What are you currently reading?

Stoneheart by Charlie Fletcher, So far its a decent book, Very Interesting Characters, and a very different Story-line. :nudge:
Well considering i have English this semester, i have to read 2 books and then compare them At the moment, i just started reading Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I so much prefer the movie, considering the book is boring in the first 100 pages so far. I'm also going to read Eragon for the comparison. Also reading King Lear atm as well. Its pretty interesting. Probably its so far my 2nd favourite play from shakespeare. First being Romeo and Juliet.
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote.
It's an interesting read about a quadruple murder that happened back in the 50s. It's quite evenly balanced, if biased towards the killers. It focuses on the pyschological aspect of the crime. The fact that the murders wouldn't have occured if they both weren't there, each gave the other what was needed to commit the murders that otherwise they wouldn't have been able to commit. The end of the novel is unsatisfying as the motive was pathetic.
Harry Potter y la cámara secreta.

My Spanish has improved to the point where I can pretty much read this without a dictionary or the English version, and it's really quite enjoyable. And also rereading this series is something I haven't done in years. It's proving to be hella fun.
Breaking Dawn

Actually realy enjoying it, I wasnt sure what Id think tbh, but it's going down well so far, expecially liekd th e touch with Jacobs PoV. The first part of the book had me in afew wtf moments though xD

Dunnow what Im gunna read after this... theres a book on my bedside table called snobs that my mum gave me, no tsure I liek the look of it

Just finished reading 'In my sisters shoes' it was a really funny book and I think all women need to read it. Its basically some woman whos trying to make it in tv in London, finally getrs her own show, only to have to go back to ireland to look after her sistyers twins cuz she has cancer, it was really good
Finished reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman after over a month of reading it.. it was pretty awful. The story was okay and all, but it was really badly written. I'm going to watch the film though to see if it's any better, because like I said, it's an okay story but the author could have done a lot better with it. Nothing to be taken too seriously though, just a fairy tale for adults really. >_>

Read Animal Farm too, very interesting and cleverly written. I especially liked the final line of it - 'The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and man to pig, and pig to man again, but already it was impossible to say which was which.' - I thought it summed the story up perfectly.

I'm currently reading Little Women, though I'm not far enough to really have an opinion of it yet. I decided to read this one because I really like stories which were written in the 19th century, though all of the prim and properness of the ladies bugs me. <_<
Breaking Dawn

Actually realy enjoying it, I wasnt sure what Id think tbh, but it's going down well so far, expecially liekd th e touch with Jacobs PoV. The first part of the book had me in afew wtf moments though xD

Hey that was the last book I read. I didn't really like it, I thought the storyline was dreadful and I really don't like how it ends. Obviously I won't spoil it for you, but let me know what you think when you're done!
At the mo I'm reading 'Dreamcatcher' by Stephen Kinfg for the second time- I love to get stuck into a bog horror book! Not one my fave Stephen King books though, nothing can top 'It.'
Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban

Actually, I'm about to embark on it, but I've read the English version fuck knows how many times. I've always said this and the second are my least favorites of the series, but I actually really liked reading the second a *lot* more than I thought I would, so I've got hopes for this.

Promethea by Alan Moore

I'm on the fifth issue, and am really enjoying it. It's just...cool.
Well, what I'm currently reading is for school, so it's nothing thrilling but it's interesting enough.

I'm reading a translation of Dante's Inferno, which is part of his larger work The Divine Comedy. It's interesting, but a little odd at times, but then what do you expect when it's a book about a dude traveling through Hell. o_O

And I'm just about to finish reading Aristotle's Nicodemian Ethics.
This one is boring beyond belief, as smart as Aristotle was, and as interesting as his conclusions were, I'd still rather burn it than read it. He just drones on and on and on... >_<
Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo.
Initially inspired to read it by the film, though I knew the book was a lot darker than the watered down Disney adaptation. <_<
It can sometimes be quite difficult to follow as it uses a lot of old terms as it was written in the 19th century and set in the 15th, and there's a lot of Latin phrases in it too. But apart from that it's a very interesting book in many ways, although I haven't really got into the story yet.
Dusk- Kenneth Oppel

its good so far, and i hope this is a really good book. just got to the 4th chapter mark.
In a Glass Darkly by Sheridan Le Fanu

A nice collection of Gothic horror/mystery short stories. It's a bit strange, but compelling all the same. My better half bought it for an English class at uni last semester. I found it on the bookshelf and decided to give it a go.
Currently reading:nothing.

Just finished reading:Harry Potter 7.

Next book I'll read:probably Twilight.
I just finished The Glass Menagerie and too me they play was quite good. Its just a nice memory play and is a very sgort book. I really liked all the narrations in the beggining of each chapter. Its an ok book but to some readers it gets really boring.
Currently reading The Devil Wears Prada. It's very sarcastic and witty, and it makes for a super piece of light reading. I like to read 20 pages or so before I go to sleep every night, and it's working perfectly for what I want it for. It's better than the movie too, and I thought the movie was fantastic.
The Lords of the North by Bernard Cornwell

The 3rd book in his Saxon Stories series. I don't think this is nearly as good as the 2 previous books in the series, but it's still an interesting read. Started reading it a couple of days ago and I'm already nearly done.
what i am reading at the moment

erm im reading the new moon the second books in the twilight collection lol but i am bout to read another book called the host i just got it like 2 days ago
Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
The book is about the sole survivor of a cult.
I kind of see the novel as having three parts. The first is when he one of the survivors, and he works as a sort of butler. He has his own suicide help line and he tells people to kill themselves, he also meets his caseworker and he pretends to have almost every mental disorder that's in her book.
When he becomes the only surviving member of the cult he becomes a guru/messiah, although there is nothing spiritual about him, he's the commercialisation of religion, he sells the book of very common prayer, which has prayers to delay orgasm and the prayer to silence car alarms. Everything about him is false and created to make money.
The third part is how he breaks away from his previous existences.
I started reading The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan while on holiday. It takes more concentration than I was able to give it at the time so I put it aside but intend to resume reading it this week.

Over the weekend I read Kayang and Me by Kim Scott and Hazel Brown which is a family history of the Wilomin Noongar people of Western Australia.

I tend to read a lot of non fiction but am trying to make the effort to read more fiction.
The last book I read was "The Road" by Cormac Mccarthy which was awesome.
I'm re-reading Obsessed by Ted Dekker right now.
Then I'm going to read the "Pendragon" series.
Hopefully it's as good as the Percy Jackson series is.