Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

Vincent Vs Cloud, who is stronger

  • Vincent

    Votes: 48 39.3%
  • Cloud

    Votes: 74 60.7%

  • Total voters
what? where are you getting this logic from? you need to explain a bit more to me, especially if you're basing your opinion on crisis core series or dirge of cerberus. (I haven't seen them so I'm basing my opinion on what I've seen of Cloud and Vincent in FF7 and Advent Children)
yeah, he's pretty fast... faster than Cloud... and that's a big-ass laser beam that he's using..
okay, that match-up's a bit more even. The whole "hidden power within" thing about Vincent is cool, but I'm biased so Cloud would still beat him in my mind, maybe like when he beats Sephiroth in Advent Children.. he would say something like "Look behind you! It's Lucrecia!!" then OBLITERATE HIM WITH METEORAIN!!
Yes, it's most certainly true that, if they ever got into a fight in the storyline, Cloud would pretty much have to win because he's the primary protagonist of the Final Fantasy VII Compilation. However, this is a hypothetical situation, so again, Cloud's main character syndrome doesn't apply here. The fact remains, though, Cloud is the one with "hidden power within," when you think about it. His most devastating moves (Omnislash, Meteorain, Blade Beam) come into play later on in the fight, once he builds up enough emotion to use them. Vincent can use Chaos whenever he pleases, which is why he'll come out on top. If Cloud could use Omnislash or Meteorain at any given moment, then it'd be quite a bit closer, but he wouldn't be able to use either of them until a ways into the battle. I really don't think he could last that long against someone who moves faster than the eye can trace and fires hugeass lasers from his gun.

ok look vincent and cloud are both equal in the games so lets put an end to this big debate for now besides cloud is not afraid of hurting his friends as him and sephiroth were friends together and cloud was there to see hi go insane and vincent although he has a game based on him he would MAYBE harm a friend but i never know so please just leave it at that and sephiroth was a moron who was very powerful but he beleived jenova was his mother he was genetically breeded in a freezer with jenova cells so he is nuts:wacky:

Speed has nothing to do with it.

Have you seen advent children? Vincent cant even scratch Bahamut SHIN while Cloud destroys it in one hit - so what Vincent can fly - Cloud can jump really high - can weild a sword bigger than most small children and has killed Sephiroth 3 times.

And compared to that what has vincent done?

I rest my case (Again)
honestly i have to agree with Aerith cloud has done more in the games than vincent but it is not realy a easy desicion to make as they are in a way equal but they are also different as cloud is always destroying all the jenova "children" even though they are born in freezers (as you find out towards begining of the game) so if you think about it cloud is better but it realy isn't up to us to decide anyway all characters are equal EXCEPT the main character which in this DEBATE IS CLOUD who has an awesome bike which i want cuz it holds all his swords they all are amazing "do you think i could buy copies of them?" i know i couldn't but no harm in asking is there :lol:
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like I said, Cloud rules. And what's all this nonsense about "Vincent can use Chaos whenever he wants"? Since when? Last time I checked, Chaos was Vincent's final Limit Break. In the game FF7. Where he CAME FROM. And you build that up in exactly the same way as Cloud's. I don't think you can reason like that until maybe Cloud has his own solo endeavour like Vincent, in which case he'd be able to do a lot more.
People, you have to realize that Cloud has done what most FFVII characters have never done due to one simple reason: he IS the protagonist of the game and he hardly ever loses due to that reason. Vincent and the others are just extras on this story. In most games, the protagonist gets the best stats, even though sometimes this does not always happens.

Also, on Advent Children, Cloud jumped really high because he was helped by his friends, he didn't do it all by himself. Also I believe he used one of his Limit Attacks, I can't remember which now. Cloud was saved by Vincent in Advent Children, when Yazoo and Loz were pawning him, and they were pawning him two against one so Cloud is not almighty. Also Cloud has the best Limit in the game because he is the protagonist, much like Squall's Renzokuken + his other Limits, like "Lion Heart" that makes Ultimecia really easy to beat.

Secondly, Cloud did not beat Sephiroth all three times by himself, only in Advent Children and that was not 100% Sephiroth, it had imperfections and was not truly powered up because it lacked the other missing pieces: Loz and Yazoo, and also Sephiroth was toying with him meaning that he never took that battle seriously, thus becoming reckless and giving Cloud an opening to defeat him. When Cloud first defeated Sephiroth in FFVII he had help, the other characters fought alongside him so the battle serves as a proof that if it weren't for his friends, Cloud wouldn't survive a battle against 100% Sephiroth all by himself.

