What Are You Currently Listening To? V3

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New York, New York, New York - Tellison
I've had several Tellison songs going round and round my head for days now (mostly Hannover Start Clapping). Tbh, I'm quite reminded of The Automatic vocally, but the keyboards give it a much different sound. Probably their second best song of the few that I have.
Into the Night Life - Cyndi Lauper
It's fairly catchy but the song in general is quite shite, the beat it alright the lyrics are alright but generally, as a combination it's awful. :wacky:
Poison - Alice Cooper
I'd say it's his best song, really catchy. And also one of the best songs from the 80's (I'm pretty sure that's when it was release, but correct me if I'm wrong). The guitar in the chorus is particularly good.
song Once In a Lifetime
artist Keith Urban
album Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy Thing

rating 8/10

opinion It's a cute song, I won't lie, and the lyrics are touching, but I can't say it's one of Keith's best songs. Although the chorus is pretty catchy and epic. :3
He's A Pirate - DJ Tiesto
Yeah, I know, modern dance/rave. But Tiesto is actually one of the few artists I can stand. Or probably the only one. It's got a decent beat to it, which is more than can be said for almost every dance song these days. Wish I had the 12 minute version though.
song Natalie Marie and 1CC
artist The Spill Canvas
album One Fell Swoop

rating 10/10
opinion By far my favorite song by the group out of their three albums. The lyrics are just so... twisted yet romantic at the same time while the beat and music of the song makes me want to listen to it over and over again.
Manhattan - Kings of Leon

Currently my bumming song. :cassy:
I can't actually fault it for anything, the rhythm/beat/tune is unbelievable and I love it and the lyrics are definitely some of the best that I've heard this year. =]
Poison - Alice Cooper
I'd say it's his best song, really catchy. And also one of the best songs from the 80's (I'm pretty sure that's when it was release, but correct me if I'm wrong). The guitar in the chorus is particularly good.
1988 to be exact. It's one of his more poppy songs, you should try 'Love's a loaded gun'.

Back In the USSR
Great lyrics, it gets 10 just for 'come and keep your comrade warm'. It's a great song from my favourite beatles album. It's a classic.
Highway Star - Deep Purple
My favorite Deep Purple song at the moment, great guitar work and vocals, quite an epic song really :monster:
Atlas - Battles
A bit of an acquired taste, I suppose. It's pretty hard to describe what they're like, sort of a mi of drum 'n' bass with trance. They call it math core (or math rock, I can't remember the difference). Atlas is by far their best anyway. It makes you want to get high...
Okay guys I decided there was a need to remake this thread as posts were becoming noncontributory to the thread. Posts such as "Song Title - Artist 10/10" ARE NOT acceptable, and shall be deleted, you must give a REASON for why you rate a song.

I'll start us off.

Still - Foo Fighters 10/10

Still is a really pretty song by a great band. Its the first song off the acoustic disc of In Your Honor, and it makes for a great opener to a great set of music. I rated it 10/10 because of all the songs on the acoustic disc, it's the song I listen to the most. It's a very calming song to listen to and I quite enjoy it ^_^

Desperate times desperate measures- Underoath 10/10

this is their new song of their new album if anyone doesn't know. This song is great because as underoath does best they know how to put their faith in2 the music without it being boring and it describes life for me atm.
The Shock Of The Lightning - Oasis
The moment I heard this track, I knew I was going to like it, and several weeks later I still do. It's just classic Oasis. I'd say it's on par with the majority of the stuff on (What's The Story) Morning Glory.
The Great Eastern - The Delgados

My favourite album of the decade so far - no exaggeration. A Scottish band who sadly split up a few years back, this is a brilliant album, with gorgeous male and female harmonies, excellent production from Dave Fridmann and a real orchestral feel to it all. One of the few albums I'd rate as near perfect (I'm not sure any album is 100% perfect).
One Step At a Time - Jordin Sparks 8/10

Well, it's definitely an improvement over No Air. The melody was catchy, and the use of harps in the background was really innovative. The lyrics were meaningfull, and beats No Air, which was a very annoying song, BTW. Also, I love the sound of her shoes, that was so creative!
The Seeker - The Who

One of my favorite Who songs, great vocals on this track, Roger Daltrey is probably one of my favorite vocalists.

Love Is Noise - The Verve
I haven't heard anything else from Forth yet, and I'm not sure if I want to. This is a good song, but I have low expectations for the rest of the album. Anyway, this is a pretty catchy song. Nothing like their best, but it's still decent.
Smack my bitch up - The prodigy
I've been listening to nothing but dance music all weekend, whilst it's not that good dancing. It does have an epic video and it's a pretty decent song.
Leader of the pack - The Shangri-Las


I love this song! It's just so catchy, and they sound great. It's one of those timeless songs ;D
Life is Beautiful - Sixx:A.M.


I have yet to listen to this band's whole album, since I have to get it from a friend, but so far they sound pretty cool. I like how the beginning of this song starts out with a slow guitar riff and then goes into the heavy stuff. Lyrics are good as well.
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