Dirge of Cerberus Vinny's Girl

Vinny's Girl?

  • Yuffie

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • Lucrecia (even though she's dead)

    Votes: 32 50.0%
  • Shelke

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Shalua

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nobody

    Votes: 11 17.2%

  • Total voters
Sep 17, 2006
discussed on so many other forums, with yuffie being the favourite. so, who do you think should be vinny's girl?
i'm going for yuffie, i'm a big fan of the yuffentine theory!
Vincent doesn't fit with anybody. He loved Lucretia, noone else.
i never relly considered the possibility, but tifa is in love with cloud...
so i still think yuffie!
It would be nice if people explained why they chose who they did. I chose Nobody, because even though he loved Lucretia, he can't exactly be with her.
Yuffie would be a good option, but still, there is Lucrecia :O, he still loves her, and I guess, he would never be with anyone anymore ;3
Vincent should be Yuffie girl but to bad that Vincent is with Shelke
...I picked Lucrecia.

Simply because now that I've played DoC, and seeing that she never rejected him, she actually saved him. Of course, I go with romances that are a deep connection, not just looks. Yeah. I'm a deep dork.
well id like to say cloudintine.... but thats never gona happen, cause sephiroth and cloud are ment to be together >.< So id have to choose yuffie. In DoC, it seemed like there was a serious amount of bonding that had been going on between those two...
Well...I went with Lucrecia because, yes, Vincent did love her very much and you can tell in the game that he did and I'm sure even though she is dead that he still loves her.

And in the game it never stated openly that Vincent and Shelke have a thing. At least I never heard anything like that and by the end of the game my face was glued to the screen so it would have been practically impossible for me to miss anything.

But...anyways...if Vincent would be with anyone I think it would be Tifa, that is, if her and Cloud never got together and he stayed stuck on Aeris. Vincent and Yuffie just doesn't sound right to me...it never really did...
I'd say that Vincent's girl has to be Lucrecia but Vincent may end up with Shelke for Lucrecia is alive in Shelke. Some people also believe that Lucrexia isn't dead but just incased in the Mako...Like Sephiroth. The game never points out that she's truly dead...some evidence suggest that she lost her mind/ went insane because she regretted making too many mistakes in her life and her sane self became part of the lifestream. Besides, she still alive in Final Fantasy VII and I believe her and Vincent can't truly die by normal means.

Vincent wouldn't end up with Yuffie...Infact, evidence supports that he finds her annoying. The is a sceen in Reminence of Final Fantasy VII where Vincent is speaking to Cloud via cell phone telling him about a message that Yuffie game him and wanted Cloud to pass a message to Yuffie: "The is MY phone and she has no right to call it!"

I doubt Vincent Would end up with Shalua...he never gets that close with her and she dies.
I vote for the only lady, Lucrecia. She's one hell of a beauty but too bad that she died and so Vincent couldn't even give her a kiss, not even for once. Oh well...

I would never go for Yuffie. I don't really think they will suit each other one. And I know one another thing that she's not one of Vincent's type. The only lady he loved was Lucrecia and we won't forget about that.
i'll pick Lucrecia,she's the right girl for him.
coz he loves her and this counts more than anything.
I'm a Lucrecia fan, plus Vincent loves her;) ........But she is alive...in FF7 cave scene she said that like Sephy she can't die too easly.:cry2:
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