realises his importance.

THEY ALL HAVE THEIR WEAKNESSES BUT THIS IS WHY WE CAN BELIEVE IN THE CHARACTER, it would be dull if he was a strong kid, who had no weaknesses
Prime example of SE making a character with a crappy personality and crappy background story. Oringinal FFIII or FFIX anyone?
Prime example of SE making a character with a crappy personality and crappy background story. Oringinal FFIII or FFIX anyone?

Yeah i agree there on the FFIII. I found in FFIX that though some characters were weak I still grew more fond of them than I have so far with Vaan.

Does anyone else think that Vaan's vest is the cause of his upper body to look wimpy. I mean come on put a shirt on already. I'm running through snow with Vaan and he look like a damn volleyball player reject. WTF?
Yea he looks like hes almost anorexic. but basch and balthier dont look that big either. but i reckon he would look more manly if he put a shirt on.
Yea he looks like hes almost anorexic. but basch and balthier dont look that big either. but i reckon he would look more manly if he put a shirt on.

Lmao. I'm sorry, that made me laugh out loud. You're right though. Vaan would look so much better if he put a shirt on. Maybe I'd like him a little more then, despite his face being kinda screwed up. Hmm, but is he really whiny? Heh, I don't know anymore. I want to say yes because he's not really a favorite character of mine, but to be, I don't think he's whiny...anymore, lol. (Yes, I think I posted before and stated that he was whiny.) Anyway, I got to thinking and well, he's just like any regular teenagers. I didn't really see him whine in the game. So it's all cool now. ^_^

I'm sorry but Vaan is the biggest freaking wimp in all the FFs.

Basch gets betrayed and wrongfully imprisoned and you dont' see him complaining and whining ALL FREAKING GAME!! Fran gets out casted by her own race and she hardly ever talks about it.

Tidus is waaay more manly than vaan. At least he plays a very physical contact sport. Also he doesn't complain as much. Finally at least we KNOW he's not gay since he was in love with yuna and was kissing her. At no point do we know that Vaan has ever been in love or kissed a girl. It only insinuates that penelo and vaan might POSSIBLY be together (although you'd really have to look for it).

I hated vaan so much that the moment i could make a party without him in it i did.
i completly agree with look at the way talks and reacts you cant clearly see that he is a whimp. even for a 17 year old he is a whimp and being a orphan cant defend him. but he does get less whimpy later on the game
So Vaan is a wimp because

- of his chest
- he looks anorexic
- because he apparently looks like a wimp, he is one.

A persons personality makes them a wimp, not their looks. Deary me.

So Vaan cocked up a few times during the game. If he was such a wimp, why did he go on the journey? Wimps are cowards, always do stupid things.

Vaan does not. He is not emo, sure, he got a pissed at Basch when he still thought that he had killed Reks, but who could have blamed him? His brothers heart and soul had been shattered, and he eventually died.
So Vaan is a wimp because

- of his chest
- he looks anorexic
- because he apparently looks like a wimp, he is one.

A persons personality makes them a wimp, not their looks. Deary me.

So Vaan cocked up a few times during the game. If he was such a wimp, why did he go on the journey? Wimps are cowards, always do stupid things.

Vaan does not. He is not emo, sure, he got a pissed at Basch when he still thought that he had killed Reks, but who could have blamed him? His brothers heart and soul had been shattered, and he eventually died.

read my post i did say that he began to change later on in the game and personally i would prefer a whimpy main character atleast they are better than those who look cool but turn out to be whimps i dont like those decieving **cough** cloud **cough** lots it is also true that that vaan being a whimp and later changing is good as this character devolopment made the game better. i thought of vaans situation and character to be good (orphan young boy dreams of adventure and turns out to be a saviour of the world)
Since when did I say I was commenting on your post?
vaans the biggest whimp he looks like a whimp and is a whimp
What a compelling argument.

I'm sorry but Vaan is the biggest freaking wimp in all the FFs.

Basch gets betrayed and wrongfully imprisoned and you dont' see him complaining and whining ALL FREAKING GAME!!
I think Vaan deserved to express a little rage towards Basch, who he believed to be his brothers killer.

Fran gets out casted by her own race and she hardly ever talks about it.
Fran hardly talks. However, going with your statement, some people deal with emotion in their own solitude. I see Fran as one of them.

Tidus is waaay more manly than vaan. At least he plays a very physical contact sport. Also he doesn't complain as much. Finally at least we KNOW he's not gay since he was in love with yuna and was kissing her. At no point do we know that Vaan has ever been in love or kissed a girl. It only insinuates that penelo and vaan might POSSIBLY be together (although you'd really have to look for it).
Oh for goodness sake ...

Relating to the thread title: no, Vaan is not a "wimp." Have you even finished the game yet? He really shoes himself as a man when he runs for the Sun-Cryst with Ashe, when he takes the final blow to Vayne, when he flies the Strahl for the first time and manages to save everyone unscathed. He's lived on the streets since his parents died and looked after himself, Penelo and Kytes. He breaks into the Palace to "take back what's rightfully theirs."

Compared to someone, let's say Cloud, I'd say Vaan is very manly. Vaan is part of the party and wants to be. Cloud runs from his past, but unfortunately for him, his friends follow him.
vaans the biggest whimp he looks like a whimp and is a whimp

@The Best: have posted 13 times in this topic (including posts I have deleted of yours for spam). IF you post one more time in here, I will close this thread. Don't ruin it for everyone. We understand you think Vaan is whimpy. You have stated it in every single post so far basically. I'm tired of warning you and deleting your posts. Post your opinion, then leave it at that.

Last warning.
I don't think he's whimpy. I haven't played much of the game as of yet, but so far, no whimpy things going on so far.
I'm... 44 hours in, and I still don't see any signs of this guy being wimpy. I think this all roots to the comparisons made to Tidus, but that said, surely Vaan would look... masculine in comparison?

I fail to understand how people can see Vaan as a wimp. He works for his goals, and strives for targets. He's an adventurous kid... can't put a thing against his personality.
I couldn't agree more on this.

I didn't like him as one of the main characters for reasons I've stated elsewhere, but to call him a whining wimp... No.

I don't know if I could keep it all together as well he did if I lost my only brother, not to mention my parents well before their time and if that wasn't enough, he looses his home and freedoms to an invading army imposing what mounts to Marshall Law.

looks wimpy,whines alot and seems very feminine or hasnt been through puberty or somethinig, he completly misses the fact that Penelo is totally crazy for him! (thats what i know from how far i am...)

I think he is very brave and all that, in fact he might even rock a little...:P...i mean what 17 yr old goes into a palace whale a Consul guy is having a feast and theres loads of guards to steal somthing!

(how do you get into the RPG thing???)
I havent completed the game yet, but I dont see how people are seeing him as a wimp. So far his character has been caring and brave. Since when are they charactistics of being a wimp? I prefer him to Tidus, but in no way is he a wimp.
Well, I hate Vaan. He's an annoying dumbass. However, I use him anyway, because he has good stats. All the idiots have good stats on Final Fantasy. Kind of like how Tidus was one of my best characters and I hated him too.