Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

Vincent Vs Cloud, who is stronger

  • Vincent

    Votes: 48 39.3%
  • Cloud

    Votes: 74 60.7%

  • Total voters
I choose Vincent for though cloud has defeated sephiroth 3 times, Vincent has saved:
1)The world
2)Thousands if not millions of harvested souls.
3)And to top that he sacrificed himself when he gained control over chaos after defeating Omega by flying himself into the path of the souls.

I truly believe that Cloud though he has the strength to wield a big sword he still would get his ass wooped by Vincent, for even if he didnt use his gun he still has his menacing metal claws/hand to make mince meat out of Cloud with his insane speed.
And Cloud did have some help to get to the top of Bahamut from everyone else in his group i.e. he was thrown higher by barett and tifa and yuffie etc. and got a helping hand from aeris' spirit. Plus i have to give it to him for haveing the skills to fight with swords whilst riding on the back of fenrir.

So i repeat Vincent in my opinion is the stonger of the two.
Sorry for the Could Fanboys. Realistically speaking(although it is just a game) Vincent is way more powerful than Cloud. Cloud can't teleport or fly and even though he is more powerful in the game, no duh, he is the main character.
Cloud cannot match Vincent in his Chaos form. However, we must admit that Vincent has been genetically modified. Nevertheless, Vincent is clearly the stronger one.
Sorry for the Could Fanboys. Realistically speaking(although it is just a game) Vincent is way more powerful than Cloud. Cloud can't teleport or fly and even though he is more powerful in the game, no duh, he is the main character.
Cloud cannot match Vincent in his Chaos form. However, we must admit that Vincent has been genetically modified. Nevertheless, Vincent is clearly the stronger one.

I'm pretty sure that Omnislash would tear the hell out of Vincent. I'm not gonna lie I feel that Vincent is pretty much worthless, I cant stand him. Sure he may be faster, however you let him work his little wings and satan looking face down towards Cloud, and hes dead meat.

well ill have to say vincent because who saved cloud in the movie who is awesomer who is called vincent and dosent spen all his money on gel

#1- Your little name theory is irrelevant to this thread.......;)
#2- WTF does hair gel have to do with anything when deciding who would win? Once again another thing irrelevant to the thread at hand.;)
#2- WTF does hair gel have to do with anything when deciding who would win? Once again another thing irrelevant to the thread at hand.

Hair gel totally has everything to do with it! Don't you know how long it takes cloud to spike that kinda hair. It's real expensive too.

I'm sure Omnislash would tear up Vincent if only Vincent couldn't teleport and slash Cloud's throat just like that.
LOL. Oh yeah I forgot, it would take awhile to spike his hair. I'm sure Vincent would win because of that(sarcasm).
#1- Your little name theory is irrelevant to this thread.......;)
#2- WTF does hair gel have to do with anything when deciding who would win? Once again another thing irrelevant to the thread at hand.;)

Well the gel bit i was going to edit but my computer went bizzaro
i was going to add vincent could just use his money that he DOSENT spend on GEL to get better WEAPONS
I'm sure Omnislash would tear up Vincent if only Vincent couldn't teleport and slash Cloud's throat just like that.

1) Vincent can't teleport, just move really fast.

2) In AC we watched Omnislash Version 5 happening in slow-motion. The Ultimania stated that the attack happens in an instant, in a blink of an eye.
I'm not sure if Vincent could dodge it.
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Cloud would beat Vincent anyday. Omnislash is just too unbelievably fast to not miss him. He'd be torn to shreds
I think Vincent.
Cloud is powerful and all yes, but Vincents got Chaos and no-one stands a chance against Chaos. :P

Vincent moves really quickly so I don't know if Cloud would find it hard to hit him and like it has been said why didn't Cloud kill Rosso?
im back to help the vincent fans

i actully think vincent would win becauseof speed strentgh he dosent really have feelings so he wouldnt feel guilty or remorse when killing and in chaos he is really a unstoppable death machine and he knows his own memories but not like cloud so all in all vincent could be powerfuller then seph all by himself if he tried and vincet if he had the determination and will power her could be twice as fast as omnislash as a normal self.
Cloud would beat Vincent anyday. Omnislash is just too unbelievably fast to not miss him. He'd be torn to shreds
But how would Cloud survive long enough to use Omnislash? It literally takes him several hours to charge up the spirit energy neccessary to use it, as shown by his duel against Sephiroth in Advent Children. Considering Chaos Vincent can move faster than the eye can follow, fire giant laser beams from his gun, and keep up with Omega Weiss (who, himself, is far superior to Cloud) in melee combat, I don't really think Cloud would be able to last that long at all. I give him a minute at the most, actually. Now, if we're talking about Base Vincent, then yes, I'd say that Cloud would rip Vincent apart even without Omnislash. However, Chaos Vincent simply...surpasses Cloud. It's that simple.

