What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I'm reading "Gardens of the Moon", by Steven Erikson. First of ten in his Malazan Book of the Fallen series, coming off of Eddings its rather dull in dialogue, but quite interesting and absorbing enough to keep me reading. I'm still getting adjusted to his style, I suppose.
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I am currently reading a John Lennon Biography. It's intresting as always, but maybe I should be looking for other people to read about (3rd John Lennon/Beatles book this week)
Currently Reading: 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. A good book so far, though with about a million places so far it could have ended at, I'm curious to see how it DOES end. It goes through many generations, and quite a period of time.

Just Finished Reading: As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. Loved the book. Lots of wonderful points on religion and just other points in general. Other people hate it...which makes me like it more.

Intend to Read: Well, I have a line of books left to read, and to be quite honest I can't remember any at the moment. Other depressing books and a Warhammer book, to be sure.
At the moment, I'm reading Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. It's a story about a bunch of writers, and each one of them tells/writes a short story which is also in the book. A good read so far.
Currently I'm reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows over again. I read those books like the Bible. Along with that I am also reading a book that has a small collection of poems by Robert Frost in it.
Psychogeography by Will Self.
It's the only book that I've needed a dictionary in order to read. It's part autobiographical as well as being about psychogeography, which is about how geography and in particular, journeys effect the mind. Basically it's about Will Self's thoughts about walking to New York and other places he has walked to.
Deadhouse Gates, by Steven Erikson.

Longer and infinitely more confusing than Gardens of the Moon...I'm struggling with this one. There are lengthly sections with a duo who aren't even remotely interesting, and its a slog getting through those bits to get back to the new characters I find interesting and the old ones I'm comfortably familiar with. Still, I'm only about 300 pages in...not even halfway. Things will hopefully clear up soon. I'm probably just not in the mood for reading at the moment...
Brave new world by Huxley.

Heard many good things about it, which made me very curious. Hopefully I'm not dissapointed.
Oh my God I loved that book. Maybe because I was a socially-starved 12 year old, but I LOVED THAT BOOK.

Anyway, required reading for school right now is To Kill A Mockingbird, which is decent. The "coming-of-age" junk was pretty boring, but since the trial started, it has gotten much more interesting. I don't think it will top Of Mice and Men as being my favorite "required reading" book though.

I'm trying to get around to reading 'Salems Lot by Stephen King, but I simply don't have the time, and it's starting off kind of slow. I started reading this because I wanted vampires that are unrelated to a certain series that shall not be named, but they JUST showed up. And people in the book still think that it's just some trouble-making kids.
I started reading The Raging Quiet by Sheryl Jordan. It's good so far. It's about a girl named Marnie who becomes a young widow and befriends a young deaf man who everyone presumes to be a posessed idiot.

It's really quite good. <3
'Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World' by Haruki Murakami. Unlike other Murakami books it was quite hard to get into, but after 150 pages I keep on reading like any other of his works. Probably not one of my favorite books of him, but good nontheless.
I am currently reading Sarah Palin's Autobiography.. I'm not really a fan of her but I am a Republican. Shes part of the future of the party and I gotta know what is in store for us.
Got up to the fifth chapter (Blood Type) in Twilight today.

I was a bit slack this last week in reading the book, but I got through three chapters in the last day.

Some things so far aren't exactly what happened in the movie, but it's pretty darn close, even the script.

I wish I had my passion for reading like I used to. I would have definitley got through it in a week. >.<
I wish I had my passion for reading like I used to. I would have definitley got through it in a week. >.<

I guess your head needs a little reading stop sometimes. I have peroids of weeks (or even months) that I don't even touch a book and after that I read 2-3 books in a week.

At the moment I'm reading 'Diary' by Chuck Palahniuk. It is written in dairy style, so it is a quite different read the a ordinary novel. Interesting story though, a lot of weird stuff is going on.
I am currently reading "House of Chains", by Steven Erikson. Part 4 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen.

Eh...I'm only about a third of the way through the book at the moment, and this series takes a little while to make sense and become truly engrossing. Memories of Ice was absolutely fantastic, one of the best books I've ever read, so I have high expectations for this book and the rest of the series.
After years of saying that I'm going to read it, I've finally started on The Hobbit. I'm only onto the third chapter so far, so I don't have much of an opinion on it yet but it's interesting to see how much Tolkien's style changed between this and Lord of the Rings.
Currently reading The Twilight Saga (Just starting Eclipse) loving it

Last book i read was The Bone Collector (Way better than the movie and that's saying something)

i plan on reading The Devil Wears Prada, as ive heard the books amazing
Star Wars: Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn

It's been a while since I've read a novel for the sake of leisure instead of as a requirement for a class, so this makes me happy. This specific story takes place after Episode I but before Episode II, but it also has ties with a Star Wars novel trilogy that I had previously read and is also by Timothy Zahn that takes place several years after Episode VI.

Its so far a great book, the character Meggie still irks me severly, I don't like her she is a cry baby, and crys about the weirdest things >.> Funke writes beautifully as usually though. The setting is great, her description gets better with every page truly one of our times greatest.
I'm rereading one of my favorites, 'The Virgin Suicides' by Jeffrey Eugenides.

Although the title of the book already gives away what's going to happen (and else the first chapter does), it is a really interesting read, with interesting characters wsho are quite mysterious/weird and hard to figure out.