Vaan too whimpy?

Is vaan really to whimpy?

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Vaans attack on bashe is the worlds lamest hissy fit. Then when basheturns round and says
"Dont blame me blame my evil identiacal twin who killed your brother"
what other guy would say yeah ,i believe you lets, be friends, therefore hes A. a gullable idiot and B a wimp
That is brilliant. This is how it goes.

Vaan: Hey, you killed!
Basche: Me, it was not.
Vaan: Oh, okay.

That's how I see it. ^_^
I didnt think is was that big of a wimp but i see were all you guys are coming from when you call him a wimp, If you dont use ur characters right then all ur characters are wimps in the long run
yeah i agree vaan is like a little girl i thought he was when i first started playing the game he does whine and moan all the time but he has a certain class to him aswell i think thats what square were going for this time a kind of whimpy main character it is like a break from all these cool sword wielding maniacs who like to kick ass all the time and it was a good change of plan but even tidus in FF X was sorta whimpy too and he got a bit too used to a sword straight away in the game but enough of my babbling yes he is whimpy ;)
Vaan was way too wimpy, too many times during the game I had to cringed during his idiotic rants and actions. What made it worse though was he had no point being there. Everybody elses characters would have made far superior leads.

What is Square's obbsession with casting the young in these games?
Squall 17, Zidane 16, Garnet, 16, Tidus 17, Vaan 17, Rikku bloody 15?!

Are late teens the answer to saving the world? I don't understand why Square believes the best characters are as young as possible while keeping some level of reasonablility.
But still, am I the only one who would prefer a 20-odd maybe even 40yr old protagonist with some maturity and character rather than a bunch of unrealistic whiny kids?
That is brilliant. This is how it goes.

Vaan: Hey, you killed!
Basche: Me, it was not.
Vaan: Oh, okay.

That's how I see it. ^_^

LOL yeah if only it were that easy to convince someone.

But I think Vaan saw gabranth speaking to Basche in the Dungeon, if my memory serves me correctly

vaan looked well like a homo,sisy,dork.

yeah i dont like his Shirt thing... its too small it was probably the in thing for street urchins at that time hehe
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Its not that he was wimpy but his character design (phisical) was poorly done. His body structure was horrible chest and stomach muscles, his hair looks like his bald and has a comb over etc... Tidus was cool in the sense that he was designed as that superstar player who grew into a warrior!! Squall and Cloud are uncomparable to any characters cuz they were the bad mama jamma of good guys along with Auron!! I think from FFXII the cool character was Balthier!!!!

Hell Yeah!!

oh, and Lady Ashe of course:P
He's neither a wimp, nor is he cool and mature, so that's not a very good poll...

Yeah, I kind of liked Vaan. He was a refreshing change from the moody, whiny cunts of some of the previous games (thinking of Squall and Tidus specifically). He was sort of the party's soul, which was nice. He was not their leader (that was clearly Ashe) but he kept them all going. I thought it was cool and refreshing that they (A) had a main character who wasn't the leader of the party, and (B) had a female lead who didn't need to be with a man.

Also, Vaan's hot. I always enjoyed watching him run. o.o
Vaan was a wimp, but at least he had more of a personality than the rest of the FFXII cast. As for Tidus... yeah... Vaan may be wimpy but he still pwns Tidus with his pinky.
Vaan isn't even the leading roll in the game. The entire game revolves around Balthier, Ashe, and Basch for the most's all politics...Characters like Vaan and Penelo have little to nothing to do with the game to begin with.

The story is merely told through Vaan's eyes...he's not the main character.

Not only was it very cliche with Basch having an evil twin but the fact that was enough to make Vaan believe him is hilarious. ^_^
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I know he wasn't really the main character, he was still better than Tidus... When I see Vaan, I see what Tidus should've been like in X, a nonessentail wimp rather than a self-absorbed (truthfully) talentless sports 'star' given a sword.
Where's your proof? People say things, then don't bother explaining themselves. That picture is pretty cruddy anyway. Vaan didn't exactly forgive Basch straightaway did he?
well as far as im concerned he's the least involved main character in the story that i've seen. the only significance he really has is that his brother was killed by
basch's brother gabranth
and he sees rossler (was that his name?) sometimes when ashe does and the game never really lets us know why (i think). he's so uninvolved that we have to debate about who the main character even is.

and as far as wimpiest thats just my opinion. it seemed he was like a little kid that got into the middle of something he didnt belong in and he acted exactly that way. what really pissed me off about him is the fact that he was hardly tied into the main story, square-enix could have done a much better job with him.
I don't like him his outfit his nose.
And he's pain in the ass!why can't we control Riks?!