Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

Vincent Vs Cloud, who is stronger

  • Vincent

    Votes: 48 39.3%
  • Cloud

    Votes: 74 60.7%

  • Total voters
That's kind of an unfair question. Youre pitting a Long range weapon against a Close range weapon. they both have their pros and cons but... Giving the fact that Swords in FFVII can block bullets, and people with Jenova cells can matrix dodge those bullets... Cloud wins.

And you cant bring in the whole Vincent saved Cloud in AC. Remember Cloud at that moment was a wreak emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Chaos vs Cloud... is a bit more even. But Chaos is the right hand of a WEAPON. Cloud can beat WEAPONS right? So Cloud Wins ^_^

But i still love Vincent! Honestly i think its mostly a tie if you take away all their weapons and Jenova and demons and Chaos.

It would be more fun to ask.. Turk Vincent vs SOLDIER Cloud! :lol:
Definitely Cloud. I'd post some reason for it, but they've all been posted here already :P

Even if Vincent is WAY cooler than Cloud...
I think Cloud is more powerful. He pwned Sephiroth with just one attack using Omnislash. If he could beat Sephiroth, he could sure as hell beat Vincent.
Vincent is definately the coolest of the two because he is just so awesome, but in a fight cloud would probably win by miles.
Chaos vs Cloud... is a bit more even. But Chaos is the right hand of a WEAPON. Cloud can beat WEAPONS right? So Cloud Wins ^_^
Wrong. Cloud and the rest of the party can beat WEAPONs. That's six incredibly strong warriors (each armed with Materia) backing him up, one of which is Vincent himself. On his own, Cloud never once beats a WEAPON. The WEAPONs all outclass Cloud in pretty much every conceivable way. If he tried to go up against any one of them on his own, I can pretty much guarentee that he'd last about five minutes at the most before being blasted to the ninth dimension by their raw firepower alone. Impressive as Cloud is, he's just no match for a WEAPON on his own. The game makes this very clear.

I think Cloud is more powerful. He pwned Sephiroth with just one attack using Omnislash. If he could beat Sephiroth, he could sure as hell beat Vincent.
Actually, it's been stated many times that Sephiroth was just toying with Cloud in their fight during Advent Children. There were several times during that duel in which Sephy could've destroyed Cloud, yet he chose to continue playing around, instead. Hell, he had Cloud pinned to the ground at one point, but, instead of targetting a vital organ, Sephiroth decided to stab him in the chest just to draw out the fight. Furthermore, he didn't use any of his abilities other than swordsmanship or flight. If he were taking Cloud seriously, he could've just ripped him apart with his telekinesis.

As I've said many times before, though, Cloud can overcome Base Vincent, given that he has shown the ability to dodge and/or deflect bullets, which are essentially Vincent's only method of attacking. Cloud has shown feats of strength, speed, and durability that far surpass anything Base Vincent has done. Even if Vincent were to change into Gallian Beast, I think that Cloud would still have the upperhand. So, under most circumstances, you're correct in saying that Cloud would probably emerge victorious. It would be close, seeing as how Vincent is no pushover and is pretty strong in his own right, but I think that Cloud would come out on top in this case.

However, if you were to put Cloud against Chaos Vincent, he would get curbstomped. There's really no feasible argument that can be used to support Cloud in this case. Chaos Vincent is leagues above him in basically every aspect of combat. Whether you put them at close-range or there's a significant distance between them, Chaos Vincent is, without exaggeration, always going to be able to crush Cloud with minimal effort on his own part. To deny that is, I'm sorry to say, nothing more than blatant fanboyism.

To recap, Chaos Vincent has moved at what are essentially Dragonball Z-level speeds. If you watch the Chaos vs. Omega fight, you'll see them colliding faster than the eye can trace at the end of their duel. Even in terms of brute strength, Chaos Vincent comes out on top. Shortly before the end, CV goes toe-to-toe with Omega Weiss in close combat. Omega Weiss is, himself, far above Cloud. Again, I ask what can Cloud do when faced with an opponent who he can't even see coming and who, even if he could see him coming, would simply overwhelm him in a matter of seconds? Omnislash is fairly useless if he doesn't even get a chance to use it.
Cloud beats vincent i think
not out right as vincent is powerful

but in the end i think cloud would just overpower vincent with good overdrives, a huge fat off sword and the speed to use it he gets alot of credit.
If vincent changed to chaos it would take longer but i still think cloud would win, he is the hero after all.
You can't really use "He's the hero" as an argument in a Vs. Topic, though, vivi16. Bias on the director's part should never be a factor. I agree that, if Cloud and Vincent ever fought in the storyline, Cloud would at least have to survive or win by a technicality because the FFVII Compilation is primarily about him. However, if he does win against Chaos Vincent, it will either be because he's being aided by the rest of the party or because Chaos Vincent is going easy on him like Sephiroth did. In a straight, 1-on-1 battle without any outside influences, Chaos Vincent can and will defeat Cloud anytime.

