
As far as Vaan goes I personally liked him, I do think that his personality could have been worked on a little more, and although people call him useless as I've said so many times before he's only useless if you make him useless. Trust me, I keep him in my main party and believe it or not he's come in handy and gotten me out of a lot of tough spots more then once, and Ashe is at a higher level then him. I think his brother being wrongly killed was motive enough for him, I'd want revenge too if someone went and killed my brother.

In all honesty he's got a good stand in the story somewhat, he's partial comic relief and he's there to help along the way, make the story move. Everything is connected, like in every final fantasy game before XII, just look at it for a moment, and not only is Vaan really going after revenge for just his brother but along the way you can tell he starts to really concern himself with saving his home as well as helping Ashe. So before you rule him out too quick because of how he lacked in personality somewhat, sit down and think, is he really as useless as I think he is?
I'm not overly keen on Vaan. His voice actor was absolutely diabolical, and there wasn't anything really special about him. I think that was the point; he was your average street rat (yes, I am deliberately likening him to Aladdin) who got caught up in something much bigger than himself. Once Balthier and Fran entered the scene, I stopped thinking of him as the main character, and he just disappeared, really. He was just the guy I ran around as when I was out of battle.
I really wish they had gone with their first instinct and made Basch the main character. Not counting XI, XII was the fifth in a row with a bratty, teenage lead character. Even if he had been spectacular, which he frankly wasn't, it still would have, and did, seem like a re-tread.

Don't get me wrong, I loved XII, but Vaan was perhaps the most "meh" main character in the series if you don't count the really early ones.
First thing I would change about Vaan would be his hair. I really like the more realistic and subtle take they decided to take on hair styles when they chose Akihiko Yoshida as character designer, but yet there it is, that stupid little gel or hairsprayed little hair style, with the stupid bangs. They should've just let Vaan have a tuft of hair on his head, I doubt he'd have money or time fixing his hair every morning. (Same goes for a lot of other FF characters. but oh well, I still love them.)

I loved Vaan otherwise. But I would've liked to see more interaction with other characters. I'm really spoiled when it comes to cutscenes with characters after FFX. But they all had so much potential! More Vaan fangirl (..fanboying) Balthier, I mean, the man is everything Vaan ever wanted to be, and I think that should've shown more than it did. And Penelo as well, I wanted more of their little bickerings and playing around, they're both so cute.

I don't consider him a main character at all. In my eyes, it was about Ashe and Basch. Balthier had his ties to the main plot as well, when it comes to the judges and Dr Cid. Fran gave to the story with her cunnings about mist. Vaan was the character that stumbled into the mess and put things in movement a little, but after his huge debut in the Rabanastre Palace, he doesn't really do much anymore. Penelo grows some ties with Larsa, but both Vaan's and Penelo's importance is very subtle when it comes to other parts of the plot.

There is no one in FFXII that I dislike though, I really loved this game, but it didn't live out it's whole potential when it came to the characters.
Vaan hmm, he's OK. Sometimes he can get annoying and whatnot but everyone gets like that sometimes :wacky: And like Irihi had said it's not weather or not you liked his personality or not he was apart of the game and he had a purpose which was to get revenge. I also try and make my character's equal and switch them out so everyone gets a chance so as far as his skills in battle he was just as equal as anyone else was. To me, it's all about your stragety and technique. As far as him being the main character not so sure but overall, I say he was OK :monster:
I think overall, he just.. lacked personality. -_-
His voice actor should've had more feeling and oomph.
Other than that, I thought his lines and persona were pretty BOSS.

I highly agree with this. He has some lines that makes him seem like he likes to be in charge. The parts where he would blurt something out about stealing and the others would be like "Oh god, be careful what you talk about kid!" were pretty funny. His voice takes getting used to and some of his characteristics seemed... unpolished but over all he wasn't nearly as bad in my opinion as some people think.
Vann was a terribly annoying character. Honestly I would have rather had to sit through another game with Tidus as my main. Speaking of Tidus, Vann, to me, was nothing more than a copy of Tidus. Which that being the case makes him worse imo.
About his personality: He doesn't have one. I could find a rock with more life in it. His voice actor was nearly as bad as Tidus' voice actor. Both of them just didn't seem to fit with the character or take the lines seriously. I mean, come on "I'm Basch for Rosenburg of Dal-MAS-ca" ....I seriously considered destroying my game. Honestly.
I'm really not so fond of Vaan. He needs a shirt and I don't really get his appeal. He's kinda feminine but I wouldn't say too feminine because all FF main male characters have that sort of thing goin on...
I like Vaan.

I'm a bit further into the game now, so I got a glimpse of his personality better. First off all, I think people going on about the graphics (need to get over themselves :wacky:).

But personality-wise, I really like him. I read somewhere that people stated his voice actor could've put a bit more effort in his vocals, but I actually think Vaan is juse a teenager wanting a lot, having many dreams but isn't completely sure which to chase.

I actually love his caring attitude towards Penelo. :D

He kinda stays behind with the group, and I think he has his heart at the right place. I'm really liking Vaan. ^^

In all honesty he's got a good stand in the story somewhat, he's partial comic relief and he's there to help along the way, make the story move. Everything is connected, like in every final fantasy game before XII, just look at it for a moment, and not only is Vaan really going after revenge for just his brother but along the way you can tell he starts to really concern himself with saving his home as well as helping Ashe. So before you rule him out too quick because of how he lacked in personality somewhat, sit down and think, is he really as useless as I think he is?

