Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

Vincent Vs Cloud, who is stronger

  • Vincent

    Votes: 48 39.3%
  • Cloud

    Votes: 74 60.7%

  • Total voters
Actually, Vex, Chaos is pretty much an instant win for Vincent. You have to understand that Chaos Vincent is incredibly broken. The guy moves at DBZ-esque speeds and fires off huge blasts of energy from his gun. As strong as Cloud is, there's just no way he can keep up. While they're both definitely two of the stronger characters in the FFVII universe, Chaos Vincent outclasses pretty much everyone except for Sephiroth himself. I think that Cloud definitely has the upperhand over Base Vincent, but once Chaos comes out, the fight has already been decided.
I think Cloud would win, he could survive enough to start up the ol' Omnislash, once that's started, Vincent is history. Although, saying that, yeah, Cloud would probably BLEED to death after that, lol
Actually, Chaos Vincent could reduce Cloud to a pile of Mako-enhanced ashes before he even knew what hit him. Omnislash is one incredibly powerful technique, to be sure, but it won't do Cloud much good if he's slaughtered within five seconds.
Haha, touché I just think Cloud would pull of some amasing feat he IS the main character after all, If he dies, he can just load =P
Haha, touché I just think Cloud would pull of some amasing feat he IS the main character after all, If he dies, he can just load =P
Yeah, it's true that Cloud does have Main Character Syndrome, so he can't die in battle with Vincent. However, plot protection also helped him out against Sephiroth, but I think we all know that Sephiroth>>>>>>>>>Cloud. Regardless of how a canon battle would turn out, the fact remains that Chaos Vincent is quite literally many times as powerful as Cloud is. Still, there's really no shame in that. CV is, after all, the second strongest entity in the FF7 universe.

Cloud he totally owned in AC though Vincent does look like a badass. Cloud will own him
Chaos Vincent can travel faster than the eye can travel and maneuver himself with expert precision despite his incredible speed. He can fly, fire enormous laser blasts from his gun, lift and throw objects many times his size, and is capable of defeating someone who totally obliterated Rosso and Azul in their strongest forms. Cloud is one tough cookie, but against someone like Chaos Vincent, he just doesn't have a chance in hell. Against Base Vincent? Yeah, Cloud would curbstomp him. Chaos Vincent? There's just no competition.
Personally I would say both for the same reasons that were previously stated above. Vincent does has Chaos (though he can't fully control it), has great speed and accuracy, but sucks in close range attacks so his strategy would be trying to keep a long distance between himself and Cloud.

On the other hand, Cloud is the almighty of FFVII seeing that nothing can stop him, not even a god-like character like Sephiroth or a damn steroid (Meteor spell). Cloud's true strength lies in close range battles, if an opponent is capable of eluding his HUGE sword, then he is in trouble. Also the weight of his sword (though it's not a significant factor since he has Lifestream Steroids XD) might slow him down, but again he is Cloud...meh...
@Barnezy91: I don't seem to remember Vincent being described as "frail" at any given moment in any part of the FFVII Compilation. Besides, even if he was, Dirge of Cirberus changed that by having him compete on the level of the Tsviets. Keep in mind here that Cloud isn't that much stronger than Rosso.

@Rydia: Agreed. But Kain beats them all.

Personally I would say both for the same reasons that were previously stated above. Vincent does has Chaos (though he can't fully control it), has great speed and accuracy, but sucks in close range attacks so his strategy would be trying to keep a long distance between himself and Cloud.
Actually, Vincent is more than capable of controling Chaos by the end of DoC thanks to the Protomateria. What's more, while using Chaos, he's able to compete with and eventually defeat Omega Weiss, whose weapons of choice were dual katanas (i.e. he specializes in close combat). If he can defeat Omega Weiss (who far outshines Cloud), he wouldn't have any trouble completely overwhelming Cloud. Besides, I really don't see how Cloud could counter an attack that he can't even see coming. His reflexes are impressive, but not that impressive. Chaos Vincent is in the realm of "exaggerated Shounen strength/speed."

On the other hand, Cloud is the almighty of FFVII seeing that nothing can stop him, not even a god-like character like Sephiroth or a damn steroid (Meteor spell). Cloud's true strength lies in close range battles, if an opponent is capable of eluding his HUGE sword, then he is in trouble. Also the weight of his sword (though it's not a significant factor since he has Lifestream Steroids XD) might slow him down, but again he is Cloud...meh...
Again, Cloud is definitely a real powerhouse and an amazing fighter in his own right, but he's not the almighty of FFVII. That would be Sephiroth, as confirmed by the creators of the universe itself. Cloud only legitimately beat Sephiroth with the help of seven other considerably skilled fighters, each equipped with Materia. If Sephy would stop being an arrogant little bishounen and take his fights seriously, he'd be able to curbstomp Cloud in a matter of seconds. When it comes to Meteor, the joint efforts of Crisis AVALANCHE indirectly caused its destruction. If not for the Lifestream that came up and destroyed it, Cloud would've been helpless.

However, you are correct in saying that the weight of the Buster Sword/First Tsurugi wouldn't effect Cloud in the slightest. In Advent Children, he's seen swinging his oversized blade much faster than a normal human could swing a normal sword. Even so, Chaos Vincent is just godly. Even assuming they do take part in close combat, CV's raw power would allow him to come out on top every time without that much effort on his part.
Um...they're all very valid points. You gotta consider the fact that Cloud nearly defeated himself by shrivelling up partway through FF7, and needed the help of others to come out of his...unusual coma-style thing...

Vincent was in a similar position, you could say. Though he didn't put himself there.

