What Are You Currently Eating/Drinking?

A cup of tea and some toast.


A perfect meal anytime of the day, the toast is nice a golden and the tea is hot as can be, i'm hoping that it will make me feel good ready for bed.
im drinking a MONSTER BFC, and plan on another one right after, and i'm eating nothing. i'm gonna have a stomach ache that could kill an elephant, but MONSTER calms my heart when it's heavy, so i dont care.
Cranberry and Raspberry juice ^^

My mouth is totally dry, so I needed this drink so much. It's lovely juice, really sweet ^^

Um, 10/10?
A strong cup of coffee

You know Im tired when I get the coffee out. I hate having to drink it because it always makes me feel abit iffy >_>


I think I better grab some toast aswel but I well cba making any......alas, if only I was rich and hada butler, and a chef Id be all set
Swiss chocolate cake from Becky's Kitchen. The most delicious cake ever.

Not really sure on this rating food out of a 10 thing, but uh....

Mt Dew 24 oz. = 10/10

Left over chicken noodle soup = 6/10
Something my mum made: 2/10

It was supposed to be Tablet, again, but she's done something differently and it ended up being toffee. Having a jaw problem + trying to eat toffee does not end well and so my jaw is in agony. -__-
Butter Chicken with rice and an Orange Juice
Makes a mighty fine dinner, filling as well
Cuppa Tea and Toast(lightly buttered)


A perfect late night snack for the restless soul that cannot sleep. I hoping that it will set me up for sleep, but hope is mearly a flickering light and then end of a very long tunnel for me tonight.
A double scotch (Grant's Neat)


A fine whiskey, it goes down a treat, leaves next to no after taste, also it's a killer because it goes down well, the next thing you know your stumbling around like a mentalist, a bottle of this and i'll be a happy man.
Water "Evian" that comes from France. It's fine, clean and soft mountain water.


And yes, I do drink A LOT of water :P
Lasagna with sauce and so much cheese mmmmmmm and am drinking fruit punch mmmmmm 10 out of 10.