I just don't really know what you guys could possibly be basing this on other than bias. Cloud has never once shown himself capable of keeping up with someone on Chaos Vincent's tier, whereas Chaos Vincent took out Omega Weiss, who is, himself, many leagues above Cloud. Yes, Cloud is strong, but Chaos Vincent is approaching god tier. He's someone who could very well compete with the likes of Sephiroth, who was stated to be the most powerful entity in the FFVII Universe. Really, all Cloud has going for him is his incredible physical strength, durability, and reflexes. While he certainly has a great deal of these things, Chaos Vincent just has more.
I really like you post 'The_Oathkeeper'

Vincent would win because...

1-He cannot die. He is undead.
2-He has four demons at his disposal.
3-He has a claw and shoots two guns.
4-He has pointy shoes with which he can kick Cloud's skinny ass.
5-Who does Marlene run to for protection? Vincent! Children have this instinct you see, so he's stronger.

Don't mess with a rabid fangirl...
Why, thank you, clean_queen. It's a pleasure knowing that my work is appreciated around here. :)

Well, technically, Vincent can die, it's just very tough to kill him. It's not so much that he's undead, you see, just that he's...shall we say "heavily modified"? Basically, when they say that Vincent is immortal, they just mean that he can't die of old age. He'll never get older and will never lose that dead sexy Alucard-esque look of his. :D any case, yes, Vincent simply doesn't age. He can still be killed if he sustains a fatal injury, succumbs to pain, etc. He's just immune to aging and disease, and also has a stronger body than a normal human. Otherwise, something tells me that Vincent would've been labeled as the strongest fighter in the Final Fantasy VII universe rather than Sephiroth, considering he'd be...y'know...impossible to kill. kind of depends in which game.
In the actual FFVII, Cloud is definately stronger
But then In FFVII: DOC
, its Vincent...
So I'll just say BOTH!
i believe that this would be a very close Fight as both are strong and can unleash a whole bunch of ass kickery but it would be decided by the limit breaks of the two and however much i love Omnislash Chaos is just better. so i vote for Vincent
ok im sorry...if anyone doesnt think cloud is more powerful then vincent (nobodies talkin about whos cooler) then maybe u should just play FF7 again! Every character can be very powerful if u aim them to be..just equip Ultima Weapon and use Omnislash and Championship Belt and brawl out....then again whoever summons knights of round first wins i guess, still CLOUD man come on!
(nobodies talkin about whos cooler)

:dry::dry: Are you suggesting that Cloud is cooler?

As to who'd win, as much as I dont like it , everything would suggest that that is Cloud. He killed Bahamut, he killed Sephiroth, he is the main character of the series so...
ok im sorry...if anyone doesnt think cloud is more powerful then vincent (nobodies talkin about whos cooler) then maybe u should just play FF7 again! Every character can be very powerful if u aim them to be..just equip Ultima Weapon and use Omnislash and Championship Belt and brawl out....then again whoever summons knights of round first wins i guess, still CLOUD man come on!


using game mechanics to support your argument makes for a very fruitless one, since we could just say that Vincent could fly around the atb battle system and turn Cloud into swiss cheese, regardless of transformation into Chaos.

There's really nothing to debate in this topic. Cloud is nowhere near as fast as Vincent is when he's in his Chaos form. That being said, it's like comparing Krillin to Goku. Krillin doesn't even register on the radar.

to support these claims, I present to you:

Cloud pales in comparison to the shitty DBZ mimmickry. :neomon:
Speed has nothing to do with it.

Have you seen advent children? Vincent cant even scratch Bahamut SHIN while Cloud destroys it in one hit - so what Vincent can fly - Cloud can jump really high - can weild a sword bigger than most small children and has killed Sephiroth 3 times.

And compared to that what has vincent done?

I rest my case (Again)