Amen to that!
I didn't mind Vaan at all. I actually liked how in his game, there was a focus on all of the characters. The only thing that I didn't like was his VA. I can deal with it, it's certainly not as annoying as, say, Tidus, but I wouldn't want to listen to his voice for longer than need be.

As for him being too feminine, I didn't see it. Sure, you've got his lack of a shirt and the hair, but his character didn't seem feminine to me. Maybe I'm missing something here.
Oh crap their talking about me O_O

I loved Vaan. He's not my fav FF character (That spot belongs to Terra Branford) but he is somewhere in my top 10. Sure he wasn't crucial to FF12's plot, but its not like he didn't do anything. And for anyone who said he had no reason to fight with the party, YES HE DID.

The reason Vaan stuck to me so much is because he's just a normal guy going through loss. I like to see how he's grown up and where his adventures have taken him (FF Revenant wings, FFTA2).
Hmm... I like Vaan, and it always annoyed me how much Vaan-hate there is around.
Sure, he was a little weak to be a leading male character - that role should have gone, in my opinion, to either Balthier or Basch.
But, I did like him. The only character in the game I didn't like was Penelo... urgh
I don't think he had enough personality to warrant hate, tbh. :hmmm:

I didn't like his character design, that's for sure. The hair reminded me of my 7th grade gym teacher and his clothing was silly. And those abs. :ffs:

I thought they could have done more with his personality (like most of the other main party members). He was kind of just...there. To me, it would have not have made much a difference had he not been there. Like I said, I didn't really hate him but he was kind of bland.
Honestly I don't even know why Vaan is considered the main character in FFXII. The main character role seems more fitting for Ashe
since majority of the story revolved around her and her kingdom.
I just think Vaan was just a character that wasn't thought out too well.
Lol Complaining about androgynous looks in FF. You might as well complain about, eek, random battles.

Ya know what I hate? Big swords. Damn that Auron adn his big sword. Damn that Cloud and his big sword. I hate them all with their big swords.

Oh wait...that's a common staple throughout most fantasy, especially Japanese fantasy.

I'm not through with 12 yet but I gott agree. Vaan is nothing like Tidus. Tidus is the most annoying piece of crap characters I've ever had the misfortune to meet. He has no common sense, no book smarts...he has no brain at all. I think Exdeath summed it up best. "In your head...IS THE VOID!"

Countless are the times Tidus made me want to punch him and myself at the same time.

Vaan on the other hand, is pretty relaxed and laid back. Calling him emo, unless eh drastically changes at some point, is just absurd.

Vaan is good because he has just enough personality. Tidus is what hapens when you have too much and Firion is what happens when you have too little. I don't want either and Vaan is better than both.

Motivation? His motivation is summed up in his scene with Ashe. Best scene between the protagonists yet as far as I'm concerned. (all the best scenes have been with the Empire though)

Finding a purpose in life is the primary goal of many protagonists. It was Zidane's goal for a while.

So from what I've seen,V aan is not like Tidus. Vaan is...normal. He's not great and he's not bad.

Oh and that whole "I'M CAPTAIN BASCH!" was not just Vaan being an abnoxious clown. it was him doing something vital to get in contact with an important person for help.

Unlike say...

Seymour *to Auron* We Guado are keen to the scent of the Farplane.
*Tidus sniffs Auron*

...*shoots Tidus than himself*

Oh and Vaan's voice is tolerable, if a bit bland sometimes. Fran's voice is the only voice that I hate.
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Vaan had potential. I thought it was cool at the begining when he stole the guards money. But soon into the game, he role diminishes to the point that he has no reason to be with the party. His character just felt like a very last minute addition because they a male lead.

And he acted more like a fifteen year old than a seventeen year old.

And I guess Vaan is the role we are supposed to play in this role playing game. But seriously... who wants to be the useless guy that everyone could do with out?
He was there initially because he had no choice. Later on, he stayed to figt the Empire. After that, he is simply traveling to find his place.

Baltheir is the one with pretty much no reason to follow them. Well for a good portion of the game.
It's easy to see the two "real" male leads, being Basch and Balthier. Vaan is only the "main" lead because he's a teenager, and Final Fantasy always appeals to that age group. The creators didn't think making a middle aged man the hero would go over very well.

Though, I must say, Balthier IS the leading man. There's no doubt about that. And Basch is simply a bad ass. I'm glad they included Vaan in the game, but man I wish Balthier or Basch had been given the leading role.
I don't see how Basch can be the main lead. The guy has had maybe four big scenes in teh entire game so far. (I just got passed Giruvegan)

-the initla bit with Reks
-the bit where you first find him (even then it has as much to do with Vaan as Vaan realizes Basch isn't a traitor)
-the bit with Vessler

And....that's it. Last time he was really important to the story so far.
He gets more scenes later. And Vaan may get most of the spotlight, but tell me everything you know about him other than he's a street rat and wants to be a sky pirate. Because that's as deep as his character goes. Basch has a lot more depth than that, what with the whole plot twist and his brother. He also gets more depth later on in the game. Balthier gets the most, though.