In terms of which character is stronger, I say neither or both, because they are strong in their own sides of the story. Look at Seifer Almassy, he pawned Squall in the beginning of FFVIII, was beaten alone by Squall when the SeeDs attempted to murder Edea, which places his battles even. Then he was beaten in Lunatic Pandora, but this time it was three against one. Why Squall beats Seifer? Simple, because if he didn't the game would end there, same as Cloud. Cloud beated Sephiroth because the battle and the game/movie would have ended there. Vincent would never fight a solo battle with Sephiroth because that's not how the storyline should go.

So the answer is: Both are equally strong. Vincent looks cooler but he needs to get something more besides his claw and his guns, Cloud has a super spikey hair with lots of hair gel for it, and a huge sword that he wouldn't normally lift if he weren't a failed experiment infused with J-Cells.
like I said, Cloud rules. And what's all this nonsense about "Vincent can use Chaos whenever he wants"? Since when? Last time I checked, Chaos was Vincent's final Limit Break. In the game FF7. Where he CAME FROM. And you build that up in exactly the same way as Cloud's. I don't think you can reason like that until maybe Cloud has his own solo endeavour like Vincent, in which case he'd be able to do a lot more.
That'd make sense, except, in Dirge of Cerberus, Vincent can and does activate Chaos at will, and at times when he hasn't been building up anger. When it comes to Vincent, the Limit Meter doesn't apply because, within the context of DoC, he proves that he can activate his own Limit Breaks whenever he pleases. However, Cloud has shown himself incapable of using Limit Breaks at any time other than during intense battles. The ones he used were Braver, Blade Beam, Climhazzard, and Omnislash, and all of them were used in the middle of intense battles. On the other hand, Vincent has used Chaos in cutscenes during which he wasn't even fighting.

There's really no way anyone can justify Cloud overpowering Vincent. No, they aren't equal. Vincent is stronger because he has access to Chaos. Everything Cloud can do, Vincent can do and then some. He has, while in his Chaos form, shown himself to be vastly superior to Cloud in terms of speed, strength, agility, durability, and the arsenal he has at his disposal. If you don't believe me, refer to the Chaos vs. Omega battle. How, exactly, is Cloud supposed to keep up with someone who can move and attack at such high velocities? The simple answer is that he can't. For as fast as Cloud is, he isn't anywhere near that quick.

Even assuming that Cloud does have time to mount a defense, he would still be destroyed by Chaos Vincent's vastly superior strength and arsenal. CV kept up with and eventually defeated Omega Weiss. Need I remind you that Weiss, in his Base Form, soundly defeated Rosso and Azul in their strongest forms? Omega Weiss is even stronger, yet Chaos Vincent still defeated him in a battle of physical strength. Cloud had trouble defeating Rosso on her own in her own Base Form. There's no way he could even hope to keep up with Omega Weiss even in melee combat, which also means that he'd have no chance against Chaos Vincent.

What you all fail to realize is that Vincent doesn't just move that fast, he fights at that speed, too. Vincent and Weiss are able to charge at each other at such velocities, yet they clash each time. That proves that the two of them are able to manipulate themselves with amazing precision, even while traveling faster than the eye can trace. In other words, Vincent can do much more than simply travel in a straight line. Cloud would quickly find himself overwhelmed and promptly defeated, considering he wouldn't even be able to see Vincent's attacks coming.

Furthermore, Vincent doesn't even have to take Cloud on in melee combat. Remember that superior speed of his? He [Vincent] can simply warp a large distance from Cloud and blast him from afar with that hugeass laser of his. Though he can deflect bullets without too much trouble, I somehow doubt Cloud would be able to keep up with a barrage of super lasers fired at him by someone who can move close to the speed of light.

