Vincent Valentine

I didn't find the boss hard at all. Well I was about half way through disc 2 with three to four star materia.
I didn't use the Guide 'til later on in the game, but I was able to unlock Vincent without it the first time. I think the game gives you enough hints and clues that you can play off it and figure it out for yourself.
I'm pretty sure I didn't use the guide my first playthrough but did on my second time through. I know that was the case for certain with Yuffie.
The next time I play through it, I'm not going to use the guide. I'll try and find Vincent by using the clues alone:)
I used GameFAQs (like i do with everything). I swear, that was the ugliest/dumbest boss in the game. Gave me a bit of trouble, too, but i managed to get Vince, and he was well worth it ^^
I never use guides until I have completed a game. It spoils the plot and fun of it.

Same here. I always buy guides with my games though because I like to collect them. However, I don't use them until I'm finished or unless I'm completely stuck. Like in the desert in BoF 3.

I was able to find Vincent without the guide by following the clues. I've played through the game so many times that I don't remember the first battle with lost number though.
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The code...

The code is in the mansion...I didn't use a guide ^_^
You have to follow the instructions of the letter that is in the front room to the left of the entrance...
I did it and its easy once you get critical thinking and your bearings
I didn't use a guide, though I wish I had. I spent a good 45 minutes acquiring the code, and then died 3 times trying to kill the boss...only to get, perhaps, the most useless character in FF history. In my subsequent games, I didn't even bother.
I didn't use a guide, though I wish I had. I spent a good 45 minutes acquiring the code, and then died 3 times trying to kill the boss...only to get, perhaps, the most useless character in FF history. In my subsequent games, I didn't even bother.

I didn't think he was useless! He had a good limit break, long ranged weapons and added a good story too the game. Well we are all intitled to our own opinions.
Vincents limits are great for the battle arena, since his limit gets replenished after and Chaos has a instant death move, and the breaking materia wont affect him. In all not a bad charactor more of an acquired taste
In fact, Vincent's story was so good, they even made his own game set after AC(I know that everyone already knows this, I'm just stating a fact). In my opinion it is fun, challanging and extermily under-rated.
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Yup, if you haven't got him, you dont know what you're missing out on. i know there are clues in the mansion but it's been a while since i played it so i cant remember...sorry
I haven't even got Vincent because I have never been up to that part yet. I only bought my own copy of the game last week and have been playing since a few days ago. I would love to get him in my party though because I think he is awesome. I am going to try and give it a go to try and get him but I was told it can be rather difficult. I probably will have to use some sort of guide though lol, or I'll ask a friend or something!
yeah, after searching all the big crates/boxes i could see

afterwards i had the wonderful time of beating the boss which was a pain in the neck and i can only beat him when he is red, on purple he is incredibly difficult
so you didn't have a very balnced party then or something?
The clues are in the mansion, just need to look around a bit.....and I did not have a problem with that boss..that wasn't that soon as got my reward had to see where it leads to :D

Vincent is good to have, I had Vincent on my party always.