Overall, in a fight, if SE directed it, Cloud would win, unless it wasn't a real fight, in which case Vincent would win, spouting nonsense about how Cloud needs to get stronger, or stop doubting himself. Some rubbish like that anyway.

Directed by a neutral person, it would easily start by going in Cloud's favour, switch to going in Vincent's favour, but ultimately, due to main character syndrome, which still affects them even under the influence of new directors, Cloud's Omnislash would somehow manage to win.

Personally, I think Vincent is the better character and fighter. But SE clearly disagrees...
Actually, Vincent Crescent, even though Cloud pretty much has to survive any fight he gets into due to main character syndrome, there's no guarentee that it'll mean he's actually stronger than the person he's fighting. For example, look at the Bahamut SIN battle from Advent Children. Though Cloud dealt the finishing blow, it ultimately took all of Crisis AVALANCHE to take the thing down. Hell, what about the WEAPONS in FFVII itself? There's no way Cloud could've taken down Ultima Weapon by himself. However, through the combined effort of his party, they eventually managed to beat it. In no way does this mean that Cloud>Ultima least not going solo.

The best example of this is definitely the Sephiroth battle in AC. Anyone who: a) Is not a fanboy and b) Has an IQ exceeding 65 knows that Sephiroth is vastly superior to Cloud. Yet Cloud still beat him because Sephiroth is an arrogant douchebag who can't learn from past mistakes. Although he surpassed Cloud in virtually every aspect of combat and, under ordinarily circumstances, would have curbstomped him, Sephiroth still lost because he has a weakness that Cloud can exploit every single time the two of them fight. Who's to say that a significant personality flaw wouldn't hurt Vincent's chances of winning? Maybe he wouldn't be willing to go all-out against Cloud or would be hesitant to use Chaos against a friend.

That aside, you really shouldn't take main character syndrome into account when it comes to Versus Topics. That sort of thing isn't supposed to apply here. What we should be analyzing is the skill and overall capabilities of the two fighters involved, not which character the director would favor. Such variables should be ignored in this sort of situation because we're not factoring in the personalities of the director. We're just looking at the two characters in an objective light in order to draw a reasonably logical conclusion.

In simpler terms...Vincent are winnar! Woo!
I would probably say Vincent. Really Cloud isn't all that powerful in terms of raw power it's his fighting skills and friends that are his strength. Where it comes down to individual power though I'd say Vince's limitbreaks (such as Chaos) would win it for him.
I think I sorta messed up what I was saying.

Basically, I have no idea what power Cloud's Omnislash is supposed to have. I mean, in the game, it wasn't that strong (pretty strong, but not overwhelming), much like how Vincent's limit breaks were pretty strong, but not overwhelming. Thus, it would be a pretty decent fight, but Vincent would win based on the original game.

If you take into account the spin-off's, it could go either way. Omnislash was like...instant kill on Sephiroth. Clearly, that has to be pretty amazing. Then you take into account Vincent's Chaos form, and it sort of goes a bit confusing. Would Omnislash instant-kill or would Chaos form rule supreme?

Honestly, I have no idea. SE would do it terribly, and personally, I'd want Vincent to win just because I prefered his character to Cloud's, not for any outstanding reason.

(I can't say too much on DoC, I haven't played it properly)
Ordinarily, Omnislash would definitely serve as a useful ace in the hole for Cloud. However, you have to remember that he needs to be fighting a significant amount of time before using it. He has to build up incredible amounts of sheer rage, in other words, which is probably why he only used it against Sephiroth in Advent Children. It isn't an attack he can pull out at the beginning of the battle to end things quickly. Cloud has always been a crutch fighter who has a habit of pulling ahead at the end of a fight. It's only natural that he have a technique that he can use as a last resort. But that's just it. Cloud can pretty much ONLY use the Omnislash at the very end of the fight.

Meanwhile, Vincent can activate Chaos at any given moment. And once Chaos is out, I can pretty much guarentee that Cloud wouldn't last more than a few seconds (assuming he fights seriously, of course). Chaos moves too fast for Cloud to see, let alone mount a defense against, and is obviously strong enough to hold his own against the likes of Weiss in close-combat. CV wouldn't give Cloud any time to build up the rage neccessary to perform Omnislash because he would just end the fight in a matter of seconds. Even assuming Cloud's "Limit Bar" (used proverbially to represent his emotions) fills up particularly fast, he still just wouldn't have enough time to build up an Omnislash.

I mean, depsite Cloud's incredible reflexes, even he couldn't stop an attack that he can't see coming. Vincent could simply warp past him and slaughter him before he can mount a defense, or even warp behind him and tear him to shreds with one of those energy blasts of his. Though Square-Enix probably would handle it terribly, that's irrelevent here. Cloud's main character syndrome really shouldn't come into play in a versus topic.
Has everyone forgotten that Vincent killed Omegaweapon yet? I mean he nailed a being more powerful (or just as powerful) than Sephiroth. I would think it would be a close fight at first but a combination of clouds lack of special abilities (other than Omnislash) would probably mean that Vincents limitbreaks would be rather effective. Afterall Vincent can limitbreak at almost any time whilst Cloud seems to have to take his time alot more.

As for the Gun vs Sword argument, in FF swords are many times better as most of the characters as fast enough to block bullets with them.

What will save Cloud at first will be his exceptional sword skills but it wont last for long when Chaos coems out to play.
even if Vincent WAS going to turn into chaos, Cloud would freeze him with cross-slash then OBLITERATE HIM WITH METEORAIN!!! MWAAAHAAHAhahh..