Vincent Valentine

i managed to unlock good old vincent on my first time through, i saw the paper with the clue, i saw the safe, i thought i was gonna find some good materia (i did i got odin) but a hidden character was brill

i found it funny, i watched advent children with a friend who never got vincent or yuffie, he was like who the hell are they
Very nice job!!! isnt Vincent just awesome?

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yea he's my fav character, he looks good, good back story and good turmoil in his heart

and i like his name XD
I was just wondering if anyone unlocked Vincent without a guide or someone telling you because I don't think it's possible to guess the code!!!
Is there some clue that I missed out?

When I first played it, I actually had no idea that he was a hidden character. I just played around with the safe and talked to him about Sephiroth and continued on my merry way.
yeah, after searching all the big crates/boxes i could see

afterwards i had the wonderful time of beating the boss which was a pain in the neck and i can only beat him when he is red, on purple he is incredibly difficult
I beat him the other way.
I used a guide my first time but then I lost the guide and had to do it all cause I forgot the password. I actually did it too.
I got him first time playing. The trickiest part was the clue with the steps involved, like "Up 7, Left 9, Up 4, Right 6". I know that's not correct, but you will know what I'm referring to ;)
vincent seems to be a very popular character - i never got tht - i liked him as much as the others, but some people seem to like him way too much :D - but that's just me i s'pose - interesting tieing into the whole lucrecia story thing though, they could have expanded on that part of the game a lot more too - very mysterious!
I used a guide, but it's mainly because I just wanted him in my party and didn't want to waste time dicking around trying to figure out what to do on my own.

I did however like when the plot focused on him and Lucrecia in the cave, but other than that, I hardly spent any time figure out much about VV until DoC came out and I played that.

But yeah, I used a guide.
Does it count if my brother told me and then I forgot?
'Cause that's what happened with me. But when I got to that part of the game, I figured it out by myself <3 I gotta say, getting Vincent had to have been the most fun part of the entire game.
I don't know why. It's probably because you have to run around getting hints and stuff, then you have to beat Odin. So fun ^^

Not to sound like an ass, but you didn't fight Odin, you got his materia after fighting against the boss called "Lost Number" :)

lol Don't worry, you didn't sound like one. I haven't played this game for like 5 years so I'm bound to make a few mistakes in the story :worried:
Not to mention I have a terrible memory.
I knew ya had to fight something though lol
lol Don't worry, you didn't sound like one. I haven't played this game for like 5 years so I'm bound to make a few mistakes in the story :worried:
Not to mention I have a terrible memory.
I knew ya had to fight something though lol
Ah yeah, you're bound to forget a few details here and there :)

Anyway, back on topic! The boss is rather hard if your level isn't very high. I always get Vincent as soon as I have the chance. Thankfully, the mansion itself is pretty good for levelling up in at that stage of the game!
Ah yeah, you're bound to forget a few details here and there :)

Anyway, back on topic! The boss is rather hard if your level isn't very high. I always get Vincent as soon as I have the chance. Thankfully, the mansion itself is pretty good for levelling up in at that stage of the game!

Yea, that boss is really hard. That would always be the part I failed at lol:funnyface:
But I usually succeeded after a couple tries.
never used a guide for ff7 and i've never managed it, i'd love to ba able to have vv as a char though he'd be a main party member for me, hes just so cool (Y)
The very first time I played it I was 9, so of course I missed him. My uncle actually got him for me, then I just remember how to get him and kept beating the game.
I just followed what was written on the paper laft in the mansion,it took me hours to do so but in the end I did it and so I unlocked Vincent.
My sister helped me find the hidden numbers but I got to beat the boss,he was easy because my party was at a high level.
i completely missed him on my first paly through, b/c i was about 9 or 10 and didn't have a guide
on my next play through i was exploring alot more and i found the note and got the numbers,i found the 4ht number by complete accident.
the boss itself wasn't too hard because the time i spent running around that mansion looking for the combonation and given my charcters a good 3-5 lvls.
i missed him on my 2-3 time playing the game until i found out about "secret characters". When i started to get addicted to the game, i found that Vincent is probably one of the more important characters in the game.
I was just wondering if anyone unlocked Vincent without a guide or someone telling you because I don't think it's possible to guess the code!!!
Is there some clue that I missed out?

Yeah I unlocked him without a guide,
Thare are little clues all over the mansion the tell you the numbers, the last secret one was a doozey though, who would guessed it was invisible

I got on my first time playing the game, probably cause my brother played it and I watched him get him so I automatically new:|
I unlocked him using a guide, but it's possible to get him without it. Like Ume mentioned, there are litle hints here and there all throughout the mansion that help you figure out what the code is.

I didn't think that the boss Lost Number was that hard though. All of my characters were on a really high level, so that could've been why. And, I was using a guide =P