To recap, there is absolutely no way Cloud could win this fight. Chaos Vincent is superior to him in all forms of combat, and has no apparent flaw that Cloud could easily exploit like he does against Sephiroth. Whether we're talking about melee combat, long-ranged combat, or all-out combat, Chaos Vincent would emerge victorious, probably without any visible effort. To say that Cloud would win or even bring the fight to a draw is nothing more than blatant fanboyism. Never in FF7, Advent Children, or DoC has he shown himself capable of keeping up with that kind of speed, strength, and agility. The only time he faced someone as strong as Chaos Vincent (probably VERY slightly stronger) was his duel with Sephiroth in AC, and he was overwhelmed very quickly. Hell, Sephiroth wasn't even trying and he still owned Cloud. The only reason he lost is because he was an arrogant ass. Something tells me Vincent- Mr. Low Self Esteem- wouldn't have that problem.
so basically, what you're saying is that Chaos Vincent vs. Cloud would be like the dbz characters VS my cat, completely pointless. See, thing is, I posted in this thread because it's called "Vincent VS Cloud".

doesn't say anything about spin-offs, which I don't touch with a ten-foot pole.
Believe me, I know what you're talking about. I hate the spinoffs, too. But the thing is, as insulting as it is to the original FF7, they're all part of FF7 Canon. Thereby, Chaos is canon as well, and part of Vincent's arsenal. I agree that DoC shouldn't exist, and sympathize with you. However, it does exist, so it has to be counted as a part of Vincent's abilities. Now, if we're talking FF7 Vincent vs. FF7 Cloud, THEN you'd have an argument.
This was a very hard choice for me because i think both characters have there strengths and drawbacks but in the end Vincent takes the cake Cloud just can't top that kind of speed and Vincent could just shoot him down from a distance.
I agree that DoC shouldn't exist, and sympathize with you. However, it does exist, so it has to be counted as a part of Vincent's abilities. Now, if we're talking FF7 Vincent vs. FF7 Cloud, THEN you'd have an argument.
Um.. in case you haven't realised, I WAS talking about FF7 Vincent VS Cloud, cuz I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW Chaos Vincent EXISTED.
If someone could clarify these things beforehand, I wouldn't be so confused lol
Oh yeah, Chaos Vincent would slay Cloud in a split-second. :D
Then we're all in agreement here.

When it comes to FF7 Vincent vs. FF7 Cloud, it would still be a close fight. I think it could go either way. Vincent still has access to Chaos in FF7, but he isn't nearly as powerful as he is in DoC because Chaos hadn't been awakened yet. What's more, we don't even know if he could activate it at will or if he, too, had to wait to build up enough emotional turmoil to transform into Gallian Beast, Death Gigas, Hellmasker, or Chaos. However, within the context of the original FF7, Cloud did have a stronger arsenal available to him when compared to FF7 Vincent, as well as more raw power at his disposal.

Though Vincent invariably wins it in a post-FF7 Battle (i.e. with Awakened Chaos at his disposal), Cloud could probably defeat Base Vincent without too much trouble. Without Awakened Chaos's incredible speed at his disposal, Vincent would probably have a pretty tough time avoiding an Omnislash or even a Meteorain. What's more, Cloud could probably last long enough against Base Vincent to get off such an attack.
Cloud Own VIncent
its that.
However , Vincent lost Chaos in the
end of DoC
end the author say in AC :
Cloud are above all others characters
( level )
You Would Think.......

I Don't understand why people would vote for cloud...He can turn Sephiroth in to a pile of Mako but thats only because Sephiroth Pushes him to that limit...Sometime you have to wonder if Sephiroth is trying to help cloud kill him:dry:... Anyway i still say Vincent could kick clouds but to the moon and back in no time flat :D With chaos at his side there really nothing Vincent can't do ^_^,But with out chaos i can see cloud winning in no time LMAO >_<
I would have to say Vincent, im pretty sure that if he interfered he could have taken down Yazoo, Loz and Kadaj himself, judging by how he destroyed omega.
Also he did save Cloud's ass, Cloud couldn't take on all three SHM on his own, Vincent had to bail him out, and he had the three all shook up while he was at it ^^

Actually I thought Vincent did really well against Bahamut SIN, he might have taken it down if the battle had lasted longer.
I think it all depends on what environment they are in. In all ways i'm gonna go for Cloud, but still it's gotta depend on the circumstances. If its from FFVII, then Cloud will thrash all, omnislash is amazing and could even hammer blow Lionheart. If we are going AC, then it's a whole different matter. It doesn't revolve around what moves you use and what not, it goes by skill. Cloud is stronger than Vincent and will eventually get the final hit with that huge sword of his.

Anyway, being a little less serious, Cloud and Vincent both pwn all and with Red, they make up a legendary team. FFVII FTW!
If I had to chose I would have to say Cloud because I grew up knowing him the most, but now when I know all the characters I would still say Cloud, but don't get me wrong Vincent is also a favourite character of mine but Cloud will always be my no.1 favourite FFVII character.