Even if he manages to get off an Omnislash, Cloud still doesn't move nearly as fast as Chaos Vincent when using it. Yeah, he moves pretty fast, but Chaos Vincent still moves much faster. He actually wouldn't have much trouble evading Cloud's Omnislash altogether, if you ask me, at least taking into consideration the raw speed and agility he displays during his battle against Omega Weiss. So, yeah, Chaos Vincent takes this, but without Chaos, Cloud has this in the bag.
Well Chaos Vincent is more powerful then Cloud for sure.But regular Vincent is probably powerful then Cloud too.I mean Vincent is faster then Cloud which means he can dodge an attack from Cloud in a snap and Vincent probably has more experience at fighting then Cloud.Which means his more powerful then Cloud.
I wouldn't say that's neccessarily true. I'm not sure how you could think Base Vincent is faster than Cloud, considering Cloud regularly deflects bullets over the course of Advent Children and, in-general, displays a tremendous amount of agility easily on-par with whatever Vincent shows during the movie. The only area Vincent might have Cloud beat in is acrobatics. He does pull off more intricate flips and stunts during the fight against Bahamut SIN, but I don't know how much good that would do him against Cloud, given the speed with which he (Cloud) attacks. He might be able to evade the first few attacks Cloud sends his way, but I honestly don't think Vincent would be able to keep up with him for that long. True, Vincent has more finesse, but Cloud has far more raw strength and speed at his disposal.

Besides, Vincent fights with a gun. Guns really haven't been shown to be very effective against Cloud, considering he can deflect bullets rather easily with his sword. If Vincent doesn't even have a decent way of damaging Cloud, I really don't see how he could emerge victorious. Yeah, he probably could hold his own in melee combat, but it's just not his speciality. Once Cloud closes the distance between the two (which he would probably be able to do without much difficulty given his history of dodging/deflecting bullets), it would simply be a matter of landing a solid hit on Vincent. That's pretty easy to do when you're as quick as Cloud is.

I'm not going to say that Base Vincent wouldn't be able to hold his own. He's certainly a very good fighter in his own right, as he demonstrates by taking out the Colored Tsviets. But the fact remains, Cloud has just shown himself to be stronger and faster than Vincent...without taking Chaos into account, of course. Chaos Vincent would rip Cloud to shreds in a matter of seconds.
Even if he manages to get off an Omnislash, Cloud still doesn't move nearly as fast as Chaos Vincent when using it.

Wrong. The Compilation Ultimania states that Omnislash Version 5 happens instantly, in a blink of an eye.
What you watched in the movie was in slow-motion.
Even if that were the case, Chaos Vincent still moves fast enough to dodge it. He, too, is capable of moving at such high velocities that he's invisible to the untrained eye. In fact, he's capable of maintaining such speeds for at least several seconds and maneuvering well enough to clash with Omega Weiss in melee combat during those couple seconds. Even if Omnislash were to happen in an insant, Chaos Vincent could evade it by virtue of the fact that he, too, can move at least that fast and still has a few seconds to prepare himself while the individual swords are surrounding him. Besides, Omnislash Version 5 doesn't strike me as the hardest attack to dodge. All you really have to do is move down or up a little bit and to the left/right, then watch as Cloud flies around between his swords like a moron. As soon as he finishes, Chaos Vincent would just pick him off with one of his lazahs or, hell, pretty much anything else.

Besides, the fact remains that Cloud has to fight for several hours before he can get off an Omnislash. I believe the Ultimania also states that his duel against Sephiroth lasted for quite a while, and Cloud was only able to use it at the very end, which also happened to be after Sephiroth had stabbed him in the shoulder and taunted him a bit. Chaos Vincent could annihilate Cloud before he even knew what hit him. He certainly wouldn't have enough time to charge up the required Spirit Energy. Hell, the only reason he lasted long enough against Sephiroth was because he let him, and CV seems to be on AC Seph's level, or at least close enough that it wouldn't make much of a difference should he ever fight Cloud.